Overview of 10 types of best metal doors: how to choose what to buy

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Metal doors are used to equip the apartments, houses. Such products have high strength, wear resistance, are not susceptible to moisture and good heat hold.

When choosing a model, pay attention to security and operational reliability.


  • How to choose a metal door
  • The best metal door with a thermal break
  • The best metal door with a thick cloth
  • The best steel produced in Belarus
  • Best metal soundproof door
  • Best apartment metal door
  • The best metal door with MDF finish
  • The best metal door to a private home
  • The best steel for industrial premises
  • Best-wing steel
  • The best metal door with an internal opening
  • Which is better to buy a metal door

How to choose a metal door

How to choose
  • Base metal door is made of aluminum or steel. Steel structures are more durable, provide high-quality sound and heat insulation.

Aluminum sheets easy, so easy to install. This material can provide a variety of finishes.

  • Notice the way the doors open. Better to choose designs that are opened and the left and right side. Exterior or interior doors to choose - depends on taste preferences.
  • Take into account the technical characteristics of the model, because it is kept under mechanical and thermal effects. So that the product retains its shape longer, choose a powder-coated finish or oak panels.
  • The level of noise and heat insulation - important criteria. As a rule, metal door insulated using mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, corrugated cardboard.
How to choose

For internal filling product is best suited mineral wool is eco material with high thermal insulation properties. Other materials are cheaper, but they can quickly begin to fall.

  • The door should have a reliable system of protection against unauthorized penetration. The metal structures that are used for domestic purposes, built castles in grades 1-4 burglary.

By type of locks are divided into lever with high secrecy and cylinder, which can be re-encoded in case of keys loss. As a rule, modern models are equipped with two locks.

  • Pay attention to the quality of fittings. It includes door hinges, handles, chains, eyes, and other decorating elements. Aesthetics and beauty of these pieces of evidence and the reliability of accessories.
important parameters

Important parameters:

  • Note the door hinges. Do not buy products that are equipped with less than three loops. Consider the design angle of opening: 90, 120, 180 degrees. The higher the score, the better.
  • It is better if the model will be made of tselnognutye profile.
  • When choosing a door check the thickness of the door leaf. The minimum rate - 40 mm, but the design will not be protected.

The thicker the fabric, the more reliable protection and higher thermal insulation characteristics. In conditions of severe winters and permanent frost will be advantageous in thickness 80-90 mm.

  • Pay attention to the thickness of the sheet, the optimal rate - 2.3 mm. Do not purchase products with a thickness less than 0.5 mm steel such design subject to occurrence of dents, have low service life.

Thickness of the door duct must be twice to withstand the fastening fittings.

important parameters
  • The most vulnerable places of the door leaf must be sealed ribs. This improves the performance of the product, reduces the risk of deformation.
  • Note whether the product is equipped with bronenakladkami is a mandatory component of the kit.
  • Choose a model with ball hinges and antisrezy, which are mounted on the hinge side.
  • Sealed design provides a bypass seal that protects against external odors, drafts and keeps heat well.
  • Diameter locking crossbars must be at least 16-18 mm.
secondary options
    • Design and decoration of the door depends on your preferences. A popular option finishing - plastic panels, which are different wear resistance and impact resistance.

Secondary parameters:

Using polymer coloring structure acquires a new color and protective characteristics. lacquer painting - type of coating with a high level of stability. Wood trim - the most environmentally friendly and efficient way of decor.

  • When choosing a color guide for its taste, but keep in mind that dark fabric will last longer maintain marketability.
  • It is desirable that all parts fittings were made by the same manufacturer.
  • The presence of manganese plate warn drilling door.

The best metal door with a thermal break

North - the best metal door with a thermal break

NORTH is used in a harsh winters, heat resistant up to -39 degrees, vulnerabilities reliably sealed circuits. The thickness of the fabric - 80 mm. The design of reliable, as is equipped with 10 locking points.

Model weight average - 100 kg. Stylish design and beautiful appearance provides a polymer powder coating model. The door is mounted simply, easy to maintain, durable and long-lasting if properly exploited.

Characteristics North doors


  • weight - 100 kg;
  • size - 860 to 2050 (960 to 2050) mm;
  • 2 the sealing contour;
  • 10 locking points;
  • web thickness - 80 mm;
  • polymer-powder coating.
Pros doors North


  • design does not freeze, no ice;
  • safe protection system against penetration;
  • multi-layer insulation system;
  • functionality;
  • thermal stability;
  • wear resistance and durability;
  • average weight transportability;
  • quality fittings, reliable fastening;
  • easy installation and maintenance of the door.


  • high price.

The best metal door with a thick cloth

Metal Trio - the best metal door with a thick cloth

cloth trio Metal, Insulated with mineral wool, thickness - 80 mm. Model sealed three circuits in places that wear out quickly. Hinges on bearings provide door opening to 180 degrees, the eye is responsible for a broad overview.

Included with the structure 2 are lock and night latch. For interior trim uses waterproof coating PVC color bleached oak. The product with reliable protection against burglary, high thermal and sound insulation.

Characteristics of Metal Trio


  • web thickness - 80 mm;
  • dimensions - 2050 at 880 (980) mm;
  • filled with mineral wool web;
  • three sealing contour;
  • MDF panel finish;
  • Door with a special powder coating;
  • Fittings (2 locks, night latch, hinges, peephole, handle).
Pros Trio Metal


  • resistance to mechanical damage and weathering;
  • high insulating characteristic;
  • easy assembly, reliable accessories;
  • stylish and high-quality internal and external finish.


  • weighty and bulky items.

The best steel produced in Belarus

Veldoors Chocolate - the best metal doors produced in Belarus

Design Veldoors Chocolate It is available in two sizes. The door opens from both sides. Beautiful design and high-quality finish with PVC. Ease of geometric shapes and dark chocolate color design elegance and give special charm.

Characteristics Veldoors Chocolate


  • size - 860 to 2060 (960 to 2050) mm;
  • 2 the sealing contour;
  • filler - mineral wool ISOVER;
  • coating - structured MDF panel;
  • Fittings (2 hinge bearings, the lock 2, a night bolt, the anti-pins).
Pros Veldoors Chocolate


  • the possibility of opening on the right and left side;
  • environmentally friendly insulation;
  • external and internal MDF furnish;
  • seal vulnerable portions of the metal sheet;
  • main castle protected bronenakladkami;
  • stylish design;
  • quality headset.
Cons Veldoors Chocolate


  • complexity of care;
  • dust accumulation.

Best metal soundproof door

LEGANZA FORTE - the best metal soundproof doors

Design LEGANZA FORTE perfectly combines aesthetic appearance and high quality: sound insulation, insulation. Adjustable hinge prevent sagging of the door leaf. The product with reliable protection against burglary, an external finishing powder coating.


  • modular arrangement;
  • web thickness - 60 mm;
  • 5 stiffeners;
  • double porch;
  • weight - 85-115 kg;
  • the maximum aperture size - 1020 to 2300 mm;
  • hardware (hinges, locks).


  • corrosion protection;
  • locks with recoding;
  • Built-in protection against the most popular methods of hacking;
  • high sound and heat insulation;
  • equipment adjustable hinges that prevent sagging cloth;
  • convenient and practical design.


  • the large door;
  • low portability.

Best apartment metal door

Akron 1 - the best apartment metal door

Design Akron 1 reliable, durable, strong. The doors are made of metal sheet 65 mm thick, provides good insulation. The vulnerabilities are sealed with special contours.

Protection provides hardware: hinges, locks, the anti pins. The door has a main locking Guardian 10.11 burglary with the second class.

The filler is used mineral wool material is environmentally friendly, safe for health.

Characteristics Akron 1


  • web thickness - 65 mm;
  • filler - mineral wool;
  • 2 sealing loop;
  • reinforcing the web in unsafe locations;
  • accessories (locks, the anti-pins, loops).
Pros Akron 1


  • burglar;
  • dense fabric provides excellent sound insulation;
  • reliable fastening fittings;
  • strength and durability;
  • durability, subject to the rules of operation;
  • high sound insulation.


  • hard transported.

The best metal door with MDF finish

Profdver-MD10 - the best metal doors with MDF finish

Design Profdver-MD10 weighty and large size, suitable for processing input and the front door of the apartment. Through integrated stiffeners elastic metal sheet acquires reliability and durability.

The door is equipped with a reliable system of protection, there are upper and lower locks, peephole. Noise and heat insulation model at the highest level, this design will bring into the house of comfort and convenience. MDF trim is used to create a natural effect.

Characteristics Profdver-MD10


  • size - 200 80 cm;
  • weight - 70 kg;
  • 2 pyramidal ribs;
  • MDF finish;
  • amplification profile pipe;
  • shumoteploizolyatsiya door of the vestibule;
  • accessories (two locks, eye).
Pros Profdver-MD10


  • design is protected against unauthorized intrusion;
  • quality insulation model;
  • high sound insulation;
  • ribs provide durability and reliability of the construction;
  • MDF finish closer to the model of the natural look.


  • weighty structure.

The best metal door to a private home

Armagh Standard-1 - the best metal doors for private homes

Wear resistant Arma-1 Standard dense structure with two circuits seal. Used for the manufacture of doors bent metal profile with reinforcing ribs. Product contains a cylinder and lever locks, eye, hardware items chrome color.

Protection against burglary provide the anti pins. Metal door painted with powder, prevents corrosion and mechanical damage. Although heavy construction, it opens easily and without unnecessary sound effects.

ARMA Standard Features 1

  • leaf size - 880 x 2050 mm;
  • thickness - 80 mm;
  • filler - mineral painting «URSA GEO»;
  • MDF finish;
  • outer copper coating powder;
  • Fittings (O circuits, loops, pins, night latch).

Pros Armagh Standard-1

  • the large thickness of the metal sheet;
  • a high level of sound insulation;
  • quality filler, high-quality insulation;
  • reliable protection against burglary;
  • the possibility of opening on both sides;
  • beautiful exterior design, sleek design;
  • comfortable equipment.


  • heavy construction.

The best steel for industrial premises

2DP-1C - the best metal doors for industrial premises

2DP-1C are installed in buildings and places of public use, are of high quality and wear-resistant materials.

Door designed with the latest technology, is equipped with reliable protection against burglary and fire resistance. Two types of seals used. Stylish design and a beautiful finish powder-coated.

Characteristics 2DP-1C


  • dimensions - 1400 to 1000 (2350 to 1750) mm;
  • external finishing powder-coated;
  • two loop rubber seal, intumescent;
  • execution box (with a threshold, and without a threshold, or a loser in the aperture);
  • fire equipment mechanisms;
  • hardware (bolt, lock).
Pros 2DP-1C


  • high technical safety;
  • several design variants of execution;
  • high-quality exterior design, beautiful design;
  • reliable insulation;
  • supply of fire safety system.


  • rather heavy construction;
  • difficulties in transportation.

Best-wing steel

DZ-98 - the best folding metal doors

DZ-98 It intended for wide doorways. Approximately equally distributed weight on both sides of the door leaf, so the load on the loop is reduced significantly.

Robust, wear-resistant and durable. Among fitting components - two locks, peephole with a review of 180 degrees.

Characteristics DZ-98


  • Type - double-wing parade;
  • size - 2000 to 800 mm;
  • finish (powder coating);
  • equipped with upper and lower lock;
  • the number of loops (2);
  • insulated with mineral wool;
  • eye fitted with an overview of 180 degrees.
Pluses DZ-98


  • uniform load distribution;
  • reliable protection against penetration;
  • wear resistance, durability;
  • stylish design and good finish;
  • insulated structure;
  • comfortable equipment.


  • only suitable for large openings.

The best metal door with an internal opening

DS-7 - the best metal doors with an internal opening

DS-7 designed for installation in office and residential premises. The structure is made of tselnognutye door leaf (two metal sheet, stiffener 4). The product is equipped with locks 3 and grade 4 burglary.

Rugged construction with two circuits seal clean insulated with mineral wool. Stylish design, a wide range of decorative finishes. Quality fittings give protection, comfort and convenience.

Features CP-7


  • 4 stiffeners;
  • dimensions - 2000 880 (2100-980) mm;
  • two loop seal;
  • design insulated with mineral wool;
  • hardware (hinges, eye, strips, pen).
DS-7 Pros


  • a wide range of decorative finishes;
  • environmental Safety;
  • quality fittings;
  • Thermal insulation of mineral wool;
  • 5 performed sizes;
  • abrasion and durable design;
  • protection against hacking (grade 3 and 4);
  • durability and reliability.


  • there is the anti-locks.

Which is better to buy a metal door

Which is better to buy

Let us compare the basic technical characteristics of the models to find out which ones are suitable for equipment of the apartment or house is best.

  • The thickness of the metal sheet must be not less than 3.2 mm, represented in this design match rating index.
  • Note the thickness of the web, there are models with high (80-90 mm) and medium (60-70 mm) parameters. To support the shape of the metal sheet used sealing contours and stiffeners.

Among the best doors - North Metal Trio.

  • An important criterion - the level of heat and sound insulation that is dependent on the thickness of the door leaf and the used heater. All designs from rating insulated environmentally friendly mineral wool.

Has excellent sound insulation corrosion model LEGANZA FORTE.

Which is better to buy
  • Pay attention to the quality of execution of accessories: locks, hinges, door handles. Buy model Akron 1, Armagh Standard-1, they are equipped with the necessary accessories.
  • From the safety system depends on how the design is protected from tampering. Products with high-quality protection - LEGANZA FORTE, North Profdver-MD10.
  • Finishing products diverse models of a powder coating (LEGANZA FORTE) and MDP (Metal Trio).

All models feature a stylish design, the most original is Veldoors Chocolate.

Thus, among the best models - North Trio Metal Veldoors Chocolate, LEGANZA FORTE. This product with high wear resistance of the metal sheet, a good seal and insulation, reliable system of protection and good surface finish.