Rotary shavers - appliances equipped with one or several (often three) shaving heads. Each of the heads is covered by a fine mesh circular shape, in which the slot is flagged bristles.
Under the net-mounted rotor blade, which during operation rotates at a speed of several thousand revolutions per minute. The knife is made in the form of a multi-beam stars, each beam which on the one hand sharpened. Grate round mesh wires represented as-knives. When the rotor is set in motion, one blade lifts the hair, and the other at the right angle of his cuts.
- Pros and cons of rotary shaver floating head
- How to use a rotary electric razor
- How to care
- How to choose a rotary electric shaver floating head
- malfunctions
Pros and cons of rotary shaver floating head
Thanks to the sophisticated design of the holes in the heads, there is a direction of the hair directly in the cutting unit. The process of such shaving performance comparable with scissors - hair being between the two blades, is cut off at the base. In this case, the facial skin is not in direct contact with the blades.
The first rotary shavers have a head, and in the new generation of models, usually three. To ensure thorough adherence to the skin, they are positioned to each other at the desired angle.
When buying an electric shaver, men think much about what type of devices to give preference to rotary or not less popular the mesh? Each of these types has strengths and weaknesses.
- The nozzle design is such that it adapts to the contours of the face, and this results in a close shave;
- A large number of rotating blades accelerates;
- Almost all the new models are equipped with floating heads, significantly increases the smoothness of the shave and reduces the risk of irritation;
- The roots are removed is very short and uneven regrown stubble;
- Movable nozzle such razors are not susceptible to mechanical damage, which significantly increases the lifespan.
The device design is such that accidental damage to the blade skin is possible.
- The shaving heads become clogged and require constant care;
- Shaving going in circles, that does not delineate the border of the beard or mustache;
- It causes irritation in people with sensitive skin, and in cases when the blades become dull, and pull out the hairs;
- Big sizes.
Rotary shaver suitable for people whose skin is not prone to irritations, as well as those who have hair growing unevenly.
How to use a rotary electric razor

Preparation for the procedure
That as a result of shaving the skin is smooth, but in the end it does not appear irritation, should be carefully prepared. To begin, the skin is cleaned of sebum and dirt, and then moisturize with a towel soaked in warm water and gently pressed.
Need a little push to rub their face, then let the skin dry. Then razor capture all the hairs, and cosmetic auxiliary agents (if used) are distributed uniformly.
The process of shaving
If you choose a dry way to shave, it is desirable for him to buy a special lotion with disinfecting effect. It happens that at the end of the process the skin undergoes significant discomfort - in this situation helps cooked lotion that quickly restores the skin.
If shaving selected special gel or foam, then you need to apply them to the light of the guidance on the bottle.
The sequence of actions is as follows:
- First held circular flowing motion of the razor on the cheeks to the chin towards and away;
- Then shave the neck by moving the unit from the throat to the chin, and vice versa;
- In the last turn of the treated area mustache. To get a smooth skin, while "dry" procedure, the device is moved as slowly as possible. In the "wet" shaving his mustache to the area can cause more funds.
If in the process of pulling the skin slightly, as a result it will become more smooth.
When shaving takes place by means of special cosmetic products, for the completion of the procedure the skin is rinsed. If some areas are treated poorly, then the need to go through it again, but without the cream or gel. When the skin is damaged urgent need to treat it with the antiseptic lotion.
In conclusion, it is desirable to put on a treated surface of a special cosmetic (cream, gel, balm), which will avoid irritation and quickly restore the skin.
Not recommended to press strongly on the skin during the procedure. shaving performance is not improved, but there is the risk of getting too much irritation.
How to care

Each of the technical devices required careful regular maintenance. Especially it concerns personal care appliances, which include electric shaver. Masters specializing in the repair of electric shavers, often causes breakages see it in an improper care.
Electric razor is designed for individual use, so do not lend it to anyone, as well as use the device, belonging to other people.
For continuous and efficient operation of the device it is necessary to clean the cut hairs from special brush after each procedure. This will ensure not only a long service life of the device, but also qualitative, productive shaving. If the holes in the mesh are hairs, the subsequent use will not shave, as well capturing the bristles will not succeed.
It is recommended once every six months to disassemble and clean the shaving heads by their hair and dust.
When finished cleaning, turn the unit on for a couple of seconds, keeping it away from the eye to the flying hairs do not fall into the eye.
Some users swap movable and stationary elements of knife pairs with the aim of improving the work of the razor. But this should not be done, since the blades during operation to adapt to one another, so they change places will not give the intended effect. If the device parsing procedure is difficult, it is better to entrust this work to a professional.
In the case of razor washable, caring for it becomes much easier. It is required to rinse under running water from the tap, and as a cleaning agent to use a drop of liquid soap. In addition, they produced a special spray designed to remove hairs from the shaving unit and traces of sebum. First spray is sprayed onto both of the shaving member, and excess removed using a cloth or piece of fabric.
To restore the properties of the razor, you need to replace the shaving elements after 18 months of active service. During this period, much of the blade wear and their replacement device will return the original quality shaving.
How to choose a rotary electric shaver floating head

Moments, which pay attention when choosing a rotary shaver:
The number of shaving heads - the more, the better the device shaves, but the higher the price;
Mobility shaving elements - floating head will provide adhesion to the skin and give it smoothness and comfort;
Holding wet shaving allows most devices. Rotary shavers shave cleaner grid, but increase the risk of redness and itching, so this feature will be very helpful for those whose skin is sensitive and prone to irritations;
Trimmer interested in men who wear a beard or mustache. This device trim sideburns, mustache or beard podstrizhet. The rotary shavers retractable trimmer is used, which is a separate blade.
Choose by type of food. If the device is able to work only on the network, use it will be uncomfortable.
Device, equipment, battery, activated anywhere and does not depend on the presence of nearby outlet.
In addition, the rechargeable shaver is very convenient to take with you on a long journey - it will make it possible to shave anywhere, anytime. When choosing such a device is necessary to pay attention to the battery capacity and the duration of its work.
Docking Station with cleaning function. Such an element disinfects the blade, reducing the risk of irritation during shaving.
The device can be equipped with indicators that inform the owner about the condition of the blades, battery level, and so on. These functions are not so important, however, make use of the device more comfortable.

The device is not smooth shave
The reason - the clogging of the cutter head. To remedy this situation, the device is disconnected from the network, and then clean the knife head with a soft brush. Then remove the blade unit, scrub it with the inside and purged with air.
The device operates with a loud noise
Hands-free operation may be due to the razor head clogging. After cleaning it, you need to put the item on the spot, brushing the mesh with a special oil.
Slow operation of the device
If the device operates at a low speed, it is possible items after cleaning or replacement is not set correctly. The decision - to disassemble the unit and verify the accuracy of the location of component parts.
The heating body
The heating of the device is due to the fact that in a string of no contact. If it found traces of burning or melting, the cable needs to be replaced.
The second reason could be the motor or battery failure.
When the micromotor is damaged need to be replaced, but it is not justified from an economic point of view.
The device is not working
supply voltage is not required. Solution - Check the position of the power switch on the device.
Zakusilo knives
To confirm this cause need to remove the cutter head and check the operation of the electric motor. If the motor is fixed, then the reason for the knife head, which need to be replaced.
Faulty plug or cord
To detect this reason prozvonivayut cord using a tester, a probe touching end to a plug pin, and the second - to a contact at the other end of the cord. If the cord is coerced by, the contact may disappear, and then appear. The solution involves replacing the cable.
damaged switch
Prozvanivatsya it this way: of the contacts is applied tester probes and two or three times, press the switch. If the switch is OK, then the circuit when it is turned closed and the tester - shows zero resistance value.
Damaged motor - needs to be replaced.
Damaged charger - need to be replaced.