Top 10 Most Powerful People in the World

Drag a multi-ton truck for several meters, break the frying pan with your bare hands, inflate the heating pad, break up the concrete blocks, hammer a nail with your fist - all of this can be done by the heroes of our article. We represent the top 10 of the strongest people in the world who set unthinkable records. Our rating includes not only the winners of the World Strongman Cup, the competition held among the athletes, but also the athletes showing amazing records of strength and endurance.


Od Hoginen

The 10th strongman Od Hoginen .He possesses impressive physical data - an increase of 190 cm and a weight of 134 kilograms. One of the most powerful people in the world easily raises logs weighing more than 100 kg and dumbbells weighing 83 kg. However, he does not consider himself an outstanding person. According to Hoginen, many such people are capable of such records, the main thing is to correctly use the muscles of the body.


Denis Rogers

One of the most powerful people in the world, Denis Rogers , outwardly not at all like a strong man. But with a height of 175 cm and a weight of 76 kg, he does incredible things. Denis breaks objects that an ordinary person can not even bend - handcuffs, steel wrenches and directories with a thickness of 1700 pages. But this is not the limit of his capabilities. He hammers a nail into a frying pan and a wooden plank beneath it with his bare hand. At the same time, the nail does not bend. This Rogers trick was researched by specialists and found out that in order to break a frying pan, you need to apply about 160 kg of force. But the human hand weighs an average of 450-500 grams. The secret of the amazing trick is that the strongman uses speed - his hand achieves a huge speed of about 110 km / h. The strength of Denis's strike on the nail is 150 kg.

Denis Rogers - in 9th place in the top 10 of the strongest people in the world.


Becca Svenson

Do not lag behind men in power sports and women. Becca Swenson , which is one of the top 10 strongest people on the planet, has set a record. In the bench press, she took 270 kg, in draft - 310 kg. In power sports Becca came, like many well-known strongmen, from weightlifting. Since 2002 she began to perform in various international competitions and competitions. Becca Swenson has impressive physical data - with a height of 178 cm she weighs 110 kg. Now she continues to engage in power sports, but in the plans for Svenson - her personal life and family.


Dmitry Khaladzhi

The native of Ukraine Dmitry Khaladzhi ranks 7th in the top 10 of the strongest people on the planet. Sixty-three records set by him were included in the Guinness book. Unusual power Dmitry was different in childhood. With young men he easily broke the chains, broke the horseshoes and lifted the cars.

An interesting fact: at the age of four, a misfortune happened to Dmitry - he burned himself with boiling water and later transferred 7 operations. The disease led to muscle atrophy and he had to learn to walk anew.

The records that Khalaji puts on look very impressive and even frightening. Many of them repeat feats of ancient athletes. So, in the Moscow circus, Dmitry performed with the number that beat the record of Bibon, an athlete of the ancient world. The modern strong man raised a stone weighing 152 kilograms with one hand, whereas the stone raised by Bibon in the VI century BC.e., Weighed 143 kg. Another amazing record of the Ukrainian athlete was called "Devil's Forge".The athlete lay on nails, on his chest he planted three concrete blocks with a total mass of 700 kg and smashed them with a sledgehammer.


Mariusz Pudzyanovsky

Mariusz Pudzyanovsky ranks 6th in the ranking of the most powerful people in the world. He won five times such a famous competition as "The strongest man in the world."

Originally from a family of professional athletes( the strongman's father was a weightlifter), he came to the sport at 11 years old, choosing karate Kyokushinkai. Two years later, Mariusz became interested in powerlifting, and then switched to boxing, which he gave 7 years. In competitions in power sports began to speak at the age of 16.Now he is engaged in rugby and mixed martial arts.


Mikhail Koklyaev

On the 5th place in the top-10 of the strongest people in the world is Mikhail Koklyaev , which set Russia's absolute record in deadlift. It is a cult figure in the world of power extreme. He was born in Chelyabinsk. At the age of 13 he began to work in weightlifting and quickly achieved amazing results. He became the 8-time champion of Russia in this sport in the weight category over 105 kg. Having won the title of Russia's most powerful man, Koklyaev came to power extreme. For his sports career, the strong man took part in more than 40 sports competitions, half of which he won. Koklyaev enjoys great sympathy and respect for Arnold Schwarzenegger. This year, one of the strongest people in the world returned to weightlifting.


Haftor Björnsson

Haftor Björnsson , the winner of the prize places in the competition for the title of the strongest man in the world, ranks 4 in our top-10.He is also the tallest of the modern strongmen - his height is 206 cm. Thanks to his outstanding physical data, the strongman got the role of the royal guard Grigor Cligan in the cult television series "The Game of Thrones".


Vasily Virastyuk

is in 3rd place in the top 10 strong team. He twice won the title of the strongest man in the world. From childhood I was engaged in track and field athletics. Having worked after the army for some time as a coach, in 2000 he started to work in power all-around. The Guinness book of records included some of his records: he was able to stretch out 5 trams with a total weight of 101.5 tons, raised and installed on the thumbs 4 ice cubes of 150 kg of weight per minute.

Since 2015, Virastyuk has been working as a border guard inspector at the Lviv airport.


Brian Shaw

The second place in the top 10 modern strongmen is Brian Shaw , who won the title "The strongest man in the world" three times. Career in power sports began in 2005 as an amateur. A year later acted as a professional. He became the only strongman who raised six Atlas stones( one of the stages of the World's Strongest Man competition).He has excellent physical data for the strongman - an increase of 203 cm, weight - 197 kg.


Zhidrunas Savickas

Lithuanian strongman Zhidrunas Savickas is the strongest strongman of the world. He was fascinated by powerlifting in his childhood, watching the competitions of the strongmen on TV.During his second performance he broke all the records of Latvia. In 2001 he suffered a serious knee injury, but successfully recovered and after 9 months he competed in regular competitions. For his sports career he set 40 world records.