Modest house, by the standards of the star community, Dmitry Malikov gained about nine years ago. Singer and songwriter maximum attention is paid not to the external design of the house and the interior comfort and innovative engineering networks. Due to well-thought-out design and communications interior looks warm and cozy. All the details of everything, and the unique decorative techniques read the review HouseChief edition.

Read article
- 1 Features planning and interior details
- 2 living room design
- 3 The kitchen and dining area
- 4 Cabinet Dmitry Malikov
- 5 Construction of the second and basement
- 6 Making infield
- 7 conclusion
Features planning and interior details
Patrimony Dmitry Malikov is located in the village of premium Barvikha. Compared with the royal palaces of famous neighbors, the house looks a bit modest. Snow-white low-rise building with a a spacious terrace surrounded by manicured lawns, flower beds and lawns.
Inside the house is set perfectly thought-out heating systemThrough which it carried out the main family dream - panoramic windows in all the rooms. Large window openings fill the house with sunlight, it surrounds the household comfort and coziness. Complements the splendor of the huge central chandelier design in the living room in the form of a peacock's tail, the suspension which, if floating feathers, delicately hanging from the ceiling.

living room design
The first floor is decorated in bright tones, finishing in white marble, as well as decorations serves a large number of expensive figurines. The basic idea of ββthe living room - an elite music room. On such a concept pushed rounded shape of the room. The interior resembles the coastline of the Adriatic.
The central place in the living room takes real fireCreating a cozy and romantic atmosphere in the evening. Around him on the podium undeveloped recreation area, where you can relax in the easy chair or on a luxurious couch.

The lounge complements the excellent atmosphere grand piano in a cream shade. It is here that Dmitry Malikov composing new songs, arranges small concerts and musical evenings for close friends.
The right wing of the mansion is worth another grand piano, but in black. It is unique in the transparent cover. To him marvelously matched chest of drawers and a concert chair, frames which are also transparent and look in the interior completely weightless.


The kitchen and dining area
From a spacious living dining area separates completely transparent decorative partition. Everything is arranged so that the sitting of the entrance is quite unknown. The dining table is always served perfectly, as if preparing to welcome distinguished guests. Expensive dishes, the family cutlery, crystal, stashed in the refrigerator a bottle or two of good wine. The table is surrounded by luxurious chairs on elegant stems.


The plants are placed everywhere, and they create a unique comfort, good mood, giving the atmosphere solemnity. The walls are decorated with Venetian plaster in warm tones and decorated with a lot of pictures of different subjects.

Cabinet Dmitry Malikov
From the kitchen you can get to Dmitry Malikov's office, and there is a terrace. During warmer months, the family often an eating outdoors surrounded by beautiful nature.
The interior of the cabinet is designed in a purely masculine style. There is no place for an elegant statuettes, and on the shelves of natural wood housed a library of the composer. He is interested in reading the whole family, especially the daughter Stephanie. The main decoration of the interior - antique furniture in dark wood.

Construction of the second and basement
The second floor is occupied by private owners quarters, as well as children's and bathroom. The interior is designed in warm pastel tones, it is absolutely excluded contrast combinations.
In the basement Dmitry made a real professional studio, the walls of which are covered with soundproof panels to noise during recordings and rehearsals did not prevent members of the household to rest.
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Making infield
In the courtyard stands a large building, many take it for a guest house. On the ground floor there is a spacious garage for several cars, and above it are equipped with living room, which is almost always empty.
Lawn around the house is always perfectly trimmed, on a plot of fruit trees and shrubs, as well as broken manicured flower gardens that delight the owners with bright colors all the warm season. Not so long ago, Dmitry and his wife dug up a few beds, they are happy to grow strawberries, vegetables and herbs. And in the winter on the table is always a bowl of raspberry jam, berry favorite singer personally collects the backyard.
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As recognized by Dmitry Malikov, the house has already become a real fortress for him. Despite the fact that in the capital, it has a spacious apartment, just outside the city's family tries to spend more time.
Share in the comments if you interior Dmitry Malikov, in our opinion much, it's perfect singer.
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