Applying facial mask - good for the skin and pleasant procedure care. As is the case with cosmetics for hairThe main thing - to choose the right product according to their own, individual parameters.
- Types of facial masks
- properties
- Ingredients for face masks
- Advantages and disadvantages
- How to choose a face mask
- What better mask
- Precautionary measures
- manufacturers
Types of facial masks

Face masks are classified according to three criteria:
- release form;
- the expected benefits;
- the appropriate type of skin;
The range of form release provides the ability to select the option:
- creamy or gel structure;
- paraffin;
- cloth;
- Membrane;
- alginate;
- collagen;
- gypsum;
- biomatriksy;
- silicone.
Means widespread considered with the gel or creamy structure. Intended for use at home or in beauty salons. Different effect: cleansing, moisturizing, toning, nutrition.
Paraffin composition moisturizes and tightens, resulting in tone, is used immediately before purification.
Tissue face mask is made of a plate on the textile-based repeating facial contours. It is impregnated with a special compound to the active agent. It used depending on the intended use of ingredients: for moisturizing, toning, cleansing.

The film used for the purpose of purification, produce a smooth surface. Before applying the consistency resembles a gel, and after applying dry for some time and forms a film, which is required not to wash off, and gently remove, moving from bottom to top.
Alginate mask is made in the form of a powder formulation. Before use, the powder is mixed with water or a special activator whereupon it turns into a gel. After drying, the gel is removed in the same way as the film, leaving a smoothing, moisturizing effect.
The composition biomatriksa includes biologically active ingredients in combination with seaweed collagen. It looks like a sheet of paper. For use by a single sheet of disconnected pieces of desired size and stacked on the face and then treated with water.
Collagen facial mask resembles a fabric, however, the core sheets contains collagen, vitamins, fruit acids, plant extracts. Before applying the sheet impregnated with water.
Gypsum compositions are only used in professional cosmetologist special conditions, since they possess the appropriate knowledge and applied, the mixture is removed by the rules. Give a thermoplastic or a modeling effect. Bring the expected result in the fight against skin aging.
In a professional environment classification used face masks as to what effect they give:
- purification;
- hydration;
- food;
- whitening;
- reassurance;
- struggle with problem areas;
- anti-aging effect.
Possible classification depending on the purpose for a variety of skin they are intended:
- normal;
- prone to allergies, sensitive;
- fat;
- dry;
- pigmentation;
- combined.

Before performing cosmetic treatments a person needs in a preliminary purification. Cleanser revitalizes, gives a radiant look and feel fresh.
It is applied to eliminate clogged pores, getting rid of the dirt and dead skin particles. Some varieties of cleaning products have the sauna effect - the temperature is raised, steamed, opening the pores.
Due disclosed pores much easier to get rid of dirt. As a kind of cleansing mask acts as a peeling.
Hydrating blend is suitable for every type of skin, regardless of age. Saturated with moisture, so the first wrinkles appear much later disappear tightening sensation and dryness.
Purpose nutrient composition - to saturate the skin with useful substances, ensuring its health and youth. Suitable for all types.
Pigmentation, uneven color require the use of bleaching agents. They line the general tone, clean blue circles under the eyes, age spots, freckles.
Cosmetic product with a calming effect is intended for irritable and overly sensitive skin. Neutralizes the effects of an aggressive environment, ultraviolet light.
Owner of problem skin illustrates the use of means for a separate category of persons. These cosmetic agents aimed at combating greasy luster and clogged pores.
Mixtures with a rejuvenating effect tighten, smooth the skin, making it more elastic, prolonging youth. Biomatriksy and modeling agents tighten, highlight the shape of the face.
Anti-aging cosmetics contribute to the restoration and renewal.
Ingredients for face masks

The main component of cleansing cosmetic agent - clay. It acts as absorbent material as quickly absorbs sebum. Additional absorbents isolated peat, mud and sea yl.
The composition includes abrasive peeling or chemicals - depending on how it affects a person. In mechanical impact it consists of pumice, apricot kernels, which have a polishing effect.
Chemical peeling contains acids (in small amounts), which occurs under the influence of the upper layer cleansing. You can not use the cleaning mixture for skin diseases, cuts, sores on the skin, allergies.
The main component of the moisturizing mixture acts hyaluronic acid. The list of ingredients found vegetable or animal collagen, lactic acid and plant extracts.

Hydrating mask for the face based on vegetable oilsWhich form an easy greasy base. Perhaps the use of plant extracts, honey, vitamins A, E.
Ingredients whitening facial masks chosen manufacturers so that existing Components stimulated metabolism at the cellular level and impacted on the formation of melanin in body. Additional whitening ingredients found vitamins E, C, white clay, sulfur, retinol.
It is contraindicated in the presence of skin diseases, injuries, multiple lesions in the case of of all cosmetic procedures over the last month or thinning, dry skin.
At the heart of soothing facial masks contain mineral water. The main active ingredients are the plant extracts: jojoba, lavender, chamomile.
Using contraindicated for skin diseases, damages and allergic reactions.

As therapeutic mud formulations used for problem skin, varieties of clay and seaweed.
These components resume normal levels of sebum, tightens pores, gives anti-inflammatory effect, removing rashes, acne, and prevent their occurrence. Salicylic acid, plant extracts and oils - the main components.
In the category of anti-aging face masks are combined anti-wrinkle modeling and liftinovye. Estheticians are turning to products based on collagen.
This substance, which effectively treats existing wrinkles, as far as possible allows you to "push" the time of their occurrence. Release any form: in the form of sheets, creams and gels.
Not recommended for use with dermatitis, inflammatory processes in the skin, intolerance to certain ingredients, open wounds, in pregnancy, in the age of 25-30 years.

Included with the mask components are present depending on the species:
- basic composition or ingredients of a mixture;
- mixing vessel;
- Instruments for applying (sponge, brush, blade);
- impregnating liquid (complete with alginate, fabric, paraffinic products biomatriksami);
- facial tissues.
For the application of cosmetic preparations necessary accessories:
- makeup remover, facial cleanser;
- tonic to cleanse;
- soft tissue or towel;
- cotton pads;
- hat or hair dressing;
- moisturizer with a light texture.
Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of regular use of face masks:
- returns the skin a healthy glow;
- eliminates the inherent problems (rash, dry, black spots, acne, greasy luster, uneven tone);
- It supports healthy skin and slows down its aging.
The mixture is applied no more than once or twice a week (some varieties - twice a month). This eliminates storage problems, a lack of free time, saves money.
The advantage over other means - instantaneous appearance results. Cream is used as a universal means and supports the skin in a healthy condition, subject of constant use, and the mask is aimed at combating the specific problem.
After purification procedure immediately appears the effect of freshness, moisturizing mask gives a feeling of softness and tenderness. The mask does not replace the daily care of the rest, because it eliminates a particular disadvantage.
Has a nonuniform texture, odor due to the content of natural active substances, therefore, applied for 15 minutes, and all the ingredients are chosen only for the purpose of achieving a particular result.
The speed and efficiency is the main advantage.
- Difficulty in choosing - the owner of the problem or combination skin is difficult to make the right choice on their own, without the help of a cosmetologist.
- Purchased mixture composed of synthetic ingredients that cause dryness, oiliness, allergies.
- Also useful substances in the composition include colorants, flavoring agents, preservatives.
- One package is designed for repeated use or the passage of a full course. This makes it impossible to experiment with blends.
- Possible effect of habituation skin due to prolonged exposure to effective components.
How to choose a face mask

Mask does not belong to the category of universal beauty care products. Each type operates on several adjacent areas, but the main effect is only one.
In addition to funds for individual use have professional cosmetic products. Different composition of several useful components that are mixed immediately prior to application.
They use such substances only by professional beauticians. To choose the right mask for the face, must be based on the criteria:
- age;
- skin type;
- the desired effect, or a particular problem;
- preferred form of manufacture (as an additional factor).
Each package shall contain the name and purpose, composition, age limits, indications for use for a particular skin type, contraindications.
If there are difficulties in determining skin type and choosing the right product, you should consult a professional beautician.

Term storage and shelf - an important criterion for selection. Overdue materials do not bring the proper result, and contribute to the emergence of problems: redness, rash, itching.
According to the effectiveness and affordability of face masks are divided into three additional categories:
- salon;
- purchased;
- home cooking.
It uses only beautician. The advantage is that the cosmetologist will select a suitable composition individually, depending on the skin type of the client and the existing problems.
Before the procedure is carried out coating purification, and after removing - nutrition and hydration. The use of masks occurs regularly, otherwise the proper results are not forthcoming. The frequency of application depends on the extent of the problem and the age and the skin features.
Cabin mixture effective procedure is a beautician by all the rules. The disadvantage is considered to be high cost.
On the packages purchased products indicated numerous ingredients saturated composition, including clay, extracts, oils, vitamins.
Unlike salon products they produce a pleasant scent, has a smooth consistency, but the result is no effect. The advantage is that you do not have to spend a lot of time to prepare and use.
Masks, which bring the maximum expected effect, different cost. Means, made of natural ingredients, is also useful and effective. But mixes with professional results can not be compared.
The main condition - the choice of safe, fresh and organic products as ingredients. Dignity - accessibility in terms of cost, the content of natural vitamins, variety.
However, the efficiency is much lower need seriously to the choice of components due to possible allergic reactions.
If the purchased finished product indicates instructions for use, including duration use and application of the professional engaged in the mask beautician, then followed with a home remedy handled with care.
The main thing - do not overdo the composition in order to avoid redness, itching, peeling, rashes, dryness.
What better mask

Universal mixtures for different skin types (assuming no contraindications to the use):
- clay;
- moisturizers;
- sheet;
- night.
The composition includes clay masks cosmetic clay acting as a binder component. Absorb skin oils, contaminants, toxins. If in addition to the composition of the clay has oil, honey, mix brings additional moisturizing effect.
For oily skin fit white, pink formulations based on kaolin. For dry - green mixture with bentonite. On the face of the product is left for no longer than half an hour.
It is not recommended to wait for the complete drying, testifying to a maximum soaking sebum.
Moisturizers with an aqueous or oily base help absorb moisture. The surface becomes more smooth. Applied for the time specified on the package.
Flushing occurs before the layer is dry - in this form it is not useful.
Sheet - water-based mask using fine cotton, hydrogel silk. Impregnated with a special compound and placed in a sealed foil pouch.
The sheet pre-cut holes for the nose, mouth and eyes or incisions made for adjustment during deposition. Sheet applied for 10-30 minutes and then gently removed. Additional washing is not necessary.
Night face masks are intended to enrich the skin with moisture throughout the night. The principle of operation is not fast absorption and in the formation of the sealed film that protects the skin from drying.

Application precedes complete cleansing of makeup, creams, cosmetics or pollution. Third-party agents prevent the penetration of beneficial ingredients into the inner layers of the skin.
To cleanse the used lotion, tonic, gel, foam, soap - cleanser. In order to achieve additional effect beauticians recommend to do steam baths. They will help to reveal the pores and prepare for cleansing, moisturizing, absorption of nutrients.
Skin "live" on their own biorhythms, so for applying a mask is necessary to choose the right time of day:
- 8 to C 10 - compounds having any effect, while suitable for cosmetic procedures.
- 10 to 12 - effect of bringing tools, removes excessive oiliness.
- From 12 to 14 - hydration.
- In the period from 14 to 18 - the refusal of procedures.
- From 18 to 23 - the period for cleansers.
- From 23 to 5 am - nutritional compositions.
The mask is applied to the face or specific parts of it according to the instructions. Pre hair removed with a special cap or bandage.
As a means for applying are used specifically designed for this blade, a brush or a product accurately superimposed on his face. Inflicted layer thickness of about 2-3 mm.
The procedure was carried out in accordance with massage lines from the chin to the hairline. During the execution of the procedure is not recommended to stretch the skin, make sharp movements, which harmed her.

Except in special formulations, to the mixture is not superimposed on the face region of the lips, eyebrows, and the area around the eyes. During the application of a person must remain at rest.
It is not recommended to walk or perform some action, the best effect of the active ingredients will bring only full relaxation.
Keep the mixture on your face for at least 10 minutes and no longer than half an hour. If the instructions specify a specific time, do not neglect it. The average useful substances penetrate deep into the 15 minutes after application of the composition.
Long-term use will not bring great effect, but it can cause problems. If during use leads to unpleasant sensations felt contraction of skin discomfort, it is necessary to wash off the mask, regardless of time.
How to wash off the mask for the face:
- For washing uses pure water without any additional use of means for washing or soap.
- The water temperature depends on the type of skin. Dry needs warm water, fat - in the cold.
- Flushing takes place very carefully.
- For convenience, a special sponge for removing cosmetics, which is moistened with water.
- After removing the need to again wash your face with water and lubricate the skin cream with moisturizing effect after 15 minutes.
Precautionary measures

Regardless of the quality, composition, ingredients and effects, facial mask may not be suitable for the particular type of skin or cause allergic reactions due to the use of some ingredients in composition. In this regard, all individually.
Before you begin to use, the product is tested on a small area of effect (in the forearm area of the fold). If after 5-10 minutes will not appear redness, itching, burning, allergic symptoms, the tool can be applied to the face.
- Except for special formulations, means do not leave on the face longer the allotted time, do not put the whole night. Useful substances act as long as the agent does not wither.
For too long, the application causes the formation of fine lines and wrinkles.
- based on the composition of the clay can not be kept longer than the time specified in the instructions.
Substance called kaolin by prolonged exposure able to dry up the face, cause a feeling of tightness, irritation and cause flaking.
- The composition for the face is not applied to the area around the eyes, because it is fraught with redness, wrinkles, irritation due to the sensitivity of this area.
- Do not apply peeling with exfoliating effect of more than 2 times a week.
The active components in the composition have a strong influence on the mantle hydro - an outer layer of the epidermis in the form of a thin film intended for protection against the adverse effects of the environment.
On complete restoration of this layer requires at least 72 hours.
- After removing cosmetics (foundation cream, powder) is applied to the face for two hours. It is not recommended to go out in order to avoid the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Manufacturers face masks produce cosmetic products in three segments:
- professional;
- luxury;
- mass market.
Professional products are popular among beauticians. These include brands:
- Collistar;
- Holy Land;
- Oligodermie;
- Mediderma
- Keenwell;
- AmaDoris;
- janssen;
- Laboratories Hevicosm.
Manufacturers of luxury segment are mixtures of:
- dior;
- valmont;
- shiseido;
Cosmetic preparations for the care of the mass-market category are cheaper, but bring less effect, moreover, often cause side effects.