Weight loss products - food supplements that are in demand among people who are willing to part with the excess weight. Introduction to the diet of these products does not allow to burn fat, but it is composed of components that contribute to the normalization and accelerate metabolism.

- How to choose a fat burner for weight loss women
- Best fat burner slimming sporty women
- Best fat burner for use in the home
- Best fat burner slimming women from the pharmacy
- Best natural fat burner for weight loss women
- Best natural fat burner for weight loss women
How to choose a fat burner for weight loss women
Dietary supplements for weight loss is composed of ingredients that activate the metabolism. Also observed removing excess fluid from the body, which helps to eliminate swelling, which leads to excess centimeters at the waist and hips. Regular use of the additive for slimming suppresses appetite by inhibiting overeating.
The main selection criteria:
- Effects on the body - including fat burners emit lipotropics and thermogenics. Lipotropics - a drug blocking fat synthesis in the liver and adipose tissue promotes cleavage. Thermogenics - additive, provoking a slight increase in body temperature. In the body, activates the metabolism, thereby accelerating burn calories. As a supplement used diuretics, accelerates the removal of excess fluid from the body. There is also a type of fat burner like anorectics. The essence of the additive is that it affects the hunger center in the brain, thereby suppressing the appetite. However, the use of anorectics in women can lead to dangerous health complications.
- Type - fat burners are divided into dietary supplements, pharmaceutical preparations and sports zhiroszhigateli. Dietary supplements have a natural basis, that is composed of extracts of fruits and plants, stimulating the metabolism and burning fat. Often, part of the production includes green tea extract, lemon, coffee (guarana), and other gifts of nature, activating the metabolism. The composition of most dietary supplements includes L-carnitine - a special substance that accelerates the process of burning body fat. Sporting fat burners conventionally divided into thermogenics, lipotropics blockers and diuretics. The principle of action of these drugs on the body was described in the previous paragraph. pharmacological preparations slimming have a pronounced effect, but they are dangerous for the organism since they contain potent components such as chitosan, caffeine, aspirin and thyroxine. Regular intake of drugs with such a composition has a strong impact on the functioning of the thyroid gland, heart and nervous system.
- Composition - additives for accelerated weight loss come in the form of powder, capsules, emulsions. Tablets fat burners are more accessible in terms of price, but they have a slower effect in comparison with the liquid preparations. The capsules are more effective than the tablets because they are characterized by a better degree of assimilation contents. The best option considered zhiroszhigateli produced in powder form or a ready to accept the solution. In liquid form, the additive absorbed by the body faster.
- Composition - you need to pay attention to the fact that it contains useful for female body parts. Fatty acids Omega-3 - a mandatory component of the ideal fat burner for women. This biologically active component is essential for maintaining youth and beauty of the skin, hair and nails.
By unimportant parameters when choosing supplements for rapid weight loss include its taste. This feature does not affect the efficacy of the drug. Additionally, fruity (berry) taste appears by the addition of synthetic components that are hazardous to health.
Whatever the selected fat burner, a woman must know what the effect of his admission would not be in violation of the diet, and ignoring exercise. Any drug will act only in conjunction with a balanced diet and regular playing sports.
Best fat burner slimming sporty women
One of the best sports supplements for weight loss is considered to be women Lipo-6. The product is made known to the whole world now Nutrex, which is a leading supplier of efficient sports nutrition. Effectiveness supplementation is that it has a multi-phase effects.

The capsule contains fat burner components differing impact velocity on the process of undesirable combustion deposits. Substance responsible for appetite suppression, operate in the first minutes after ingestion of the capsule. Components with a slower action trigger fat burning process. With regular use Lipo-6 excess kilograms leave gradually, that is not contrary to the principle of a healthy and balanced diet.
- of the drug include yohimbine - a powerful lipolitik;
- synephrine - safe component that contributes to a slight increase in body temperature and accelerating the exchange processes;
- synthetic analogs of balsam tree resin prevent the accumulation of new fat deposits;
- among natural components sesame oil additive recovered wood and caffeine;
- gelatin - capsule auxiliary component.
- It reduces appetite;
- improves body tone;
- It limits the amount of carbohydrates, suction gastrointestinal tract;
- It displays the excess fluid.
- not suitable for women with blood pressure drops;
- can cause disorders of the digestive tract;
- It does not work without regular employment sports.
Best fat burner for use in the home
Many women have contraindications to the industrial production of fat burners. In this case, the aid of additives, obtained in the home, e.g., ginger water. The ginger root contains amino acids, arginine and vitamin C is necessary for the normalization of metabolism, vitality and cleanse the body of toxins.

Ginger - a basic component of household water for weight loss. But it also includes a cucumber - a natural diuretic, helps to cope with the swelling. To get water, you need to take peeled ginger root and grate it on a small grater so as to obtain a tablespoon smooth. Next, take one medium cucumber, cutting it into slices. The two components are mixed, adding a few slices of lemon. The mixture was then poured liter of warm water and a few hours insist. A portion of a home remedy for weight loss drink during the day.
- Ginger - toning is a natural product which suppresses appetite;
- cucumber - a natural cleansing agent;
- means a low-cost and easy to prepare at home.
- simple preparation;
- availability;
- pleasant taste;
- the absence of side effects.
Minus the ginger water is that it is not suitable for people with impaired gastrointestinal function.
Best fat burner slimming women from the pharmacy
Best safe fat burner from the pharmacy is considered A drug-kartinin. Natural L-kartinin responsible for the full exchange of substances produced by the kidney and liver of man. Additional delivery of the biologically active substance in the organism contributes to the maintenance of energy and stamina during the exercise. Additional effects of the drug include increased immunity and normalize blood cholesterol levels. L-kartinin has a rejuvenating effect.

- Pharmaceutical additive is produced in the form of capsules;
- duration of administration of pharmacy additives should not exceed one month;
- course of taking L-kartinina can be repeated twice a year;
- in some cases when prescribed to patients and exhaustion during the rehabilitation period after severe diseases.
- Easy receive circuit;
- not addictive;
- no adverse effect on vital organs - heart, liver, thyroid gland.
Minus - it has a slow effect.
Best natural fat burner for weight loss women
Natural fat burners will always remain the most popular due to its natural composition. The best preparation is considered to be on a natural basis "Liquid chestnut". The drug is popular not only among bodybuilders, but also among ordinary people who dream about the loss of the hated kilograms. The main component of the product - guarana extract. It is a biologically active substance mildly affects the hunger center, whereby the appetite is suppressed. The extract is available in powder form, which is used inside and washed down with a small portion of water.

Guarana has the same effect as caffeine - bracing increases the tone of vascular walls but is more useful for the organism. The drug is made using natural products helps to eliminate toxins that accumulate as a result of overeating. Use the supplement is simple - a single serving, the amount of which is specified in the instructions, is diluted with water to get a drink. "Liquid chestnut" has a peculiar taste, which can be improved by adding a few drops of lemon juice.
- the main component of the preparation is guarana - a useful alternative caffeine;
- It means is taken as an emulsion - powder fill a necessary amount of water;
- "Liquid chestnut" - a natural remedy, so to achieve the desired effect it is taken at least 1 month.
- It does not cause side effects;
- invigorates no worse than coffee;
- affordable price.
Lack of funds is the fact that it is contraindicated in hypertensive patients.
Best natural fat burner for weight loss women
Grapefruit - the best natural fat burner. 100 grams of fruit contains less than 40 calories, it is rich in vitamin B8, which is required for combustion of excess adipose tissue. The fruit is useful for people suffering from diabetes, which is developed on the background of overweight. The grapefruit contain biologically active substances that normalize blood glucose levels. Also fruit helps fight swelling.

- to lose weight, it should be before each food intake consumed a quarter of the fetus;
- Grapefruit can not be used simultaneously with anti-cancer, immunosuppressive and anti-bacterial drugs.
- natural origin;
- affordable price;
- pleasant taste;
- there is no harm to the body.
- contraindicated in gastric ulcer and gastritis;
- incompatible with many pharmacological agents.
If a woman has decided to use the fat burner, it requires preliminary consultation of the doctor. Receiving the selected additive in strict accordance with the instruction.