Urea (carbamide or Urea) used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Creams and ointments with urea heals the skin, moisturize, prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Means Urea with other effective moisturizing compositions, as the substance has a high penetrating ability.

- How to choose a cream with urea
- Best Foot Cream with urea
- The best face cream with urea
- The best hand cream with urea
- Best cream corns with urea
- Best moisturizer with urea
- Best cream with urea for diabetics
How to choose a cream with urea
To make the right choice, take into account the place of application (face, arms, legs) and the purpose of the application. For cleaning compositions used with a small amount of urea. For therapeutic purposes, used means a higher content of the substance.
What is urea
White crystals carbonic acid diamide called urea. The substance is odorless, soluble in ethanol, water and ammonia. The chemical compound was first detected in the urine, hence the name. On an industrial level are used urea obtained synthetically. Urea is used in cosmetics Pharmacology and for creating drugs against various diseases. Component detected in the blood composition at the biochemical analysis.
The compound is in the skin, preventing it from losing moisture. Small molecules of the substance, so it penetrates tissue to a greater depth. This property is used beauticians. Urea delivers to the lower layers of the dermis nutrients that keeps the skin in good condition.
Urea has antibacterial and antifungal properties. This explains the popularity of substances among pharmacists. It includes preparations against burns, for the treatment of fungal infections, for creating anticancer ointments.
Number component in the means
In light moisturizing creams It contains 1-9% urea. Use of such agents - to maintain a comfortable humidity level in the skin. Such an amount of urea up to the task. Using the tools of this level are not calculated on curative effect. This creams caregiver destination.
By increasing the concentration of a component in cosmetics operation increases the effect of urea. It not only maintains water balance but also helps to exfoliate dead skin / nail bed, renews the surface. This result is achieved at 10-30% Urea in the facility. This regenerating compositions to solve more complex dermatological problems.
urea content of greater than 30% has a therapeutic rather than a cosmetic effect. This is the pharmacy drugs, the aim of which application - therapy of diseases. They are used to treat eczema, psoriasis. In ointments for the treatment of fungal diseases stop contained 50% urea.
On the specifics of cream action tells the place where it is sold. Cosmetic formulations sold in stores. therapeutic level of funds available over the counter.
Use in cosmetics
To create cosmetics urea is used in liquid and solid form. The component is part of:
- toothpaste;
- shampoos;
- lotions;
- creams;
- hair dyes.
Substance facilitates exfoliation of dead epidermal cells keratinized nails or layer. It refreshes the skin and the nail plate. Creams with urea are moisturizing cosmetics. They retain water, peel the horny layer, prevent aging of skin.

As means operate with carbamide
Action creams with urea on the epidermis:
- anti-inflammatory;
- moisturizing;
- It retains water in the epidermis;
- delivers nutrients into the deeper layers of the skin;
- It creates a protective film on the surface, which prevents harmful substances from outside;
- restores and renews the skin;
- relieves pain;
- eliminates irritation and itching;
- It makes the skin supple surface that prevents the appearance of wrinkles.
In some cases, it is not necessary to use cosmetics with urea
You can not use means based on Urea, if any:
- skin rashes;
- damage cover;
- irritation / redness;
- greasy skin;
- acne;
- allergies to components.
If any such contraindications cream application will complicate the situation will cause great irritation. To avoid trouble by using creams with urea, make a test on the means. The composition is applied to the elbow crease and check how leather responds to the components. If there is redness, itching, irritation, it is better to give up such a facility.

Benefits for the feet
Urea in high concentrations to effectively update the skin of the feet:
- softens;
- kills fungi and bacteria;
- exfoliates dead tissue;
- eliminates cracked heels;
- heals wounds;
- holds water;
- delicately fights corns.
that cream rendered more effective action, float 20-30 minutes prior to use his feet, then wipe them and applied agent.
Funds to the amount of urea of 40-50% are sold in pharmacies, this therapeutic drugs, eliminating complex diseases. Creams containing Urea 20-30% are considered cosmetic. They perform the stated action: softens the skin of feet, take care of the heels. When choosing makeup, pay attention to the frequency of use. Part manufacturers make creams that are applied on a daily basis. Part means periodically used: after removing cracked heels refuse further application of the cream.
Face Tools
The ability of urea to give the skin elasticity is used to create face creams. After application of the composition of the surface is leveled, smooth fine lines. Hydrated and elastic skin for a long time, is not covered by age-related wrinkles. Therefore, the components include anti-aging creams.
Urea helps to moisturize dry and prone to dry skin. But if the epidermis is excessive greasiness and a tendency to acne, it is necessary to abandon the creams with urea. The component will aggravate the situation and cause irritation. Apart from acne have to contend with another problem.
Compositions with urea to moisturize dry and very dry hands. Such means are well retain moisture. Creams are divided into day and night. After applying fluorescent variant is created on the surface of a protective layer impermeable harmful substances. Night compositions have more urea than the daytime. They have a reducing effect. After application, the skin becomes soft, supple and hydrated. To achieve the maximum effect, use day and night part of the hand of one brand.
Diabetes and urea
Funds with urea is especially useful for people suffering from diabetes. The skin of such people have reduced the amount of urea. It causes dryness of the epidermis, in difficult situations, skin cracking, sores appear. To add an underlying disease pathology side. Patients suffering from eczema and psoriasis. There is an urgent need to replenish the lost urea. Creams with Urea perform this function. They replenish the amount of beneficial agent to the desired level and retain water in the skin. compositions with a high content of the component should be selected for this category of consumers.
Diabetic creams should not contain:
- alcohol;
- preservatives;
- salicylic acid;
- dyes;
- perfumes.
These ingredients cause irritation, leading to dryness and peeling of the epidermis.
subtleties choice
To pick up "his" product, pay attention to the indicators:
- % Substance content in the composition of agents: the larger the number, the stronger it operates;
- the volume of packaging;
- shelf life;
- if the buyer is diagnosed diabetes, urea concentration in the cream should be below 10%;
- application time - day / night;
- number of applications per day;
- density - the thicker the means, the faster it will end;
- additional components;
- the means to face the urea content does not exceed 10%, in creams for the legs - 20-30%;
- medicated ointments, antibacterial and antifungal activity contain up to 50% urea;
- presence dispenser (it makes economical consumption and does not allow the air to the tank);
- if the selected facial scrub, paying attention to the size of particulate matter (too large fragments of skin damage).
The ointment is applied to the surface light massage. We can not allow means getting to eyes. This causes irritation.
Best Foot Cream with urea
The domestic part of healer Night Action copes with moisturizing and softening the feet. The regular use of the drug leads to the elimination of skin dryness and flaking on your heels. It is not only aesthetic, but also an economic problem. Cracked heels torn pantyhose, which leads to the need to continually buy new things.

- volume - 50 ml;
- dispenser - no;
- manufacturer - "VIS Cosmetic» Ltd., Russia.
- cheap;
- relieves irritation;
- eliminates flaking;
- It softens the skin;
- heals minor wounds;
- combats roughness on the feet;
- It has a slight analgesic effect.
- quickly consumed;
- to keep your feet in good condition, you should always use the cream.
The best face cream with urea
Means Urea brand L`Adeleide suitable for all skin type, it does not cause allergies. It has a soothing and regenerating effect. It is applied to the face and body can be used as a night mask.

- urea concentration of 1 and 5%;
- view - caregiver means;
- dispenser - there is;
- manufacturer L`Adeleide.
- sparingly consumed;
- renews the skin;
- cheap;
- different amounts of urea, which allows you to choose the composition of its type of skin;
- aligns surface;
- It normalizes the sebaceous glands.
Slowly absorbed.
The best hand cream with urea
Structure NutriExtra Mains powered by Vichy It comprises thermal water. Is an indispensable tool for moisturizing dry and very dry skin of hands. Well-chosen components are quickly put in order the skin, protect it throughout the day. The product is applied in the morning and to the extent necessary, repeat the procedure in the afternoon.

- volume of the tube - 50 ml;
- dispenser - there is;
- urea - 10%;
- brand - Vichy, France.
- quickly absorbed by the skin;
- It leaves no oily shine;
- retains properties after hand washing water (without soap);
- little is spent;
- effect is felt immediately after applying;
- It meets the stated quality.
- expensive;
- It has an unpleasant aroma (though this assertion is debatable).
Best cream corns with urea
Structure Professional SUPER MOISTURE Company Aravia sold with a dispenser, which saves its consumption. Ointment has a light texture that is quickly absorbed, leaving an unpleasant sheen. Operates efficiently, the result is stored for a long time.

- amount of urea - 10%;
- dispenser - there is;
- means the level - professional;
- manufacturer - Arabia.
- It is available in two versions - large and small volume;
- softens stop surface, removes calluses;
- recipes specially chosen for effective foot care.
Not found.
Some consumers use the ointment Aravia and face. The result of such application can lead to negative consequences.
Best moisturizer with urea
A drug Uriage used not only for adults but also for children. This professional structure for softening and moisturizing dry skin. The components are chosen so that it is used for the face and body. Sold in pharmacies. Before use, the composition should consult a doctor.

- tube volume - 40 g;
- urea concentrations - 30%;
- type of issue - tubes and jars;
- vehicle type - professional;
- manufacturer - Uriage, France.
- high efficiency;
- suitable for face and body;
- It does not contain parabens and flavoring agents;
- used for adults and children.
Best cream with urea for diabetics
Product for people suffering from diabetes, Diaultraderm Aqua 15 Professional designed for foot care. It is the most vulnerable place for this category of consumers. Skin on the feet quickly dry, scaly and cracked. Means struggling with corns, calluses and skin tightening.

- volume - 700 ml;
- urea concentrations - 15%;
- vehicle type - professional;
- dispenser - there is;
- manufacturer - Delta Farm, Russia.
- large amount;
- sparingly consumed;
- effective;
- It acts immediately after application.
Not found.
Cosmetic on the basis of urea has many advantages. It is effective, accessible, used for hands, face and body. Choosing products with urea, account for the expected result, the price of money brand. You can not buy compositions outdated. When using cosmetics with Urea comply with the recommendations for application and retention rules.