The choice of floor scales depending on the objectives pursued - simple periodic monitoring of the overall dynamics of body weight or a precise study of the state of the organism to obtain advice on diet and physical exercises.
First of all, it is necessary to determine the type of floor scales - electronic or mechanical. On this depends the accuracy, functionality, rules of operation. Choosing the design of the device, pay attention to the material from which the device is made: plastic, glass, stone.
Glass floor devices for weighing look impressive, can naturally blend with almost any decor. In return, it needs to follow some precautions and rules of operation to such devices have served more than one year, delighting its design and correct operation.
- Apparatus glass floor scales
- functions
- Exploitation
- Security measures
- How to choose a glass floor scales
Apparatus glass floor scales

Structurally, the difference lies in the operating mechanism, which is responsible for weighing:
- Action mechanical scales based on the special spring mounted underneath the platform and connected arrow dial. When weighing is a mechanical pressure on the spring. The movement performed by spring forces shifted on a scale arrow pointing to the body weight corresponding digit.
A disadvantage of such a mechanism is the high error reaches 1 kg. The positive features include low cost of the device and no need for electric power.
The design consists of the following elements:
- The mobile platform.
- Housing with 4 legs serving as a support arm, and 4 metal shoulders interconnected.
- A horizontal plate serving as a support shoulder.
- Sensitive spring connected to the plate.
- The arrow with a dial, which reacts on the spring tension.
- Action of electronic devices based on the specific sensor associated with the data conversion element into an electronic signal, whose readings are displayed.
In addition to the measurement procedure in body weight, the unit stores the results of the previous work. Diagnostic scales are able to analyze the ratio of muscle, bone and fat. They may also have other functionality. The error is much smaller scales - in the range of 300 g
In the design of electronic scales for weighing are provided:
- display;
- strain gauges;
- electronic circuit board;
- the battery compartment;
- button.
Some models have no buttons and battery compartment. It depends on the particular design.

Mechanical scales only shows the weight.
Functional electronic wider:
- remembers the history of weighing in a given period of time;
- designed for storing data on measurements of several persons body weight by monitoring the dynamics of the increase or decrease in the weight of each user;
- determines the approximate ratio of muscle, bone, fat tissue in the body;
- It makes recommendations for adjustments to diet and physical exercise;
- It calculates the optimal weight based on the given parameters.
Possible output of measurement values on a single screen, which facilitates the removal of the data when weighing people who lean heavily due to back problems.

To scale properly, measurements with minimal error share, observe the following rules:
- Scales put on a firm, level surface.
- To self-test the electronic models put one foot on the platform, press and remove it. After the appearance of the "zero" value measuring instrument is ready for conducting.
- On the scales stand in the middle of the platform, evenly distributing the load across the entire surface.
- Electronic digital display value appears. In order to avoid measurement inaccuracies are waiting when the light stops blinking.
- At the descent from the platform of electronic scales digital value is stored in the monitor for a few seconds. Then turn off the device for weighing, or to turn off automatically.
Glass scales require particularly careful care of the surface. Periodically, the platform and the external parts with a damp soft cloth. When cleaning surfaces avoid the use of abrasive detergents and water or other liquid into the scale.
Security measures

Given the specifics of the material, floor scales made of glass is used with special precautions:
- Not to slip on the glass surface do not stand wet feet. Platform during weighing should remain dry.
- On the glass scales stand with care: first one foot, then, making sustainability both feet, distributing the load in the central part of the platform.
- In case of detection of cracks and chips on the glass scales operation is prohibited.
- The place for installation of devices with glass platform is selected in a dry, non-slip floor without carpet.
- To avoid damage to the glass, put the scales in places excluding falling of heavy objects that can break the platform.
- Electronic instrument for weighing placed away from heating appliances, in a room with moderate humidity, avoiding water inside the case.
- Weighing procedure is carried out by taking a fixed position, without shifting from one foot to the other. Thus, eliminate distortion of the results.
- In view of the fragility of the material avoiding careless handling of the device for weighing. Especially carefully to make measurements of body weight in children and people with disabilities.
- If the means for measuring the weight will not be used for a long period of time, the batteries are removed from the battery compartment.
- When installing batteries observe polarity replacement in a timely manner.
- To store unused weights are choosing cool places inaccessible to children.
For frequent malfunctions of electronic scales for weighing that users correct their own, include overload and low battery power.
Allowed to make measurements in humans to 120-160 kg. Limiting the load on the weighing platform at each particular model differs - from 120 to 180 kg. Precautions should weigh obese people, whose weight may exceed the permissible value.
In the case of overloading the balance may be damaged or triggered an alarm indicator. In this situation urgently required to get off the platform, turn off the balance and, after waiting a few seconds, turn on again.
If the display does not display information or the device does not turn on, contact an authorized service center.
Information about low battery charge is displayed. Timely replacement of the battery to avoid the unplanned shutdown of the device.
How to choose a glass floor scales

- Accuracy.
If you want to buy a precision instrument for weighing, get an electronic version to within 100 grams To testify is not distorted, paying special attention to the need for a flat surface for mounting, and the procedure is carried out in accordance with the operating rules specified in the passport of the scales.
- Reliability.
The long term successful service depends on several parameters: the high strength of the material used and the compounds enclosure tightness, resistance to aggressive external environment (moisture, heat, dust), appropriate for surface care weights.
In operation, the glass floor weights take into account the specifics of the material, avoiding shock, mechanical action on the surface. Glass scales are capable of withstanding the load stated in the instructions, since made of high-strength glass. Break unit can, dropping or hitting it.
- Security.
To avoid slipping during measurement of body weight, selected platform with a rough or ribbed surface. You may not use the glass platform with cracks and other damage to the surface in order to avoid injuries. When selecting weights, carefully inspect the glass to identify damage.
- Design
Glass scales are very popular thanks to its elegant design. They vary in shape (round, square), the thickness (ultra standard), color, size.
Feature glass devices - compatibility with any interior space. To use floor scales of the glass at the organization premises space virtually no restrictions.
- Functional
For those who require periodic measurement of body weight is enough to use conventional mechanical and electronic scales.
If you want to regularly monitor the dynamics of changes in body weight of one or more persons, with the possibility adjusting diet, physical activity, the analysis of the ratio of fat and muscle tissue in the body, choose electronic version of the scale.
When selecting a model with advanced features, special attention before buying a pay check of all the options.
Checking the accuracy of measurements made before buying. To do this, weighed object, which is already known weight (piece goods from the store, indicating the exact weight on the label or packaging). If know the exact weight of the human body, it is possible to carry out check weighing.
Checking mechanical embodiment is carried out by pressing the hand on the platform. After that, let the hand sharply - in good balance meter needle moves to zero.
- The need for power.
In case, if you intend to use the device without electrical power, choose the model powered by solar-powered or mechanical options.
- Cost.
The price range varies depending on the type of instrument (mechanical cheaper), the manufacturer of the materials used (the most cheapest option - scales in a plastic case, but they are less durable) the existing functionality (the more options, the more expensive model).
When choosing weights draw attention to the existing network of buyers reviews, which share their impressions from the use of one or another variant of floor scales.
Whichever option buyer nor acquired, the choice should be justified on several criteria. In this case, disappointment is not the purchase and purchased scales will long to please his correct operation, helping to control the dynamics of body weight, health condition, adjusting diet power.
Glass scales last a long time, if handled with care and in a safe manner. A stylish kitchen scale glass will decorate your kitchen and become a reliable assistant in the preparation of tasty and healthy dishes.