Since were designed taking into account resources consumed devices (gas, water, electricity), our, and foreign people are not shy to come up with all sorts of ways to reduce their rates. In recent years, especially with the increase in utility tariffs, increased interest in options, to be honest, illegal, allowing to stop water meters. One such method is to install a counter on a neodymium magnet for water. Today's review HouseChief will give you information how to do so, whether or not to resort to such an option to save, and what are the consequences for the owner of an apartment or house, if the regulatory authorities will reveal the manipulation of instruments accounting.
Meters for hot and cold water
Read article
1 The setting is fraught with neodymium magnet on the water meter, if it is revealed the fraud
1.1 As communal expose the fact the installation of a magnet on water meters
1.2 What is the penalty for a magnet on water meter
1.3 ethical side
2 Which magnet is needed to stop the water meter
2.1 Features neodymium magnets for stopping water meters
2.2 Which to choose a magnet on the water meter
3 How to put a magnet on the water meter
4 As demagnetize the magnet after the water meter
5 Anti-magnetic protection for water meters
5.1 What is the structure and operation of the non-magnetic seals
5.2 Countering the anti-magnetic protection water meter
6 How to stop the water meter without magnet
7 A magnet on the water meter: the effects of the installation
7.1 Yield hydrometer failure
7.2 Magnetization of the counter housing and the metallic elements located near
7.3 Health hazard
8 A magnet on the meter for water: consumer reviews
9 A few words in conclusion
The setting is fraught with neodymium magnet on the water meter, if it is revealed the fraud
Just say that the installation of a magnet on water metering, illegal and our editorial staff does not recommend doing so. From this article you will be able to know whether to stop the water meter really, in what ways, and what the consequences will be for the owner of the apartment or house (legal and ethical) in identifying the fact fraud. And determine stopped the water meter or not, it is realistic and simple.
Public utilities may well reveal the fact of fraud
As communal expose the fact the installation of a magnet on water meters
Utilities are looking for a long time and introduce different ways of dealing with unscrupulous consumers of electricity, gas, heat and water. It can be scheduled and unscheduled detours apartments and houses, verification of meters, installation of various types of seals, as well as the integration of special software in modern meters.
Intervention in the metering device detected when crawling apartments. The reason for such an investigation is a serious discrepancy between the total indications of general building and individual water meters. There are several ways to detect illegal influence on the meter mechanism:
visual inspection. In this case, check the man comes into the apartment and makes sure that the counter has a powerful magnet. However, a drawback of this method lies in the fact that the tenants can not let the representative utilities in the room, referring to the law on the inviolability of property.By scratching or chipping of the counter can be visually identified: use a magnet or not
Teslametr. This is a fairly expensive unit that determines the residual magnetization device. However, its use requires a direct presence in the apartment.Checking counter teslametrom
anti-magnetic seal. It is a strip of paper with the capsule, which when exposed to a magnetic bursts and changes its color. For its installation and verification is also required access to the apartment.anti-magnetic protection
Automation. Modern water meter can be equipped with special detectors and radios that are activated when the magnetic field and transmitting personal data to the electronic user account. This information is made available to the operator and it is already taking appropriate measures.
Water meters with automatic transfer of data to the service provider
What is the penalty for a magnet on water meter
When establishing, fixing and official confirmation of unauthorized interference with the normal operation of the water meter provides administrative and criminal penalties. In the first case, the standard fine of 300 rubles increased by 5 times, as determined st.7.27 Administrative Code. Also, the intruder may be subjected to administrative arrest for up to 15 days or mandatory public works up to 120 hours. Repeated interference with the operation of the counter will be charged a fine of 10 times the size of the amount of damage caused.
Fraud water meter facing serious administrative punishment and penalty
In the case of criminal responsibility in accordance with Art. 165 CC RF intruder may be subjected to the following types of penalties:
a fine up to 300 000 rubles;
imprisonment up to 2 years.
As we can see the consequences of the attempt to deceive the service provider is quite serious. We do not think that Worth It, but you decide.
Proven installing water meter magnet can result in imprisonment for up to 2 years
ethical side
If it is found and proven that you are influenced water meter readingThen you run a high risk to spoil the good relations with its neighbors. This is because while you are using the magnet braked mechanism metering device, the difference between the total the testimony of individual water meters and general building, scattered on all the tenants, and they will have to pay for it instead of you. Agree, after such a difficult to maintain good neighborly relations.
It is unlikely that the savings on water pennies worth of good relations with neighbors
Which magnet is needed to stop the water meter
Before you buy a magnet for stopping the counter need to know something about this kind of metering device. Water meters on the principle of operation is divided into:
tachometric. Inside the device is installed impeller rotatable flow of water passing therethrough and resulting in the effect of the counting mechanism;
vortex. Tap the system creates vortices, which frequency is proportional to the velocity of fluid flow. It is these vortices is operated counting drum with numbers;
magnetic. Counting mechanism is rotated by the magnetic field, which is generated at a rate directly proportional to the force of the water flow;
ultrasound. Counting flow occurs through analysis of the oscillations of the ultrasonic waves arising during the passage of fluid through the metering device.
Possibility to stop water meter magnet depends on its type
Also, water meters are classified according to the place of installation:
dry water meters. Devices in which accounting mechanism is separated from the liquid watertight partition. This type of counter may operate using impellers or vortex flows. Dry counters the most common type of household metering.
wet counters. In such devices the counting mechanism is in direct contact with the liquid and therefore often breaks down due to muddy water. Devices of this type operate on the impeller of the rotary fluid pressure.
Water meter dry type
Deciding to buy a neodymium magnet to stop the water meter, you should know that not every model is amenable to its effects, as manufacturers began to equip their devices with special protection. Brand counters in the water, which can be stopped by the magnet, it is possible to learn from the seller neodymium washers.
Features neodymium magnets for stopping water meters
Neodymium magnets are made of a special alloy NdFeB. For water meters best Russian products under the brand name N42. water meter for each model you want to use magnets of a certain size because they have different capacity, and the degree of anti-magnetic protection of meters is also different.
Mounted on the water meter «Itelma» magnet greatly changes the readings
Before you order the magnet on the water meter must take into account some characteristics that affect the efficiency and cost, namely:
peel strength;
temperature stability;
coercive power.
We offer watch a video, like a magnet to stop the water meter
Which to choose a magnet on the water meter
The lifting power of a neodymium magnet to stop the water meter must be at least 40-70 kg. For example, a small size 25h45 mm washer has lifting force 91 kg. Most popular are neodymium magnets average power and the size of 30x50 and 30x60 mm. A washer with a tear-off capacity of about 80 kg suitable for virtually all water meters with suitable characteristics. Since the neodymium magnets are sold in shops, their consultants will advise what is necessary to get the puck in accordance with the model of a water meter.
For exposure to water meters need to be carefully selected neodymium magnet
Neodymium magnets
How to put a magnet on the water meter
Once you have bought a neodymium washer is to understand how to put the magnet on the water meter. During installation, some precautions and it is desirable to work with gloves to avoid injury. The magnet is placed on the front part or a side metering device. Fitting place as determined by the direction of magnetic fluxes in the washer itself. These characteristics are specified in the accompanying documents to the neodymium magnet.
If the water meter continues to run, you must move the magnet and continue to do so until it stops counting. To avoid scratching the housing accounting under the washer is recommended to put a soft cloth. This way will help in the future, when it is necessary to remove the magnet.
In the photo is clearly seen where to put the magnet on the water meter
We offer watch a short video of how to install the magnet on the water meter:
As demagnetize the magnet after the water meter
Since using teslametra possible to determine whether the use of a magnet to interfere with readings water meter, the craftsmen decided here to compete in ingenuity and developed special demagnetizatory. The device reduces the magnetic field of metering device and brings it into a state demagnetized. Earlier, in the "pre-digital era", similar devices were used to demagnetize the losing head cassette recorders and tapes directly.
Demagnetizator is a coil to be connected to the mains. To remove magnetization from hydrometer should be placed next to him the instrument. In just a few minutes of metering device is fully demagnetized.
To demagnetize the unit is placed near the water meter for a few minutes
We offer watch a video that is demagnetizator
Anti-magnetic protection for water meters
Since the utility knows about attempts to influence the testimony of metering devices by means of magnets, the relevant remedies have been developed. One way to counteract unscrupulous consumers is antimagnetic seal.
The main protivomagnitnaya protection - special seal with the capsule
What is the structure and operation of the non-magnetic seals
Antimagnetic seal is an adhesive tape with a capsule which contains a special solution, which is sensitive to the magnetic field. When exposed to a magnet seal the capsule crumbles, it changes color and there is an inscription «Open void». Likewise seal reacts to an attempt to remove it.
The apparatus seals antimagnetic
Countering the anti-magnetic protection water meter
The majority of citizens, despite the installation of non-magnetic seals on water meters, still trying to get around this security option. One such method is considered to be the impact on the protective capsule with dry ice, which freezes it, and she no longer responds to the action of a neodymium magnet. If the anti-magnetic seal still worked, then independently replaced with a new, purchased in the market, not It turns out, since "native" Protection has a unique number, which is included in a special database data.
How to stop the water meter without magnet
There are several options how to act on the water meter readings without the use of a neodymium magnet. The suggestions below are ways to mechanical. So, consider a stop without water meter magnet:
detour. Some water meters installed in front of inlet strainer, which must be periodically cleaned and accordingly the lid is not sealed. Craftsmen instead of a filter plug mounted hose with threaded adapter and easy use water. Counting mechanism is not working, and in the case of checks can be fast and easy to bring everything back into place;
Wire. Through the non-sealed filter to insert a piece of thin wire, which will completely stop or slow down the progress of the impeller. As in the first case it is possible to bring back all, if necessary;
unwinding counter. Overlaps the water flow to the filter and through its open lid with a vacuum cleaner makes the air pumping. Naturally impeller water meter starts to rotate in the opposite direction and to change readings. However, some manufacturers put on their devices backstop.
Through a filter and occurs mainly hydrometer stop
A magnet on the water meter: the effects of the installation
Before installing the water meter on a neodymium magnet to change readings, should know what could be the consequences of such decisions. And, they can be very different, and instead of the benefits you can get even more costs.
Yield hydrometer failure
If the water meter is to stop using too powerful neodymium magnet, the metering device can easily be damaged. Jammed impellers counter, especially inexpensive models often breaks from the water supply pressure, as metal particles may be attracted missed filter can become clogged thereby channels. As a result, you have to buy a new metering device.
Most often fails impeller or impeller
Magnetization of the counter housing and the metallic elements located near
Using neodymium washers, especially long, it may cause the counter magnetizable housing and adjacent elements. Then checking utilities can easily detect interference in operation of the device using teslametra. You can fix this by demagnetization of the water meter.
Health hazard
When deciding where to buy a magnet for stopping the water meter in normal or online store, you should know that it can cause damage to health. During the installation of a powerful neodymium washer can draw so much to metering devices, which is actually hurt your fingers, until shattered bones. Secondly, the magnet is contraindicated, if someone from the tenants of the apartment have a pacemaker. In this case, it may be fatal. Also a neodymium magnet must be kept well away from children.
A person with a pacemaker should stay as far as possible of neodymium magnets
A magnet on the meter for water: consumer reviews
Here are a few consumer reviews, which is at your own risk magnets installed water meters.
Review on the magnet GoldofWar
More on Otzovik:
Review on the magnet Taiyuan Hongriqiang Magnetic
More on Otzovik:
Another tip to Taiyuan Hongriqiang Magnetic
More on Otzovik:
A few words in conclusion
We were told that a magnet can be used to stop the water meter, but doing so is not recommended. In neodymium washers are many legitimate applications: domestic holders of metal parts, as a search tool for amateur archaeologists, etc. If you have any questions or suggestions, share with us in the comments, express your opinion on this score.