Samovar - the device for heating water and tea. It operates on fuels (charcoal, chocks, cones) or electric heating element.
Unlike kettle It keeps the temperature of water for a long time. Produced in different embodiments, the shape and volume of the tank.
- types of samovars
- Device
- Characteristics
- pros samovar
- cons samovar
- How to choose a samovar
- Which is better
- How to use
- Guarantee
- Faults and repairs
- manufacturers of samovars
types of samovars

Species on the basis of work and heat:
- classic flame;
- electric;
- combined;
- Parichko;
- kerosene.
Product form:
- jug;
- acorn;
- vase;
- bank;
- glass;
- egg.

Flame samovar - solid-classical type water heater. In one device connected gas flue, heat exchanger, burner. A heat exchanger is manufactured in a complicated shape of the tank.
The inner surface is represented by the flame tube, which serves as a wall of the furnace or combustor. The fuel pipe is placed. In the lower part of the flame tube mounted grille, which submits the air required for combustion.
The upper part of the flame tube is narrowed and becomes the outlet. It is worn tube T-shaped portion which connects the main unit and chimney that forms a thrust required for combustion.
Effective thrust is created and more natural flow of hot air.

Water gets all the heat that rises through a pipe (pitcher). Due to the fact that the pipe has a large surface, water temperature rise to the boiling point occurs rapidly. Then, the set temperature is maintained.
When samovar operates on charcoal, the highest temperature is formed near the combustion chamber (the bottom of the apparatus). The upper part of the flame tube is heated less. This correct temperature distribution for heating the liquid.
Water at a higher temperature easily, so it rises. In its place is supplied cold fluid - is a natural convection, and circulation of water, it is mixed and reaches a high temperature simultaneously.

In the case of wood, this process is different:
- Most of all the flame tube is warmed in a narrow portion (upper coil).
- The lower part of the reservoir remains normal temperature.
- The water is heated mainly at the instrument cover.
- The fluid of higher temperature remains on the surface - convection is not formed.
When boiling of the upper layers of water may be that the liquid in the bottom area remained unheated.
Electrical device works on a similar principle - the heating element is installed in the interior of the product.
Instead of the flame tube is provided with a fuel electric termospiral responsible for heating. Volumes of electrical equipment smaller.

The combined product elements are combined electric and devices Zharov. It is used to heat energy obtained from combustion of fuel or electricity. The water temperature in the apparatus is maintained for a long time.
"Parichko" is not used for its intended purpose, but serves as antiques. The lower part of the frypot apparatus not equipped with bars. Roaster removed from the structure and mounted on the unit circle. It consists of a central and two side compartments.
The neck of the apparatus is not equipped with an ash-pit. The air supply to the fuel takes place by means of holes positioned on a support burner. The design provides the ability to use solid and liquid fuel species (wood, kerosene, alcohol).
Kerosene devices also are not included in modern classification. The design basis is contained kerosene burner.

The lower part of the device resembles the burner kerosene lamps, wherein the cap is put in place of the glass body product, secures the retainer.
The design is equipped with a removable body, due to which the content of the kerosene tank is quick and easy. burner adjustment takes place by a screw, located on the side.
The wick is ignited through Spreads window which is mounted in the neck of the instrument.

Zharov construction unit:
- jug;
- wall;
- neck;
- pallet;
- a circle;
- repeok;
- branch;
- The stems of the crane;
- dushnichok;
- podshishki;
- bumps;
- raspberries;
- plug;
- hotplate.

Pitcher - a pipe in the interior of the device, where the fuel is combusted. The wall comprises a water for boiling. Due to the special form acts as an acoustic amplifier - you can easily find the sound stage at which the water is heated instrument.
Cervix - the lower part of the device, is attached underneath the base unit - tray with grating bottom and for collecting ash. Crane attached not to the body, and the special shaped plate, called repeykom.
Through the curved stalks crane poured heated water.
Crane turned by the handle - the branches. On the cover device has an opening through which the steam leaves by boiling water. The lid is equipped with cones - pens with which it is removed from the samovar.

podshishki used for fixing handles (screws in the past - nails). Malinka called nuts used to attach the lid to the cones. Pitcher of the closure cap - cap. Teapot set on the burner.
Electric apparatus belongs to the first class or the zero level of protection against electric shock. The degree of protection against humidity usual. The duration of the appliance is 5 years.
- an electrical device;
- cap;
- tube crane;
- hotplate;
- cord;
- user's manual;
- if desired buyer equipment can be supplemented by the brewing kettle and a tray or tray only.
pros samovar

The main advantage of the classical samovar that the flame tube is placed into the interior of the tank and is surrounded by water on all sides. This achieves a high efficiency, heat losses are reduced.
Samovar during operation serves as a chemical reactor: softens hard water. Reducing the stiffness is due to the fact that the scum (insoluble carbonates) settles to the bottom and is deposited on the walls of the tank.
The crane is installed just above the bottom, so the scale does not fall in a cup of water.
Other advantages:
- on boiling water takes less than 30 minutes;
- minimal heat loss;
- heat preservation;
- easy maintenance.

An advantage of the electric products - beverage preparation rate. Water boils at the same speed as in the electric kettle. Samovar different easy and quick departure, on the surface there is no plaque from the fumes and soot.
During operation, it emits sound effects, as well as the classic unit with flame furnace.
Technical characteristics of the combined devices provide the ability to exploit it without reference to the location. The benefits of this arrangement is universality.
The device is used to connect to the mains. If electric power is not available, the device melts fuel (coal, wood, wood chips).
cons samovar

It is not recommended to experiment with fuel for Zharov device because only the best one is charcoal. When used for the furnace there is a risk of resin cones falling into the water.
The use of other fuels affects the speed and efficiency of heating water in the tank. Another drawback of classic samovar - the need for frequent and careful maintenance.
coal burning causes the formation of soot on the inner surface of the device. Using chips of conifers and cones - cause accumulation of resin in the tank.
Despite the speed of boiling water, no smoke for many owners is the lack of samovars devices as an essential attribute of his work.
The top land unit water saturated with smoke in an electric model to achieve such a result is impossible.
How to choose a samovar

Choosing samovar depends on the conditions in which it will be used - in an apartment or in a private house, in the country. The apartment is suitable for electric appliance, the principle of which is not very different from an ordinary kettle.
Samovar with electric heater does not take much space, non-burdensome to maintain, has a small volume - 1.5 liters (1-3 people).
Samovar flame suitable for owners of summer cottages and private homes. The device is designed for a large number of people (the volume of the tank - 3-15 liters), consider this when choosing.
According to the technology of preparation of the beverage and flavor characteristics of tea electric samovar can not be compared with the classic device.

It will cost little more versatile assembly - combined with samovar flame furnace and an electric heater. This product is used indoors and outside.
At the time of purchase it is recommended to check the heater in an electric model to ensure sustainability samovar and quality pens that are made of wood, porcelain or plastic that is resistant to high temperatures.
You should also fill the tank to make sure there are no leaks, close fit lid.
In addition to selecting certain varieties of the samovar, pay attention to the material from which it is made. Best Mode - brass or other copper alloys.
They keep the heat for a long time, resistant to rust. If it is possible to compare two of the same volume model, pick them up in the air and give preference to one that weighs heavier.
Coverage under the gold or bronze in need of regular care, otherwise shiny surface is covered with patches of red color. Other coatings and the art of painting is not the case.
The most simple care unit differs from nickel-plated silver. Resistance to mechanical damage depends on the shape of the tank.
In the cylindrical devices, the smooth surface samovars dents appear even result in a weak mechanical influence. Products in the form of various shapes (acorn, glasses, vases) are protected from damage.
Which is better

Features a universal model, should be targeted:
- The best embodiment of the device is a universal model, wherein the combined electric heater and the header. The unit is suitable for apartments, and for operation in open space.
- Optimum displacement - 7.5 liters.
- Give preference to products of complex shape in order to avoid mechanical damage.
- Desirable automatic shutdown function of maintaining temperature.
- Built-in thermometer allows to monitor the temperature of the liquid in the tank.
- Stainless steel units, decorated with artistic painting, burdensome to maintain.
How to use

Classical Zharov device needs proper kindling using fuel. This is done using charcoal, pine cones, wood chips. Dry cones contain a high concentration of resin which can get into the water.
Kindling fuel in the apparatus occurs only after water filling main tank.
Charcoal - the most fuel efficient. The carbon content (main fuel element) is 95%. The volume of carbon is combusted oxygen consumption, so that the intensity of burning during firing regulated air supply.
This process depends on the grating device and the available slots therein. The grille is selected so that combustion of the fuel was moderately intense otherwise increase heat loss.

Possible insert samovar wood chocks, but only for want of coal. The main combustible components in the wood are carbon and hydrogen. Dry wood is burned in two steps. At the first stage, the kindling fuel to 350 ° C.
In the second stage combusted volatiles evolved. At this point, it manifested lack of wood chocks: to lead the process of gas combustion is impossible, so some of them coming out the chimney, not benefiting.
In which the air mixes with the gases to fully exploit the gases, an additional air supply and the capacitance. The design Zharov device is not provided, so firebox wood chocks occurs with increased heat losses.

Regular care Zharov device helps avoid premature restoration. Hot samovar can not be left blank. This results in a desoldering tube located inside the structure, whereby the liquid enters at the fuel.
In winter, the water reservoir is released, as it expands during freezing and increases in volume. By igniting proceed only after filling the tank with water - this reduces wear on the brazier.
It is recommended to be placed in the furnace of the hot coals and added to the chips. When using wood chips or cherry birch trees water becomes a distinctive flavor which improves the taste of the beverage. Clean the inner surface of the tank after each use.

To get rid of plaque tar and grime, use special means for cleaning metal surfaces. Features of care depend on the metal material of the samovar:
- Gold - used for cleaning soft tissue soaked in methylated spirits, alcohol, turpentine. Tetraborate and ammonia give the surface gloss.
- Silver - Do not use abrasive detergents, acids. To surface acquired radiance, use cleaning solution of sodium hyposulfite.
- Stainless steel - use vinegar or chemical detergent for cleaning.
- Brass / Bronze - samovars of these metals are processed silver, chrome or nickel-plated. Do not use abrasives for cleaning, so as not to damage the coating.

For the surface treatment applied silica, chalk, diatomaceous earth. For polishing brass wipe the unit with ammonia.
Prohibited immersed electric samovar in water. When filling body water should not spill on the instrument plug (part is wiped and dried). Do not connect to the network, if the water level is too low.
The fluid should cover the upper part of the electric heater. The device is switched on in a state mounted on a support of a material resistant to burning. The distance between the working and samovar legkozagorayuschimisya items - no less than 1 m.
Do not connect the unit to the power supply in the event of damage to the cord, the electrical outlet. If the device connected to the network is prohibited pour and add water.
Planning electrical samovar work:
- If an electrical appliance was on the street at temperatures below zero, it starts to work no earlier than 3 hours after a stay in a warm room.
- Socket and plug tap cleaned for the purpose of purification of foreign particles, dirt, grease or oil.
- When installing the plug, take care that it fits snugly into the socket of the crane.
- The inner and outer surfaces of the device are rinsed and wiped dry.
- During pouring tank sure the water to a distance of at least 4 cm left between the upper edge and the liquid.
- After bringing the water to boiling point disconnect from the network unit, drain via valve - it is unsuitable for use.

The device is kept clean. The outer surface is rubbed periodically to shine. If samovar coated with nickel, is used for cleaning soft tissue and special paste.
If the surface is covered with varnish, decorative painting, then in turn be used wet or dry cloth. It is important to avoid mechanical damage to the hull.
Over time, the electric heating element appears scum that should be removed regularly. In this case, you can not use metal objects, sandpaper.
sheet metal used for the manufacture of float in the Switch, when cleaning be very careful. If samovar will not be used for a long period of time, prepare it for storage.
Wipe the external and internal surfaces of a cloth, brush plug fat. Device stored in the heated dry room at a temperature of + 13 ° C and above. Do not store the device in one room with substances that are corrosive (alkali acid).
After the operation the combined samovar, follow these steps:
- Assemble the cap with a handle.
- Wipe devices crane.
- Install the plug.
- Wash the cover and the body with hot water.
- Wipe dry cloth unit.

Warranty on flame instruments issued for a period of one year to 5 years (depending on the manufacturer). On electrical devices warranty period is 1 year from the date of purchase.
The deposit of the warranty period of 3 years from date of manufacture. By purchasing a unit, the buyer receives a manual on the use, stating the date of purchase.
To use the guarantee, it is necessary to have a document confirming the fact and date of acquisition of the samovar (cash / sales receipt, operating instructions). Otherwise, using the device is considered the date of manufacture.
Manufacturers are not responsible for the goods with defects, if they arise as a result of violations of the rules of operation, storage, transportation.
The guarantee does not apply to samovars, defective as a result of natural and man-made disasters, acts of third parties.
Faults and repairs

Typical damage:
- flowing in the tap;
- unscrewing the screws;
- instability;
- brackets strain on the handles.
The flow of fluid in the tap occurs due to damage to the surface of stoppers or crane installation tube is the wrong size. For troubleshooting cork surface is treated by lapping mixture, and then the grinding parts to the crane.
It unscrewing the screws deaf can occur during transportation of the device. To install the nut to the correct position, screw it on the pin in the bracket, place the roller. Then screwed stud with nut is inserted into the shaft and the second nut is screwed.
The instability occurs when the design rule violation transportation device - there is a gap between the horizontal surface and the feet of the pallet.
To eliminate the rocking samovar, place it on a flat surface, define where the gap is formed in particular. With light tapping feet, set at the same height, thus eliminating the gap.
Deformation handles brackets also occur due to incorrect loading and transport works. To repair parts, remove the rollers and correct the pliers arms.
manufacturers of samovars

Centek - company specializing in the manufacture of household and climate technology. Lineup samovars contains the electrical appliances with latent heating elements.
All devices differ producer 4-liter tank, maximum power 2300 W, metal housing, temperature indicator, exclusive design. The set includes a ceramic teapot.
Delta engaged in the production of household appliances, tools and equipment. Assortment of samovars presented by electrical equipment to the volume of 3-4 liters. The housing is made of stainless steel and plastic.

Devices are equipped with additional temperature maintenance functions, multilevel security, LEDs, integrated thermometer.
Dobrynia - a manufacturer of home appliances and accessories. Lineup presented 4-liter stainless steel apparatus, in which are delivered complete with ceramic teapots. Products decorated with artistic painting.
Equipped with a temperature control function, protection against overheating indicator light work.
ELIS It manufactures home appliances and utensils. Devices with electric heaters 4 liter working capacity at maximum power 2200 watts. The base material acts as stainless steel.
Included with the devices available ceramic teapots 1 liter.
The device supports a high temperature fluid, equipped with an indicator of operation, automatic and manual switch, an automatic shutdown during boiling water.

Energy produces household appliances, in particular electric samovars. Devices are equipped with a plastic casing. Are supplied teapots made of glass. Volume of the tank - from 3 liters. There is an automatic switch-off function.
Marta It is engaged in manufacturing equipment for the kitchen and home. Samovars company is an electrical apparatus 2200 Watt. The volume capacity of 4 liters. The unit comes complete with a porcelain teapot.
The product maintains a high water temperature.

Pullman - manufacturer of household appliances. Samovars company are made of stainless steel. Equipped with a built-in thermometer, electric heating element concealed type. Devices operate at a power of 2300 watts.
Supplied complete with a ceramic teapot. There, auto and support temperature.
Zimber It produces small household and kitchen appliances. Assortment samovars represented stainless steel devices. The kit includes teapots. Reservoir volume - 3.2 / 4 liters. Articles are decorated unique artistic painting or coating.