Swedish wall - a universal way of organizing compact home gym. There are models that do not clutter up even a small apartment.
And the ability to complement the design of attachments (rings, rope, horizontal bar, punching bag, etc.) will allow to diversify training and give the necessary load all the groups of muscles.
- Types Swedish walls
- Characteristics
- Swedish walls pluses
- Minuses
- How to choose the wall bars
- Which is better
- How to use
- Warranty
- malfunctions
- Manufacturers Swedish walls
Types Swedish walls

depending the use of space Swedish walls are divided into:
- Home wall bars. Smaller, but no less functional designs which can be made both from metal and wood.
- Street wall bars. The models differ impressive dimensions and the presence of auxiliary equipment (swing, rings, long horizontal bars).
Such structures often are made of metal - material resistant to sunlight, moisture, temperature extremes.

In form design are:
- I-shaped. Option, which is connected by two crossbars rack. The shell takes up little space, but do not get to hang accessories on it.
- L-shaped wall bars. Equipped with horizontal bar at the top.
- T-wall bars. In constructions of this type the ladder is in the middle, and on both sides of it moving away horizontal bars. These elements are hung sports equipment.

- U-shaped. Multifunctional sports centers, intended for large rooms. These can be attached to a lot of additional simulators.
- "Corner." Such projectiles differ ergonomics: high functionality, they take up little space. It can be purchased as ready-angle option and combine it of the two models.
Simulators of this form may take a few people at a time.
By way of installation release:
- Standalone wall bars - freestanding exercise equipment, wall or installed on the thrust between floor and ceiling.
- Children's sports complexes, combined with a bunk bed or loft bed.
This option saves space, but requires careful attention in the selection: the Swedish load wall will be rendered non-uniform, because in the first place will not have its functionality and durability anchorages.

Swedish walls made of wood, metal or combinations of these materials. Wooden wall bars made of environmentally friendly material - this is often beech and pine.
Such designs are attractive in appearance and fit perfectly into the interior of the room. Wood pleasant to the touch and has a natural anti-slide effect. Besides hitting on wooden boards is transferred easier than on steel elements.
But there are drawbacks:
- The tree is short-lived, it will quickly wear out, crack, rassyhaetsya breaks down.
- When poor-quality processing of the material is a risk to get a splinter.
- Wooden stairs are designed for lighter weight than metal counterparts.
Metal wall bars distinguishes strength, durability, ability to withstand a weight of 200 kg.
Such simulators little influenced by environmental factors, so they are often mounted on the street: in the yard or at the cottage.
The diameter of the iron girders smaller diameter timber complexes similar elements, which makes metal shells more convenient for use by young children.

By cons of products includes:
- increased in comparison with traumatic wooden ladders;
- cold material;
- sliding surface (this disadvantage manufacturers negate diligent application of special coatings).
mounting method

This feature divides the sports facilities into 2 types:
- Multideck wall bars fixed to the wall and takes up little space.
- Spacer wall bars vraspor mounted between floor and ceiling.
The second embodiment is characterized in easy installation. If necessary, the design can be easily disassembled and moved to another part of the room or another room. But these systems are not suitable for rooms with suspended ceilings.
Pristennye wall bars ergonomic, reliable and stable. They are attached to the supporting wall by means of fasteners. The disadvantage - the relative complexity of the installation and the need to drill holes.
There is a third mixed type - when the structure is first screwed to the wall and then installed and vraspor. This is the most secure attachment, is not available in all cases.

Swedish walls are divided into the following types:
- classic;
- transformable.
The first option does not provide for the possibility of transformation. This static model. The only way to modify - hanging-removal of individual elements: ropes, rings, swing, etc.
Wall-transformers - output for small areas. They can easily turn into a functional sports corner, occupying half of the room. the design is just as easy going by the end of training.

- Swedish children's wall;
- Swedish adult wall;
- Universal wall bars.
Children's sports complex is designed for lighter weight than professional models. Most often they are made of wood, but popular and metal variants. Swedish walls for young athletes have attractive vivid design.
As a leading activity of children - a game simulators are equipped with additional elements: swings, slides, basketball hoop, trampoline.

There are options, and for the little ones - children from 1.5 to 6-7 years. It sports towns in which simulators dimensions adapted to the growth of the young hosts.
Adult models often made of metal, as calculated on the greater weight. They have increased strength. Such complexes are suitable for professional activities.
Universal output - Buy calculated on the weight of more than 100 kg of metal wall bars, suitable for both children and adults.
For the child, leisure and diversity training can be supplemented with swings and rings, and to train the muscles of the parents - board for swing press, bars, bench for the bench.

Popular augmentations are as follows:
- bars - fastened parallel to one another (and perpendicular to the wall) of the crossbar, which can hang and tightened. Some models suggest the possibility of folding.
- Additional StepsThat was set angle to the wall bars, gives new opportunities to exercise. Children like to climb from one shell to another.
- The focus for the press - a backrest structure is upholstered and armrests (and sometimes only armrests) is hung on the wall.

Resting his elbows on rails and his back to back, you need to pull to his knees and lift straight leg, pumping your abs.
- fixed horizontal bar - a crossbar for Vis and pulling, which is a part of the structure of wall bars or suggests the possibility of movement (withdrawal). On a horizontal bar can hang accessories.
- Horizontal bar outweighed - these models assume easy movement and installation at any height, which is important for training with children.
- trapeze - beam is suspended at the correct height on the two ropes.
- horizontal bars - staircase, starting from the top of the wall bars and arranged parallel to the floor. According to her move, her hands clinging to the rungs; often this upper limit P and T-shaped complexes.
- Rope - made of durable material (cotton or synthetics) thick rope are usually tied to the bottom of the node.

- gymnastic rings - ring on the suspension ropes course, designed for the exercises in the "hanging".
- Rope-ladder - equipment with wooden beams, studs on the suspension.
Climb up on it is not as easy as on the static ladder - is training the muscles of arms, legs and back, the development of the vestibular system and the coordination of movements, foot massage and cheerful fun for kids.
- Gladiator mesh - a wooden frame with a net stretched between the strips of durable material. The shell is designed for climbing.
He develops agility and coordination, strengthens the arms and legs, is a requisite for games pirates and climbers and part-time may serve as a football goal at home for children matches.
- Bench press - a padded board, cling to any one end of the bar, and the other rests on the floor.

The resulting corner - the optimal position for the bench press, as in the "lying on the floor" to put, not all muscle groups.
- Bench for bench press - a simulator, which is a folding board for strength training, often equipped with rod holders.
- Punching bag - Equipment for a treat strokes, training muscles in the arms and the back and release the negative emotions. Included are gloves often.
- Swing - an element indispensable for homes where there are children. Kids can spend hours rocking on a swing, training vestibular apparatus and leg muscles.
- The scale of growth - height meter to track changes in the child's growth.

- Basketball backboard with ring - shell for the development of accuracy. Throws the ball in the basket - a must for physical education programs, exercising at home the child can easily cope with such tasks in the classroom.
- Pylon - vraspor installed between the floor and the ceiling of a metal pipe for executing gymnastic studies. According to the trainer, you can climb up, training muscles of the arms and legs and developing coordination.
- bench gymnastic - shell to stop training the muscles and the development of a sense of balance. Exercises in the "lying" on a flat hard bench useful for the spine.
Swedish walls pluses

The advantages of Swedish walls include the quality and effects of the simulator:
- Ergonomics. Even for a small apartment easy to pick up a functional complex that does not clutter an already modest space. Where appropriate near-wall model and model transformers.
- Functionality. Additional equipment expands the scope of application of the complex.
- Durability. Modern simulators are designed for continuous operation active, because manufacturers are paying close attention to the strength of materials and fixings.

- Availability. The sale can be found as low cost options and expensive professional simulators.
- Benefits for the formation of the muscular system. Strengthening the muscles in the arms, legs and back, giving aesthetic form of the buttocks and the press, maintaining the spine tone.
- Health promotion. Regular training on the equipment strengthen the immune system and make it easier for diseases of the nervous system.
- Cheerfulness. Sports training uplifting, energizing, keep on our toes.
- Training of willpower. Not all exercises are easy to learn some tricks on the equipment, it is necessary to work.
- Easy to use. For lessons on the wall bars no training required. Set of simple but effective exercises you can find on the internet.
In a home gym can be practiced at any convenient time - immediately after sleep at night, on weekends. This saves hours on the way to the sports complex and back.
Present and financial gain - for the purchase of wall costs will be lower than the monthly expenditure on subscriptions to specialized club.
Another advantage - the absence of prying eyes. Catching the house, do not have to worry about how you look from the side.
Swedish wall - the possibility of organizing a useful family entertainment. It is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle and a way from an early age to instill in children the need for adequate physical activity.

By cons design include:
- The complexity of the transport. It is not easy to deliver the bulk of the box from the shop in the car and place the container in an elevator.
- The complexity of the installation. To assemble the complex have to think, to examine the scheme, pick up accessories.
- Static. Stationary equipment is difficult to move from one room to another or from one corner of the room to another, which creates problems for remodeling and repair.
- Dissonance with the interior. Most often, sports corner must be placed in the living room or nursery, and does not always fit harmoniously into the environment.

- Risk of injury. In the process of training is not excluded fall, striking the bars and other injuries. Children, especially young children, it is undesirable to leave alone with a trainer.
- Limitations of use. Before training on the equipment in some cases it is necessary to consult a doctor: if available, for example, problems with the spine, or some features of the development of the children are not all the exercises on the wall allowed.
On each negative wall bars there counterargument.
Avoid injuries in the fall will help postelennuyu on the floor mat, wall transformers to save space, expert advice from physical therapy cabinet will make the simulator available to people with health problems.
How to choose the wall bars

Choosing wall bars, is to answer the following questions:
- What are the dimensions of the room in which it is planned to put the simulator?
- Who will use the design - or only children and adults too?
- What training is planned for the projectile?
- What are the characteristics of the premises: ceilings, plasterboard walls, etc.
In a small room is better to buy a compact model convertible, I- or T-shaped structure.
The wall only for children's training can be wooden, in the case of shopping for the whole family or for the future is better to stay on solid metal models.
Plans for the training features influence the choice. This applies both to the possibility of a complete set of additional equipment and materials: strength exercises, for example, are not allowed on wooden complexes.

It is worth paying attention to the following details:
- anti-slip coating on the metal rungs models;
- soft padding on the bars, handles, the rings;
- Careful treatment of wooden elements - they must be smooth, splinter excluding the possibility of an arm or leg;
- the presence of complete reliability of fastening and carbines for suspended equipment.
Nursery best are environmentally friendly structures made of wood, in the street appropriately put the metal complexes in the spacious gym is advisable to choose an overall multifunctional wall.
In the small room - a transformer or line trim the product without any additional equipment.
Which is better

Common symptoms that characterize the best wall bars:
- fixings;
- compactness;
- ease of respective dimensions;
- durability;
- strength, allowing high loads;
- presence of metal crossbars antislip coating;
- soft upholstery surfaces, for which will have to stay during training: "horns", rings, parallel bars;
- no sharp edges, protruding bolts, and other components that increase the risk of injury;
- proven in the producer market.
How to use

Following the rules of operation of the Swedish wall to avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of injuries and damage to the simulator:
- Be sure to follow the weighing mode - in the complex, designed for the weight up to 80 kg, should not engage in individual weighing hundredweight.
- If the home has small children, who on their own without adult supervision can climb the stairs need to be concerned about security.
Remove the top few rungs or install a special limiter, which can be purchased in sports shops.
- Reduce the risk of injury will help gymnastic mats: for I- and D-shaped structures will need a mat for the P- and T-shaped - at least 2.

- Before installing the equipment necessary to instruct the children: to talk about the dangers and safety precautions, explain what steps can not be located to several people at the same time cautioned against overindulgence during training.
- Children should not be left alone in the sports corner - better if classes will be held under the supervision of adults.
- It is impossible to exercise in acute diseases.
- Using a shell for other purposes leads to breakdowns - for example, if dry on wooden bars underwear, they quickly crack from dryness, swell and crack.

- Exercises for practicing choose according to age, physical fitness and health.
- Care for a sports complex: the bar should not be sticky, slippery or rough; periodically clean damp cloth items, not forgetting then wipe the surface dry.

Active sessions can start at the age of one and a half years. Children useful:
- Hanging on the rings, horizontal bar or the bar - exercise aligns the spine, which is necessary for the proper formation of the skeleton of children, and develops a bunch of hands.
- Catch up on the rings and horizontal bar.
- To climb the ladder.
- Squat, holding located at chest level bar.

- Arch the body forward, with his back to the stairs on the bottom rung, and clutching the hands of the very top of the beam.
- Hanging on the bar or the bar, lift the knees bent or straight legs.
- Do exercise, "Pendulum": hanging on the bar, swing the legs left and right.
- Ride on the rope, and then climb up on it, to the horizontal bar located below the ceiling.
Before you train with the child at home, consult your pediatrician. Some conditions and diseases are contraindications for training.
Sometimes it is appropriate to include in the class elements of gymnastics, abandoning the typical exercises that can be harmful to a child with special needs.
Adults useful to periodically perform as part of the above exercises for children, and a more challenging workout:
- rock abs on a special board;
- different grip tightened, training biceps and back muscles;
- squat on one leg, placing second on the bottom rail and holding her hands in one of the top;
- push-ups on the bars, pumping his chest and arm muscles;
- hanging on the bar, raise legs to the side and cross.

The warranty period is different - from one year to three to five years. The problem during this time, occurred due to imperfections in the structure and materials of low quality are eliminated forces free service centers.
The costs associated with the delivery of the product to the place of repair are usually not compensated. If it turns out that the equipment is out of order due to the violation of these products in the passport service regulations, the manufacturer of the responsibility for this no responsibility.
By purchasing a treadmill, keep the sales receipt and warranty card, it is impossible to realize the right to warranty service without these documents.
Finally, according to the legislation of the purchaser the right merchandise can be exchanged or returned (in the original packaging and presentation) within 14 days from the date of purchase.

Swedish wall - a simulator designed for active use. In use, sometimes there are breakdowns and malfunctions. Most often sportugolkov owners faced with the following troubles:
- Cracked wooden beam - for safety element should immediately be removed and eventually replaced.
- Loosened attachment - often this problem occurs when non-compliance regime and the weight is eliminated by tightening the screws.
- Broken benches lining either punching bag - you can use the services of the studio, either alone sew tear nylon thread.
- Broke mounting additional elements: most unpleasant experience in transformer complexes, which provides frequent folding-unfolding equipment.

They fail hoists bench for the bench press or swing.
Here are a few options: cut thread and strengthen the construction of hockey nut welder or use the services, which are welded to the metal leg platform on the floor.
Manufacturers Swedish walls

In the Russian market a good reputation have earned the following vendors:
- Effect-Sport - a store specializing in the implementation of the Swedish wall and sports equipment. Brand philosophy - attention to quality: cooperation with the best producers, the mandatory multi-level pre-market control.
Buyers are waiting for affordable prices, and a wide range of guarantees.
- InterAtletika - the seller of the equipment of famous brands, providing customers reasonable prices, discounts and warranty sports equipment from one year to 10 years.
Here you can find exercise equipment, wall bars, sports nutrition, Facilities for Disabled, massage design.

- Kampfer- wholesaler of sports and massage equipment popular brands, offering customers special conditions: discounts, attractive prices, the possibility of purchasing at retail (for regular customers), different forms of calculation.
- Karusel - the company specializes in the sale of equipment for children's centers and playgrounds (trampolines, mazes, rides).
But in the present range and quality wall bars and sports facilities (priority is given to street structures, there are homemade equipment).

- Leader - sports complexes series designed primarily for children, although designed for loads of up to 100-150 kg. It is a rich assortment of high quality and safe design of various dimensions, involving of additional equipment.
Product is available on the official websites of sports shops.
- Midzumi - proven manufacturer of children's and universal systems for the home and the street, the range of which are of high quality and variety of models. The brand is widely represented in many stores.

- Pioneer - specialty products - supplies of aids and equipment to schools, kindergartens, playgrounds street.
- Romana - Factory game and sports equipment, which includes a range of different models of home sports complexes; products are safe and meet state standards.
Swedish wall - a useful acquisition, which will diversify leisure time and enhance the health of all family members. Proper equipment will transform an ordinary apartment in the area a full gym and does not deliver when it inconveniences the inhabitants of the dwelling.