Water filters: types, characteristics, advantages, how to choose

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Thanks to the invention, namely filtering any liquid to clean. Water passes during filtration purification steps, quality depends on the number of purification steps.

The first stage - mechanical filtration - removes waste particles and visually makes the water cleaner. Further, the chemical composition changes, the task handle device with an ion-exchange cartridge - delayed heavy substance, manganese type lead.

Liquid which can be consumed without harm, must undergo another cleaning through a carbon cartridge - cleared of chlorine, neutralizes odor. When the three phases completed, the water is considered safe.


  • Types and characteristics of filters for water
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • How to choose a water filter
  • Exploitation
  • Guarantee
  • malfunctions
  • Producers of water filters

Types and characteristics of filters for water

The main part of the cleaning devices - cartridges. Every types and models designed for your lifetime.

They are separated by types with corresponding functions:

  • Mechanical: consisting of polypropylene; removes sand, rust, mechanical suspension.
  • Carbon: activated consists of (the pressed) coal; removes organic and inorganic substances which eliminates unpleasant odor, the color of the liquid.
  • Softening: consist of Na-cation resin removes water from heavy metals.
  • Obezzhelezivayuschie: consists of 2 backfills, which are composed of calcite; clears from hydrogen sulfide, improves pH, eliminating metallic taste and smell.



Filter-jug: Characterized by its simplicity and budget price. It is set carbon cartridge. Effectively coping with his appointment, but to use the cartridge is designed for purification of 500 liters. Manufactured cartridges are of two types: universal, specialized. Specialized - equipped with additional functions that softens liquid adds fluoro, removes excess iron.

Attachment on the crane: Equipped with a carbon cartridge. When using this type of filter, the pressure should be 2-3 liters / hour, it can not cope with a large stream of water.

Standing separately: Setting is only in connecting the filter to the water supply via a flexible hose. The maximum number of steps in the cartridge - with two degrees of purification.

Standard - polypropylene, activated charcoal, 10 inch cartridge will last for 6 months or at 4 tons of water.

There are models that are installed not only next to the sink, but also on the wall. Also, some have an indicator showing the need to replace the cartridge.

Change should be made 1 time in 4-5 months. Although this type and is directly connected to the water supply, it is possible with the help of adapters include (disable) filter - no need to disconnect the hose every time.


sink: Connects directly to the water supply. Podmoechnye filter effectively purify water, standard set cartridge 3 - Cleaning methods vary by setting the desired cartridge, but the first stage of purification is always a mechanical one. Cope with any pollution, which does not affect the water flow rate. Replacement cartridges - depends on the type of filter.

trunk: Is mounted directly on the main pipe which delivers the water entering the apartment or room, i.e. before plumbing nodes. Set as the cold and hot water.

In-line filters not only purify the liquid to drink, but also saves plumbing, prolonging operation of appliances connected to the central water - dishwasher, washing cars.


prefilter: Mounted on a water pipe, the purpose of cleaning and protection of home appliances against mechanical debris. The design consists of a fine mesh, some models are made with protection against water hammer. During operation requires periodic flushing.

Purifaer (Cooler): detached apparatus cleans and heats or cools the drinking water to the desired temperature. The models differ in size, appearance, functions. The main direction of these devices is to work in factories, offices.

The advantage is not only to improve the quality and taste, but also features that allow you to heat and cool the liquid. fluid quality that filter cooler, bottled water is superior.


Tourist: Designed for hiking, travel, travel. The main purpose - to clean the liquid from any containers that need a reliable, high-quality applications in difficult conditions.

Nano-filters: Developed on the basis of nanotechnology, are equipped with a semipermeable membrane, the pore size of which are close to the size of water molecules - retains all the impurities.

From filters depend possible functions that the choice of recommended pay attention to:

  • Reverse Osmosis - a process in which by a pressure fluid via a one-way membrane adjudged from the concentrated composition of water with the impurities in low conc. That is, the diaphragm valve operates as a filter, passing water in a direction retarding admixture, more impurities are discharged into the sewers.
  • Without reverse osmosis.
  • Capillary membranes: devices with this function are set in the main under the sink. There are various treatment stages with capillary membranes. Basis - ultrafiltration membrane consisting of capillary tubes, the main purpose of the stonecrop mechanical debris and bacteria, while at the same time, such a cleaning keeps the mineral composition.

    Attention to this type of fine water if heavily contaminated liquid and needs a rough type purification required to set prefilters.

  • Mineralization of water - a necessary and useful process. Home mineralization task - to make a liquid useful and pleasant to the taste. mineralization system is mainly provided on the filters with reverse osmosis. Since the liquid passing through the membrane is devoid of mineral substances. Manufacturers have provided such an opportunity, so that after cleaning the water was not only drinkable, but also useful.
  • UV treatment is used not only in homes, but also wells and boreholes, as destroys germs and bacteria. This method works without auxiliary reagents - secures and improves the water quality does not change the chemical and physical composition - are established for the terminal cleaning step, without pre-filtering one of the above filters are not used recommended.
  • Cooling and heating of water: filter model is provided in which the cooling and / or heating water. This feature is primarily prevalent in purifaera, but there are also multi-functional filters, which are equipped with this system.
  • LED replacement cartridges - signals the need to change the cartridge.

    The consumer does not always keep track of the operation, so there is a concern in the use of poor-quality water.

  • Crane kit is provided for the filters that are installed under the sink, which saves unnecessary costs for the installation, as different models of cranes are not suitable connectors.
  • The pump (pump) is provided for increasing the pressure. Since for some filters delivers insufficient pressure from the central water supply and without the device can not operate normally.

Direct appointment of filters - water purification. Apply filters to clean, not only drinking, but also household liquid.

Devices which allow to purify water for any purpose, are mounted on water pipes. Thus, all of the fluid flowing into an apartment or a room, goes purification.

Devices that are used for hot water, are made of stronger materials and are resistant to high temperatures.

There are purity, which allow to get rid of:

  • Active chlorine.
  • Finola.
  • Pesticides.
  • Nitrates.
  • Cadmium.
  • Petroleum products.
  • Organic impurities.
  • Colloidal iron.
  • Heavy metal ions.

Filters are also different connection sizes: ½ '', 1 '', ¾ ''.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages jar filters:

  • Reasonable price.
  • Convenient and easy to use.
  • Purification by chlorine impurities.

Advantages of the nozzle to the crane:

  • Eliminating the impurities, chlorine.
  • Compactness.
  • Reasonable price.

Advantages freestanding and under sink filters:

  • Rapid clearance.
  • Easy to replace the print cartridges.
  • Eliminating the impurities, chlorine, organochlorines.

Advantages of filters with reverse osmosis:

  • Quality perfect cleaning.
  • Comfort in use.
  • It has a water reserve.
  • Killing bacteria, viruses, after a hard metal.

filters dignity to ultrafiltration membrane:

  • Quality cleaning to a safe condition.
  • Killing bacteria, viruses, metals.
  • It does not eliminate the mineral salts.
  • Fast work.
  • Compactness.

Advantages of nano-filters:

  • The maximum clearance.
  • Killing bacteria, viruses, metals.
  • Complete relief of all toxic substances.
  • Unchanged mineral composition.
  • Reduction in pH to normal.
  • the negative ions are transferred to the water.
  • Recycling organic salts.
  • Performance.
  • Long-term operation of the cartridges that are easy to replace.
  • When installing consider different options.
  • Observation of the degree of contamination.
  • There are additional installation of various functional accessories.


Disadvantages jar filters:

  • Low quality of purification.
  • Fragility cartridges.
  • It can not cope with certain bacteria.
  • One-time use can not cope with a large volume of liquid.

Disadvantages of the nozzle to the crane:

  • It reduces the pressure capacity.
  • Little performance.
  • If not equipped with a switch, it is necessary to remove the nozzle when business needs.
  • Low degree of purification.

Disadvantages desktop and under sink filters:

  • Can not get rid of some bacteria and viruses.
  • Not fully cope with nitrates, nitrites, fluorides.
  • Price is above average.

Disadvantages filters with reverse osmosis:

  • Big size.
  • Eliminates water from the mineral substances.
  • Poor quality of the liquid for drinking.
  • Little performance.
  • Uneconomical in operation.
  • High price.

filters disadvantages with ultrafiltration membrane:

  • Contamination after filtration remains in the membrane.
  • Water remains tight - not softens.
  • Price is above average.

Disadvantages of nano-filters the high cost.

How to choose a water filter


When choosing a filter is defined for water, with what degree of contamination to be the work unit. What is required quantity of purified water per hour.

The material from which the device is made - an important element, since it is in contact with drinking liquid. The characteristics of units specified operating pressure range, with whom he deals, so you should know what the water pressure is applied to the central water supply.

Important volumes, which manages the filter, so the costs are taken into account, as a small machine can not cope with a large volume of liquid.

Each device contains cartridges that have a different term wear.

Note the presence of water consumed by you:

  • Metallic taste.
  • Scum.
  • Footprints on a silver dish.
  • Smell.
  • Sediment.

Which is better


The family, which consists of two and lives in areas where water does not require deep cleaning, cost filter jugs, attachments on the faucet and freestanding nadmoechnymi filters. These kinds of coping with a small amount of water and pollution. Systems of this kind do not require complex setups, easy to use, available in the price.

But to clean in case of serious contamination, requires powerful machines. The system under the sink and reverse osmosis provide deep cleansing. Handle large volumes of liquid - suitable for larger families, especially with small children, as to cope with contamination (sand, rust) and bacteria.

Phones are easy to use because it does not take up much space. Equipped with 3 degrees of treatment, depending on the manufacturer's model, use different types of ink cartridges, which makes it possible to pick up the device at the consumer's needs.

Devices with a reverse osmosis system to effectively and efficiently purify the liquid, but it is worth paying attention to the pressure that is inherent in the water supply system.

These models require high pressure. It is necessary to note that when cleaning the device, minerals disappear, so make sure that the filter is equipped with a mineralizer.

Ultrafilters perfectly cope with the task, as well as devices with a reverse osmosis system, they rid of any impurities, bacteria and viruses, after purification by liquid mineral composition remains normal.



Before using the device should be carefully wash all the surface, preferably with a soap solution, then rinsed with running water and dried.

Immediately cartridge itself should be dipped in water for 20 minutes and then set into the device. Then you need to skip the liquid through the filter. Subsequent already filtered water can be consumed.

Note that the devices for filtration of cold water, do not tolerate high temperature. When the unit is not equipped with an indicator of cartridge replacement, you must follow the terms of use, and requires timely replacement. When a break in the use, it is necessary to repeat the flushing procedure.

It is necessary to monitor the integrity of the cartridge, to avoid mechanical damage. It should protect the device from falling. During transport, the device must be placed in special protective packaging. Be sure to read the recommendations on the use of filters from producer.



Warranty on repairs only covers breakdowns and defects that have occurred solely through the fault of the manufacturer. To consumer complaints received, it is necessary to fill in the warranty card, where you have to specify the date, model, serial number, vendor stamp.

If you are having deficiencies in the product, which is purchased, you can make a claim on the terms of article "On Protection of Consumers' Rights.

Also note that the guarantee is valid in cases where the consumer is in compliance with all the rules that are registered in the operating instructions.



When water leakage is necessary to check the four-way valve, also causes this may be clogged elements or low pressure to eliminate the need to replace the cartridge, or install additional pump that increases the pressure respectively.

Another problem is the lack of water that should flow from the tap. The reasons for this may be a low pressure, membrane fouling, low temperature (operating 4˚S-40 ° C). To fix it you want to install a pump that increases the pressure or replace the membrane.

If the vessel is not reached a sufficient quantity of purified liquid is necessary to replace the pre-filter, membrane or flow restrictor.

Also in this case, can help flush valve.

If there is air in the system, the fluid can acquire a beige color, but this problem disappears after 2 weeks of operation of the device.

In the absence of charcoal cartridge fouled membranes or incorrect connection pipes after the cleaning liquid becomes bad taste. This can be corrected by re-check the connection tubes. Help replacing post-filter and membrane.

A clogged water flow restrictor leads to the fact that no liquid enters the drainage to correct the problem you need to replace the limiter.

When drain blockage or high pressure may be manifested noise at work, in this case it is necessary to eliminate the clogging or adjust the pressure.

If the pump is not disconnected, the vessel can not gain sufficient fluid pressure to be adjusted in such a fault.

Producers of water filters


FeaturesThe company Aquaphor outperforms the competition:

effective cleaning of mechanical and organic impurities; the liquid freed from the bad taste, odors, limescale; effectively removes heavy metal ions, colloidal iron; efficient destruction of viruses, bacteria and microbes; high performance; long-term durability.

SpecializationIt specializes in the development of new ideas and the production of a wide range of products for purifying drinking water and household water purifiers.
QualityFor the manufacture of the product manufacturers use high-quality materials that are constantly being improved. The quality of products is constantly improving. The manufacturer uses for the manufacture of new advanced technology devices. Firm guarantees safe for the body fluid after filtration.
GuaranteeWarranty from the manufacturer - 1 year.

Atlas Filtri

FeaturesWith a wide range, Atlas Filtri It has one of the leading places in the market.

Filters eliminate all chemical and organic impurities. Significantly improve the taste of water. Also fast filters the filtering loop passes over a few seconds.

The manufacturer constantly monitors the market for innovation and technology, embodying them in the manufacture of its products.

SpecializationThe company specializes in the production of filters, cartridges, cleaning equipment, complex water treatment systems, pumps, chemical products for domestic and industrial purposes.
QualityProducts are tested, meets international standards. For the production company uses high-quality safe materials and modern technology, which results in a high quality product.

The brand is known for high quality products, reliability and safety.

GuaranteeWarranty from the manufacturer - 1 year.


Featuresfilters Atoll have a thought-out design that allows for easy, effortless to work with them. It provides the ability to select the cartridge for the region in which the consumer resides. Along with the reliability and quality of the celebrated design that will satisfy any taste.
SpecializationThe company specializes in the production of filters, has a wide range of products, which adapts to the needs of any buyer.
QualityManufacturer for the manufacture of filter uses reliable, proven technology. Used for the assembly of materials and components of the highest quality from trusted brands.
GuaranteeWarranty from the manufacturer - 1 year.


FeaturesRange Barrier It is of high quality and is characterized as a high-tech product. Due to the wide choice, the consumer circle is growing. Production is equipped with private research laboratory, which is fully automated and robotized.
SpecializationThe company specializes in the manufacture of filters for water purification, water softeners, professional treatment systems for domestic and industrial needs.
QualityIn manufacture innovative designs that allow you to achieve the quality and safety of the filtered product. The products that the company manufactures barrier, you can be confident in the reliability and quality, as all stages of production are quality controlled.
GuaranteeWarranty from the manufacturer - 1 year.


FeaturesThe peculiarity of the company BRITA and its purpose is not only clean and quality water, but also taste. All efforts, development and manufacturing processes aimed at achieving the result is in the taste. The manufacturer takes care of the environment by minimizing pollution from waste.
SpecializationThe company specializes in the production of various filters, accessories. Developing device for use in coffee machines, and refrigerators.
QualityProducts brand conducts research and development, which give good results and receive international awards. The products are used technological innovations that add convenience and ease of use. quality of the product after purification are constant checks, so it is always at the highest level.
GuaranteeWarranty from the manufacturer - 1 year.


FeaturesOn the market BWT surpasses competitors in novelties. Everything connected with the international innovation, the company is trying to develop and optimize the first in the manufacture of its products. In the field of water treatment manufacturer tries to find new, convenient, safe and high-quality solutions.
SpecializationThe company specializes in the manufacture of filters, softeners, devices for protection against scale, dosing, ozonation, funds for the care of pool.
QualityManufacturer cares about the quality of its products and the final result. Products undergo laboratory tests, so the range of products offered by the manufacturer, corresponds to the sign of quality.
GuaranteeWarranty from the manufacturer - 1 year.


Featuresbrand name Ecodoctor It is known in that it uses only environmentally friendly natural materials for the manufacture of filters and accessories. They went through all the testing stage. Due to this uniqueness, the products can be considered one of a kind.
SpecializationThe company specializes in the manufacture of filters for drinking water, the main devices and cartridges.
QualityThanks to the rigorous selection of materials, as well as multiple laboratory tests, liquid that passes through the purification filters of this mark is of high quality, reliable and security. High-quality material and its harmlessness constitute considerable competition on the market today.
GuaranteeWarranty from the manufacturer - 1 year.


FeaturesEcotronic It focuses not only on the quality and safety of purified water, but also the taste. The company uses in the production of various technological innovations, through which the company achieves certain success. It has a wide range of applications. The range meets the aesthetic demands of customers.
SpecializationThe company specializes in the manufacture of filters, coolers, purifaerov, wine cabinets and parts.
QualityEkotronik offers a wide range of choice, thanks to which, the consumer gets a quality product. Range of services to satisfy the tastes of the consumer, not only the quality but also the Privacy Policy.
GuaranteeWarranty from the manufacturer - 1 year.


FeaturesScientific and industrial holding company GeizerWhich has a research and development department and the analytical laboratory is a feature of the Geiser. The brand designs and studies, so has the unique products and patented technologies. Research works allow to make high-quality and cost-effective products.
SpecializationThe company specializes in the production of household, for cottages, industrial filters and accessories.
QualityProducers should not only for the quality of the product obtained after filtering, but also by the quality of the goods. Research and development allow for a wide range of product choice for consumers of any class.
GuaranteeWarranty from the manufacturer - 1 year.


FeaturesCompany Honeywell one of the leaders in the development of new technologies.
SpecializationThe company specializes in the manufacture of filters, vodoobraznyh nodes washes, flanged units, valves and parts for them.
QualityHoneywell are filters for both coarse and fine water. It is a reliable and quality manufacturer. It manufactures products, thinking about the end result, which contributes to high-quality water purification.
GuaranteeWarranty from the manufacturer - 1 year.


FeaturesManufacturer Katadyn It focuses on the fact that consumers, who travel a lot, or being far from water pipes, can through their filters make the water potable.
SpecializationThe company specializes in the production of individual cleaning systems for the liquid.
QualityBrand cares about the quality of water and worries about consumer safety. This principle makes high-quality products, easy and convenient to operate, safe.
GuaranteeWarranty from the manufacturer - 1 year.

novaya Voda

FeaturesManufacturer novaya Voda filters on the market relatively recently, so he tries to justify the trust of customers, manufacturing justifying a product that offers a good choice, a wide range, which makes high-quality pure product.
SpecializationThe company specializes in the manufacture of systems for the home, cottage, drinking water treatment systems, replacement components, UV systems, cartridges and other accessories to the filters.
QualityThe company tries to keep up with the latest technologies, using them in the manufacture of its products, which It helps to achieve good results in the quality of both the product and the final result after filtration. Modern technologies allow to make a safe product for humans.
GuaranteeWarranty from the manufacturer - 1 year.


FeaturesManufacturer Philips applies innovations aimed at the health of consumers. Philips produces only that, and for it to be good, and not harm. The company finds new solutions and unique way to provide consumers with the best products.
SpecializationThe company specializes in the manufacture of electronics, medical equipment, lighting. One of the largest manufacturers of household appliances.
QualityThe company Philips high quality standards and high demand for products, which is one of the most important factors that affect the quality. The manufacturer takes care about the consumer, making the emphasis on safety, health and comfort.
GuaranteeWarranty from the manufacturer - 1 year.


FeaturesThe manufacturer uses in the manufacture of components that are safe for health, which is confirmed by numerous tests. We use the latest technology. This creates a modern and safe system for cleaning. The range allows the consumer to choose what he needs.
SpecializationThe company specializes in the production of household and industrial filters, cartridges, fittings, pipes, valves and other components.
QualityThe brand caters to the consumer. Studies show that the products that the company produces, and meets the quality mark capable when used to produce high quality, clean, safe drinking liquid.
GuaranteeWarranty from the manufacturer - 1 year.