Kits for children are a set of wooden pieces of various shapes, which are folded together, child gets ready toy: fantastic character, a house for dolls, car models or even feeder birds.
By playing with this set of baby meets a variety of geometric shapes, shapes and colors, develops methods of joining parts, develops motility fingers. The game involves the memory, attention, spatial thinking and imagination.
The wood used for the production of educational toys, - clean, natural material.
- Kinds of wooden designers
- How to choose a wooden constructor
- How to play
- Care
- Problems
Kinds of wooden designers
According to the type of connection elements kits for children conditionally divided into two groups:
Designers with a tight retainer. This is all kinds of models of vehicles, figures of animals and heroes of fairy tales, as well as building construction and structures - houses, castles, fortresses, towers.
This develops a set going once, and then the baby has been playing with the finished product, which can be easily moved from place to place and use in their games extensively. On the shelves you can find a large number of collapsible models. At this young builder making arbitrary changes in the assembly process by swapping blocks or removing superfluous.
In the process, a boy or girl becomes necessary in life skills in a predetermined pattern. If your child enjoyed the instruction and the right to put the pieces together, he has to get a toy, "as in the picture", also made their own.
This game is useful for the development of spatial modeling, attention, perseverance, the ability to bring it started to end and achieve their goals.
The game sets are used for connection of elements:
- tongue and groove system. Design Details tightly interconnected due to the protrusions and openings. To fix the elements in some cases, adhesive is used (if included in the kit). Such constructors require attention, perseverance and accuracy in their work. Assembled constructor is not only interesting to use in children's games. It will become a stylish decoration of children's rooms and the pride of its owner. Designed these kits for the children of middle-aged and older;
- fasteners: bolts, screws, nuts. In this case, the set includes the necessary tools: a toy screwdriver, wrench, hammer. The assembled model, depending on what the manufacturer suggests, is static or mobile: the machines spinning wheels, the doors open. Kid easy to come up with stories for the games to play. This designer will surely enjoy the boys of different ages;
- cord with a wooden stick on the end, which is necessary to pass through the holes in the details. Each wood element need to be strung on a string at a time in sequence. From figures chain will train, a caterpillar, a turret or a scattering of fruit. Such a wooden constructor is recommended for very young children. The kid will sort out the figures, try to string them on a stick and can playfully learn basic shapes and colors, develop fine motor skills of fingers.

Sets consisting of blocks that need to be put on each other on the principle of building blocks. This cubes and cones, pillars and slabs, beams and roof elements, stairs - spare parts in all shapes, sizes and colors. Most often, such units is proposed to erect a building - a tower, castle, fortress, house, or even a vast fairy-tale town.
This building is no different high strength and resistance, at careless movement can inadvertently destroy it. But the kid can multiply and assemble and disassemble such a constructor without much effort, each time creating of the same components that something new, unexpected and even fantastic.
The distinguishing feature of this type of educational toys - the possibility of combining sets of various types and manufacturers. It will only add variety to the gameplay and make it fun and exciting.
Select the desired blocks, play alone or cheerful company, to build a house or a fabulous city - the choice is crumbs. All this creates conditions for the development of imagination and creativity of children.
Wooden elements of developing a set are:
- painted with bright colors. The blocks are produced self-colored, multi-colored, with applied paint pattern. First option - a paint layer visible natural wood pattern. Another option - a dense layer of opaque paint. The main thing that the paint used by the manufacturer to be environmentally clean and safe for children. It is necessary to pay special attention when choosing a wooden constructor;
- covered with a colorless varnish or stain. Wood texture on the workpiece remains visible, while an element is protected from external influences, it can be cleaned with a damp cloth;
- not painted. Clearly visible tree structure, preserve natural properties of wood. Such details are more natural, they can safely offer the small child, who still tries "to the tooth". Playing with unpainted cubes, baby gets the first glimpse of the structure of the wood, feel the natural smell of wood and texture. However, such elements are much more difficult to keep clean - they can not be cleaned with water, for untreated wood afraid of water;
- not painted, suggest independent staining child parts after assembly. The resulting figure, model or construction machinery can be colored paints in its sole discretion (the paint should be stable and safe). Therefore, in different children the same designers will look completely different. Paint for such designer is part of the set. Or you can purchase your own acrylic paint for artwork and use them. Of course, this option is suitable only for children of middle-aged and older, and these must be carried out under the supervision of an adult.
How to choose a wooden constructor

Regardless of the type of modular toy all the constituent parts must be qualitatively processed: no burrs, sharp corners and chipping.
Conveniently, if the toy has a transparent package, then the buyer will appreciate the quality study of all components before purchasing. If the product is packaged in an opaque bag or box, it is desirable to give preference to well-known brands, proven in the market. It will be useful to read online reviews from other buyers.
Of course, the price also plays an important role. High-quality, safe and environmentally friendly product is not sold at the price of suspiciously low.
How to choose according to their age

First carefully examine the packaging and toys to pay attention to the age marking on the product.
- for kids manufacturers typically offer between four and twelve large and bright elements, which will be comfortable to hold in small hands. This should not be possible to break or swallow these parts. Scarce can collect items in a random order, and can look at the picture and try to reproduce the sequence of parts;
- for older children include more sophisticated designers. Manufacturer supplied instructions for assembly. The need for participation in adult assembly depends on the age of the young builder.
Keep in mind that your child should not be given a toy containing small-sized components that are easy to swallow. It is important for families raising children of different ages.
How to play

- for the organization of the game baby will require hard and smooth surface. You need to prepare a table or free area of ​​sufficient size on the floor in a room where a young architect, nothing will disturb and will not detract from the game;
- extract develops a set of box / package, remove all packaging materials. Pour out of the box all the details;
- sort items, if it involves instruction. It is desirable to count the number of elements to make sure that the necessary components in place (the number of parts of each type of manufacturer usually indicates the package);
- get the enclosed instructions and offer his son or daughter to carefully study it. At the first stage the child will participate and adult tips;
- offer crumbs collect toy model, following the proposed scheme, or focusing on the attached picture;
- if the set does not imply strict adherence to instructions during assembly, let the young architect to show imagination and builds what he thinks is fun and interesting for yourself;
- after work you can dream up with the baby that is meant for someone collected the object. If this house - one of the toys will live in it, a toy furniture to furnish than its complement. If this truck - which goods and loads it will carry, how and where, who will be the driver. It is important to use all the features of developing a set, because the main goal - to develop the abilities, skills and imagination crumbs.
Where you can and can not play

It is important to remember that even treated wood affected by humidity. Therefore it is not recommended to play in wet areas, on the street, to put items on the ground. Accidental splashes of water on a wooden element is important not to lose time, and as soon as possible to wipe dry with a soft cloth.
Wood - flammable, combustible material, so you can not play a designer near sources of ignition.

Since moisture on the wood surface should be minimal, it is easier to avoid strong pollution than to clean off the dust and dirt from the wood. Desirably toy whose son or daughter rarely use, stored in a closed box or in the rack with doors.
Dust with parts easily removed with a soft cloth: flannel or microfiber. Get rid of the pencil mark on the toy helps eraser.
If the wooden parts had to wash, you need as soon as possible to dry the parts, so that the wood does not rassohlas.
To toy from wood served for many years and bring maximum benefit to the young builder, manufacturer places on the packaging of the goods detailed information about the care of the product.

Workmanship: the factory not carefully polished wooden elements or during the game on the part came cleavage. In this case, a burr formed on the surface, there is a danger of injury during a game. The buyer has the right to return the toy to the store, do not meet the requirements for safety of children's products. But the problem be solved simply by using fine sandpaper.
The surface of the element must be thoroughly sanded, and then remove the resulting dust with a soft cloth. Following this simple procedure of element again becomes suitable for use in the game.
Sandpaper and rescue in the event that the young artist painted a pen or felt-tip pens unpainted wooden cube. It is necessary to sand and place the soiled wipe with a soft cloth.
Some damage to the wooden element can be self-corrected with the help of glue. On the package glue manufacturer places marked on the application on wooden surfaces.
Properly selected, made from safe materials wooden designer - both toy and developing a set that will help your child learn the skills, abilities and skills that will be useful in the future life.