In the world there are a huge number of board games. Ever since time immemorial, people have devised a fun, educational and adventure, and as a result came up with a way to remove the boredom.
- Classification
- Board games for children
- Board games for two
- puzzle
- Board games for the whole family
- Riddles
- Board games made of wood
- strategy
Categorize board games can be on several grounds.
in function
Or that the game includes one or more functions. There are four kinds of categories. They are communicative, gambling, leisure and learning. But common type of division called classification:
- Entertainment;
- gambling;
- Training for child and adult;
- puzzles;
- For communication.
By the nature of the game
Intellectual type. For this kind of games are strategic and logical nature (sea battle or chess). The outcome depends on how clever the enemy. The one who knows how to think and calculate the next moves.
Gambling type. Designed to influence the nature of the player and to awaken in him the excitement. They are based on a random method. The winner here becomes a clever, crafty or clever and lucky player. Examples of such entertainment is called backgammon, the famous "bones" as well as "preference" and "bridge".
Testing for physical ability. These competitions are designed to check what the rate of reaction of the enemy, whether he is attentive.
According to the type used items:
- With cards (whist preference, the screw fool bridge).
- Bone (used in entertainment, "Backgammon" type)
- With the use of special tools (boards) - Chess, Backgammon, checkers.
- With the use of office supplies (paper and pencil) - bulls and cows, sea battle, tic-tac-toe, Burime, gallows.
- Based on vykladyvanii interesting patterns (dominoes, mahjong).
According to the rules of the type:
- Entertainment, bearing the full information about the game. They initially established rules about the participants. This chess and drafts.
- Games carrying the incomplete information. Here are the rules to players to choose from. This bridge and poker. Each enemy is not fighting for the team and for myself.
Board games for children

If parents do not want the child to sit for hours in front of a computer monitor or TV set, the correct solution is to invite him to board games. They will become an alternative to the wrong Spending time baby. This type of entertainment will help to develop dexterity and perseverance.
Popular board Games for kids - puzzles. They are labor-intensive and simple, made up of wood, paper or cloth. As they get older the number of components of the puzzle is recommended to add. The game develops imagination and thought processes. The same child will have an idea of what the whole and its parts.
To train attention and memory, it is necessary to buy a backgammon. Primitive algorithm steps and uncomplicated rules. Compete in backgammon children, whose age is more than five years. Game type hodilok like baby or a large company of children.
On the shelves a lot of fun, and each of them is different in both decorated golf. Each participant throws the dice belonging to him and moves through the cells of a specific field figure. The numbers appearing on the face of the cube represent the number of moves.
hodilok task is the formation of causal relationships, memories, skills training attention and accounts.
Everyone plays for himself
Games that help train the coordination of movements of the baby and the child develop fine motor skills are built in the form designer. The child builds from it or building a tower. In the next step each opponent pulls out from the bottom of one die. During monitoring the integrity of the structure and to ensure that items are not destroyed it.
Increase vocabulary, develop creativity and communication skills to help the emergence of games created by game type "Activity".
The rule is that the kids are now divided into a pair of teams with the same number of people in each. Thereafter, each of the participating in the game, using a painted image, facial expression or gestures explains the players that make come true for the word on the card.
The problem is opponents guessing number hidden words. After that, they get first to the finish line.
Kids interested in board games of logic, made of a domino type of mosaic or sets of developing motor skills and thinking.
Desktop competitions sporting character - replacement competitions active children. Diversity in leisure boys will table football or hockey. Older children will approach the competition, familiar from childhood to adults - checkers, bingo, dominoes and chess. Each enemy is not fighting for the team and for myself.
Board games for two

Board games are designed so that they will participate in a lot of people (two, three or five). But there are times when a number of opponents can not be collected.
- Fit couple in love or a friend.
- It helps to learn more about the character and mental abilities of each other.
- We do not need a large team.
- Help adapt even zakompleksovannym people.
- Add a touch of fun and relaxation in a leisurely intellectual duel with his rival.
"Beehive" is incredibly rich in interesting tricks and tactics. It can captivate the player for a long time. Such entertainment is that the selected feature, replacing the role of the Queen of the hive. Just the other insects are appointed. The role of insects perform octagonal chips. Each enemy is not fighting for the team and for myself. The number of players is not limited.
The queen of the hive surrounded by his subjects, and the territory captured by ants, beetles, grasshoppers and spiders. Insect species depend on, with some amendments released "The Hive." Each octagonal chips has its own function. Some leap over competitors (grasshoppers), the second move diagonally, and others are changing the construction of (Queen).
Fans of this game are developing ingenious strategies and theories to become a great breeder of bees.
In this game I loved to fight the caravan from the East. Such a way to spend leisure suit an older couple or those who have long been married. Children it may not seem too exciting. The bottom line is shifting stones in the hole, located at the edge. Areas remaining unfilled competing, appraising look. Touch the stones and holes can not be recalculated.
Players such entertainment attracts aesthetic filling a field with holes, made of wood and decorated with semi-precious stones. Suitable as a gift for fans of backgammon or chess, for a birthday or other event.

These games are designed for one person, but with their help, tournaments are held with the participation of a large number of players. Material puzzles depends on what enough fantasy and imagination designer.
Rubik's Cube
This is a cube composed of 26 blocks of plastic less. Details rotate around an axis that is invisible from outside. Each party is represented by a different color, and form 54 squares. Turning aside the puzzle, changing the location of the lines between them.
The goal - to return the cube to its original position. I should get a cube with one-color squares. The algorithm by which such a puzzle is going over the minimum number of steps, usually called "divine algorithm", and the number of strokes having the maximum value - the "divine number".
The most famous method of calculation moves "Rubik's Cube" is called the method of Jessica Frederick. Since the appearance of this interesting puzzle (magic cube) is sold three hundred and fifty million. copies of the toys, and similar to it. Hold competitions.
Rubik's snake
It looks like a prism 24 constituting the snake in a triangle with right angles. The goal - to collect as soon as possible from the snake geometric shapes like dog, mouse, the cobra and the plane. This puzzle helps develop spatial thinking.
Board games for the whole family

- Designed for all ages. Leisure enjoy and adolescents, and children, and adults.
- Such games are not too complex, and the process will entice even the youngest players.
- This category of games will bring family and friends together, because the number of participants is three to five people. Everyone fights for himself and not for the team.
- Each of the players feel on equal terms with others, beat grandson grandmother and the children - parents.
The peculiarity of such events - conflict-free. In this competition there are no confrontations, the match process takes place in the friendliness and tranquility. The number of players is not limited.
In "Monopoly" for children and adults. This game consists in the fact that some of the participants becomes a monopolist and a winner. However, he was ruining his opponents - competitors. In the classic version of "Monopoly" are buying up land and built on their property.
Participate in the process of buying and building houses are opponents who have already turned 12 years old. The recommended number of participants of the "Monopoly" - from two to eight people.
"Scrabble" is a good way to diversify leisure. At the same time, it involves two or four people. It is pleasant to children and parents. Adults too happy to compete in the "Scrabble". Everyone is fighting for himself.
Here, the principle of drawing up a crossword puzzle, only the letters in the words are put not only on paper, but in a special field. The goal of each participant is earning more points than the opposing side. "Scrabble" is intended to children's games ages of seven and older.
This exciting competition will have on the company's soul with an unlimited number of opponents. The essence is to explain words with images and gestures guessing them. Tasks in the "Crocodile" complex. After all, the card can be the word, sayings, proverbs or phrase that does not expect the other party.
It is intended for people who are between the ages of eight and older.

This kind of competition will appeal to all categories, starting from the smallest and ending with participants older. Every opponent is fighting both for the team and for myself. Quantity is not limited to playing.
It has four kinds of characteristics appearing color, shading, symbols and the number of characters. The bottom line is that on a table or other surface laid out a special card.
The participants then take a set consisting of three cards and watch what their characteristics. Participants calculate a set at the same rate. In this exciting competition is important reaction speed and attentiveness. Convenience "Seth" is that it is possible to participate as a company and one.
The essence of this competition is that each player is given a few cards. He must remember the signs, as well as to see how they are laid out on the playing field.
The difficulty and cunning "Etty" consists in the fact that each participant will have to tighten before finding a profitable place for their cards. Spread card chain with identical or different characteristics. "Etta" helps in the development of thought processes and logic.
This exciting mystery is designed for two players. It resembles a tic-tac-toe, but with puzzles shares. The playing field is presented in the form of cells of a board. To win the "Okiyo" have much work.
To win in this game, it is important to develop logical thinking, as well as care. Participate in the gameplay are children aged seven years and older. The number of players is not limited.
logic cards
The game is special cards with logical tasks and questions. Each of them is divided by level of difficulty. Selected level, complex or not, carrying out the action on the logical task cards, problems can be solved alone or organize competitions for the title of the most intelligent among friends.
"Puzzle Card" designed for the age group of children older than 12 years.
In "Catamin" mass puzzles with amazing solutions. Answers to such tasks, from simple to the most complex. Light are those that are designed for children from the age of four, a little more complicated for those who are six years old, hard - eight years of age and older.
The aim of the game is to fill in a given area in the form of a rectangle specified pentamino on a specially designated for this field. The number of participants is not limited.
Board games made of wood

Heirloom for the family, handed down from parents to children. Wood is durable, noble material. It is safe and does not cause harm to the natural environment.
Develop logic and thought processes, the child has a lot of thinking. They are immersed in a world of enemies, where there are tactical plans. But at the same time, the process goes easily, without straining. It looks beautiful.
"Jeng" is presented in the form of a tower of wooden bars, which is rising, sometimes falling and then rising again. So I would characterize "Jeng" little children, because it is they are the main category of participants. "Jeng" helps develop balance, dexterity, cunning, wit and tactical skills. Kids (and even adults) need to lay out the turret and wooden bars.
Every opponent is fighting for himself. The difficulty lies in the fact that the wedges are removed from the floors, which are reported at the bottom and the top. Process begins with vosemnadtsatietazhnoy turrets to infinity. The number of participants is not limited. The winner is the participant who will build a tower twice as high as that from which construction began.
At what stage of construction cupola becomes unstable, and participating in the process, taking from the middle brusochek facilities can bring down with a crash and a construction efforts will be in vain. This careless child or adult immediately eliminated from the construction of "Genga", while the remaining participants continue.

This kind of competition demanding skill stakeholders. Important here are intellectual ability, via which further determine the winner and the loser. strategies difference is that:
- Rules are much more complicated than desktop competitions.
- With a special balance, which is already verified.
- Do not require luck or luck, the winner is determined by the ability.
Forbidden Desert
The child missed the fun family competition? Then he needs to stock up on dark glasses, a shovel and chips. In this exciting table-top competition, the team survives under the scorching sun of the desert, throwing chips at the same time.
steam Donkey
Think of a time when invented the first steam locomotives. "The steam donkey" will present each participant with a cunning plan and help in the development of English resorts that era. Entertainment "The steam donkey" simply and recklessly. Enjoy even a small company who love colorful card battle. The number of participants is not limited.
Tired of gloomy weather and rain outside the window? "Tokaido" Remove. This game is so calming and surprisingly, like every participant. Embark on an exciting journey through the infinite Japan with the "Tokaido".
Each of the participants in this process captures a fascinating and full of dangers way from Kyoto to Edo, which laid the builders back in the eleventh century. Each participant fights individually.
In addition, they will enjoy scenic views and unexpected encounters. You need to move with the help of throwing dice with the number on the edge, indicating the number of moves made by the participant. Competitor moves colored plastic chips and goes toward adventure. Quantity is not limited to playing.