Water meters are installed in each apartment. This apparatus, fixing the amount of water consumed in cubic meters. They allow you to make efficient use of water resources and to control for housing and utility costs.
The market offers many models of devices of different configurations. they differ on the principle of work, the appointment, the quality of the material, the period of use, price.
To select a suitable option is necessary to understand the principle of work of a particular type, the features of models and designs.
- Kinds
- appointment
- volatility
- meters of water as a working
- Specifications, features, accessories
- pros
- Minuses
- How to choose
- What better water meter
- Operation water meters
- Guarantee
- Faults and repairs
- Manufacturers of water meters
The electromagnetic (induction)

The principle of operation of this type of flow meter is based on Faraday's law of induction.
The counter is a coil, inducing a magnetic field. A feature of such a device is that directly in the pipe any protruding parts no - nothing prevents the water current.
Water is a conductor that crosses a certain speed electromagnetic radiation between the magnet poles. As a result, an electromotive force (EMF) proportional to the speed of movement of the conductor. Counter records the flow velocity and electromotive force on the basis of which determines the flow rate.
This type of flow is not sensitive to impurities in the water temperature, but the accuracy of measurement can affect other electromagnetic field near the metering device. Also at the measured flow rate may be affected in the presence of water bubbles and uneven flow velocity distribution in the pipe.
This requires a water meter connection to electricity. They are used most often on the large industrial and food enterprises, but there are models for domestic use, for example, to equip the irrigation systems. The service life is 12 years.
Tachometric (mechanical)

Counters of the most simple and understandable on the basis of work.
They come in three types:
- vane water meters are in demand when installed in the apartments. Wherein the diameter of the pipe must not exceed 40 mm.
Vane tachometer counters can be of two types:- single-jet - the device is an impeller, which misses passing water through the pipe. Under the pressure of the water it rotates, and the number of revolutions made by the fixed sensor. Pipe diameter - of 15 to 25 mm;
- Multi - the water, before getting on the impeller, divided into several jets, which provides a more detailed account of the water flow and mostly used for pipes with a larger diameter - 50 mm.
- turbine counters are installed in pipelines with a larger diameter -from 40 to 500 mm. It uses them as a common house metering and enterprises.
The turbine is designed as a multiple-thread screw can pass large volumes of water. Feed is supplied to the turbine, causing rotation which is fixed the device, determining the amount of water consumed. This type of meter does not require connection to a power source. Reed pulse transmitter, which are equipped with some mechanical devices, automates the process of maintaining data. - combined counters. Combining the two principles work - vane and turbine - they are suitable for water with a high differential pressure.
Depending on the location of the counter mechanism tachometric counters can be of two types:
- wet - Counter is immersed in water;
- dry - it is of special non-magnetic partition (desired for hot water).
Are mechanical meters are relatively inexpensive at an average lifespan of 12 years.

Inside the body of the device taken, around which a vortex is formed under the pressure of the water. The apparatus detects the slightest change in pressure of the vortex street and outputs the water flow as a function of pressure and temperature. Changes in water quality, the presence of impurities therein, abrasives, It affects the accuracy of measurement, Life of the appliance.
These counters are inexpensive and easy to install in apartments. Service life - 8-10 years.
Ultrasonic counter (acoustic)
The counter consists of two mutually opposed ultrasonic sensor. They are alternately emitters and receiver of acoustic signals. The device allows for the difference signal at the ultrasound movement in the direction of water flow in the opposite direction.
Chip according to a particular algorithm processes the received signal and on the basis of this unit is calculated and recorded water consumption. For this type of meter You must be connected to a power source.
Many of these devices are equipped with non-volatile memory - data is not lost when disruptions to energy supply.

Ultrasound itself applies only in a liquid medium and is harmless to humans and pets.
Acoustic water meters have a number of advantages over other types of accounting devices. Since there are no protruding elements, they are not afraid mechanical damage, they are wear-resistant, reliable.
Different accuracy determining water consumption and, unlike the electromagnetic counters are resistant to external interference. The measurement quality is affected by the state of a pipe - and the protrusions growths. There are models for apartments, obschedomovogo account and industrial production.
Pipe diameter ranges from 15 to 2000 mm. The service life of the ultrasonic meter in 12-15 years; they are considered the most expensive water meters.
By appointment counters are divided into 3 types depending on the water temperature, which affects the lifespan of metering equipment and the quality of the measurement:
- Hot water - marked with the letter "D" and are designed for a maximum temperature of 150 degrees Celsius. Deviation 6%. Can reduce the error by setting the temperature sensors metering devices that can help correct the volumes of water consumption, given the temperature. It is better to use counters "dry" type, since the hot water contains more impurities that settle on the device;
- Cold water - marked with the letter "X" and normally operate at temperatures up to 40 degrees Celsius. Deviation is less than 5%;
- universal counters are used for fluids from +5 to +90 degrees Celsius.
Counters are divided into two subspecies:
- electronic;
- mechanical.
Volatile water meters (electronic)

Such counters can be of any type, the main distinguishing feature - an electronic display, showing the water flow. Depending on the model they are present additional optionsSuch as time, calendar, that allow fixed costs in a given time period and to monitor water consumption.
- precise lock data;
- horizontal or vertical mounting on choice;
- the ability to configure multi-tariff grid payment, if this option is supported by local utilities;
- The ability to automate the transmission readings.
- the price of an average of 5 times more mechanical;
- the need to connect to a power source - battery or mains.
Non-volatile counters of water (mechanical)

These water meters are simple technical characteristics. They fix the water flow and the presence of a pulse transmitter can transfer the dispatching service.
- low cost;
- ease of maintenance;
- the accuracy of the data latch;
- compactness;
- easy installation, removal and use;
- energy independence.
- less functional.
Number of serviced water pipes
- single-channel - the device is mounted on a separate line, it allows for water flow in that particular tube;
- double-channel - is set on 2 different pipe with a single display, which displays the total consumption. The second option of use of this type of meter - installation on one line in its different parts - this allows to increase accuracy of measurement;
- multichannel - is used for the combined metering of water in different pipelines. It has a single display, which displays information on all pipes.
meters of water as a working

Depending on the model of isolated counter different requirements for installation - take into account the length of the pipe before and after the device, its horizontal or vertical layout.
When installing electronic meters must be connected to the power grid or the battery is installed.
The principle of operation is as follows:
- Water enters from a common pipe into the pipe on which the metering device.
- It is filtered to avoid damage to the water meter with different impurities.
- Next comes directly into the accounting unit, where, depending on the model interacts with the ultrasonic wave or the magnetic field, or turbine vane.
- The sensors record the signals and translate them into the number of cubic meters consumed.
- The data is displayed on the meter screen. Costly counters models can take into account the consumption of water, depending on the time of day, day of the week and produce statistics. The data is stored and registered even in a power failure.
- Monthly figures are taken and sent to the organization that controls the water flow. In some models, this happens automatically.
- Every 4, 5 or 6 years (the period depends on the model and specified in documents), the device is removed in practice, or a new set.
Specifications, features, accessories

Functions of water meters:
- control of water consumption;
- budget savings;
- saving natural resources.
From what counters to produce water
The housing may be made of various materials:
- Brass, bronze - materials with high toughness ratio that provides long life and resistance to aggressive water components impurities.
- Stainless Steel Alloy - in its mechanical properties superior to all existing alloys, which makes it quite expensive.
- silumin - an alloy of aluminum and silicon. Resistant to water impurities, but by itself is rather fragile. It is inexpensive, so it is often used in the production of cheap products in China. Use of this material is not desirable devices.
- polymers - molded polyethylene. They are of high quality and resistance to aggressive media. Used for the production of cold water meters have been sensitive to high temperatures.
Characteristics of water meters

- control - Nominal diameter - diameter of the holes in the hose nipple. There will be no violation if the adapter will be used with an improper diameter pipe.
- qn - nominal flow rate per hour. It represents the largest consumption without any restrictions on time of use.
- qmax - the maximum water flow rate. In this mode, the meter must not work all the time - for the duration of not more than one hour a day and no more than 200 hours during the year.
- Qt - it transitional flow rate - is the line that begins to change the maximum permissible error.
- Qmin - it minimum water flow rateAt which the error is normal.
Taking into account also the length of the device with nozzles and its mass.
Error the device class is denoted:
- class A - error is in the range 0.04-0.10;
- In class – 0,02–0,08;
- With class – 0,01-0,015;
- class D the most high-precision, allows for every 10 liters.
To the device must be attached technical certificate, which shall include all specifications, warranty lifetime. There's also noted the date of manufacture and date of verification. To import devices, you must have the relevant certificates confirming compliance with the standards and allow the installation.
What comes with aqueous meter

In standard meter itself simplest design consists of:
- the device in the package;
- passport;
- set of assembly parts.
To counter can be attached and other additional elements, such as nozzles, sleeves, gaskets.
To install these components may be required, such as:
- off valve;
- coarse filter;
- a check valve (sometimes comes complete with the meter);
- ball valve;
- pipes;
- seal for threaded connections;
- collars;
- Coupling device for the transition from one pipe size to another.
For many counters discount additional modules which automate the reading and transmitting meter indulging system water payment.
For models with complex filtration system supplied replaceable cartridges. Many of these models are equipped with an audio warning system about the need for filter replacement.
In modern apartments with a large sanitary unit expedient installation of sanitary cabinet, which will be held all communications, placed water meters and filters, will be a place for additional equipment - tools, cartridges. Such cases are distinguished aesthetic appearance and ease of access to the pipeline.

Installation of meters in the apartment and at the enterprise in modern legislation is mandatory.
The use of water meters:
- Saving. The standard specification of the use of water as a rule higher than its actual consumption. After setting the counter to pay only for the actual consumed resource. This is true for various trips water trips on holiday when the apartment / Enterprise empty. Saving happens in the event that the apartment is registered a few people, but actually living less.
- The control consumption of water consumption.
This can be done as follows:- installation of toilets with dual drain system that allows you to spend a single drain 1/3 of the volume of the tank;
- installing mesh nozzles on cranes, cranes sensor tripping in the absence of water in the range of the object (hand dishwashing);
- use the dishwasher - when hand washing under running water consumption is much higher than in the dishwasher;
- use of washing machines and dishwashers in saving mode;
- off water during dentifrice or other hygiene;
- installation of electronic meters with additional options of calendar time, which help to control the water flow during the day, the month. Also it will be useful in the event of disputes with the housing and communal services.
For owners of private homes in addition to the basic rate set also an additional, if not installed metering devices.

Installation of water can cause a number of problems:
- Setting causes a lot of trouble:
- purchase accounting unit;
- mounting;
- sealing;
- checking counters for hot water every 4 years, the cold - every 6 years.
- Additional spending on counter service:
- installation;
- verification;
- correction of failures.
- If set obschedomovye water metering device, pay for unused resources anyway have. Obschedomovye losses are divided between the tenants of the house and is included in the bill. They appear as a result of breakthroughs conduit unconscientiousness neighbors who use illegal ways to save water (magnet etc.), uncontrolled water flow no occupants counters.
- Saving is absent and in that case, if the apartment living not prescribed by the tenants - in this case the real water consumption will higher than established standards.
- plumbing problems (failure, leakage, insulation) affect the water flow - if the supplier does not taken into account the temperature and often from the hot tap water temperature is different, including Cold. This curled on the degree of heating, heat losses in the system, the time of day (at night using low water cools in the pipeline). Accordingly, the consumption of hot water is greater and saving - less.
How to choose

In the market counters of various modifications and the selection of the device - is not easy. The main requirement - compliance device official regulations.
When selecting takes into account other factors:
- Price. Tachometric meters are cheaper. With the increasing price increases accounting accuracy, there are additional options increases the life of your unit. However, the installation of expensive apartments in counters increased accuracy with extended functionality is economically unprofitable.
- Functionality. Tachometer counter includes only the amount of water consumed. Using expensive electronic model, taken full control of the water flow and partially automates the process of collecting and analyzing evidence. However, it is worth remembering that the water supply system may not yet be at that level, to use the application functionality. These models are suitable for companies or gentrification.
- The country of manufacture. Meters imported characterized by quality and enhanced functionality. When choosing in favor of imports may be a problem due to the different size of pipelines, water quality, pressure in the system and requirements of the company, which controls the water flow. In addition, often foreign manufacturers enter into contracts for the manufacture of devices with local electronics manufacturer. The Chinese model of low quality.
- date of manufacture. The counter is set for 6 months from date of manufacture. It is necessary to pay attention when buying and taken into account in long-term repair.
- class counter. The enterprise-water supplier can provide information which class enough for your water system.
- Guarantee. This is an indicator of quality metering. The longer the guarantee period, the greater the chances that the device will work without failures and breakdowns during the entire service life.
- The diameter of the pipe. Acquire device corresponding diameter. In the case of non-compliance connectors possible to use special adapters.
- Specifications. The limit pressure, nominal pressure, the error taken into account when selecting the meter for installation in an industrial plant.
- Sensitivity Device for water quality.

Counters better to buy in retail stores, and not on the market. The packaging must be intact, not crumpled, the device without damage, scratches - they give rise to errors in accounting. To the device attached documents, which contains the date of manufacture, manufacturer, service life, calibration date, the number matches the number on the instrument panel.
What better water meter
Which is better counter - depends on intended use.
In a typical apartment advisable to install inexpensive models tachometer counters domestic production.
They have a number of advantages:
- High registration accuracy;
- ease of installation;
- ease of use;
- low price;
- instead of holding it is possible to replace or repair verification to the new;
- suitable for domestic water systems - with different water quality, intermittent pressure;
- It does not require connection to a power source.
For the common parts are chosen more sophisticated models. Suitable multi-channel devices with remote sensor. The best option for ordinary housing - turbine tachometer metering devices. They are simple, accurate and inexpensive. Modern luxury housing equipped with expensive models with electronic board and more sophisticated accounting system.
For pipe with sharp changes in flow, e.g., in a car, are used combined types tachometric counters, combining the impeller and turbine.
For industrial electronic ultrasonic or electromagnetic meters are installed with a complex water supply system. They will allow to take into account water consumption with high accuracy, easy to take readings from different sites, will last up to 16 years and regular verifications will be justified.
Operation water meters

The installation of the device carries a plumber upon completion of repair work. You can do this on its own, according to the instructions supplied with the device.
For sealing invited a specialist from the organization that controls the water flow, which checks the validity of the installation, remove the current readings and provides an act performed work. Normally, this service is free of charge (depending on country-specific legislation).
The counter must be set with the following requirements:
- at a room temperature not below 5 degrees Celsius, or using insulating material;
- space available for the removal and repair of reading apparatus;
- the mandatory installation of a check valve, which prevents backflow of water and distort accounting results;
- Filter presence.
Calibration is carried out every 4 and 6 years for the counters of hot and cold water. This process is lengthy, labor-intensive and is not free.
If you use cheap metering expedient to replace them. But when using expensive models is proving a better place. To this end, invited experts from controlling water flow organization for meter reading.
Further, in the sanitary assistance or independently, the device is removed and taken to the company carrying out verification (check with your water supplier). Verification may take 10-15 days. Upon completion of the document on verification and the device using the plumbing installed to its original location and is exposed to a new sealing.
In operation, due to poor water purification system pressure or low quality of the device, problems can arise. Most often there is data corruption - counter spins faster or slower.

To eliminate such faults invited specialist service for disassembly and repair, if the counter is expensive.
After repairs require a new sealing.
Expensive models require additional maintenance - charging the batteries, replace the filter components, eliminating software malfunction.
Different manufacturers offer different warranty terms of service. Period may vary from 1 to 6 years depending on the model. Imported water meters have a greater guarantee, however, the repair may be delayed in the event of device failure.
The warranty covers defects caused by the fault of the manufacturer. If the instrument will carry traces of physical intervention - bumps, scratches and cracks - warranty does not apply.
Faults and repairs
In operation, various problems arise - noted overrun or underflows, compared with the usual values.
The most common problems are related to:
- quality of materials (Chinese model) - under the influence of water, abrasive particles, rust pipe temperature drops mechanism wears;
- the impact of external sources - presence near a strong magnetic radiation and the like;
- poor quality of the water pressure dropsAt which accelerates wear of parts;
- power off for electronic models;
- software failures.
Problems arise with the wrong view of the water, sometimes break turbine or impeller of the counter, sometimes problems arise with pulse transmitter data.
Upon detection of faults should contact the organization that controls the flow of water, remove the device and to pass to the service center. Or replaced by a new one.
After the intervention of the device in the integrity verification are performed extraordinary.
Manufacturers of water meters

On the market are many companies offering water meters, both domestic and foreign production.
Domestic meters are cheaper in price and simple construction. Import apparatus characterized by high accuracy and the presence of additional options.
However, we must take into account specificity of sewer systems your country, the diameter of the pipes, the water quality of public utilities with intelligent system of modern water meters. When using sophisticated imported models have problems with detection of malfunctions and device repair.
Among foreign manufacturers of popular counter Italian and German firms VALTEC Zenner.
Production is located in Russia. The company offers a relatively inexpensive models of meters. Vane counters Valtec universal - suitable for both cold and hot water. Included are connecting sleeves, a check valve and a pulse transmitter (if present model). They are provided with protection against magnetic radiation.
High accuracy of data and high quality - these characteristics of water meters this company. Warranty period - 3-6 years depending on the model, with the useful life of 12 years. Moreover some devices recalibration interval is the same for both cold and for hot water, and 6 years.
This German company - the leader of the world's production of water meters. In the line of models present vane and turbine meters for apartments, businesses and municipal services. They are characterized by quality and high precision.
The company has a wide network of shops and offices in many countries, which facilitates solution of problems in the operation. The warranty on the devices of the account for 2 years.
This company offers high-quality equipment for irrigation systems. With the help of the lineup GARDENA executed fully automated irrigation system with a variety of modes of irrigation of one or more sections. Devices equipped with an integrated power supply, which is enough for 3 seasons.
Warranty - 1 year.
Water meters of Russian production - inexpensive in price and are of high quality. At its heart is Vane method of accounting. They are easy to install and operate, but do not have any other options.