Electromagnetic fields can cause irreparable harm to human health, and transmission line protection zone exists to protect against this negative impact. Rules for posting and finding in this zone registered a high price, because the study of physicians and scientists have given unequivocal results on the dangers of electromagnetic radiation. Which should be wary of what standards to adhere to, and how to protect themselves - in this review from HouseChief edition.

PHOTO: vaden.ru
Read article
- 1 What are the health consequences of giving presence in the security zone of transmission lines
- 2 What is a buffer zone of transmission lines and its purpose
- 3 The rules for areas that fall under the transmission line alarm zone
- 3.1 The distance from the power lines to buildings
- 3.2 The distance from the transformer stations to buildings
- 3.3 Protective zone air, ground and water lines
- 3.4 Sanitary norms of security zones of power lines
- 3.5 Terms electrical devices (PUE)
- 4 Rules of stay in the buffer zone
- 5 Prohibitions in the area of power transmission line
- 6 What threatens to foul
- 7 How to get a building permit in the buffer zone
What are the health consequences of giving presence in the security zone of transmission lines
Studies have shown that prolonged exposure near sources of powerful electromagnetic radiation affects many systems of the human body. In humans, there is a persistent decrease in the immune response to infectious agents, chronic heart and vascular diseases, malfunctions in the nervous system.

PHOTO: wonderfulengineering.com
All this proves that invisible but real electromagnetic radiation is dangerous. And to be safe, it is important to be on the safe from the wave source, distance.
What is a buffer zone of transmission lines and its purpose
In fact, the transmission line security zone - the distance from the location of the high-voltage line to a point at which its radiation is not dangerous, that is, does not reach the level above 1 kV / m. This zone includes not only land, but also the air space around the wires. The boundaries of this zone are regulated by GOST 12.1.051-90 state standard.
Assigning the security zones - to protect people from the negative impact of electromagnetic radiation not only by direct contact, but also when the step voltage.

PHOTO: cs9.pikabu.ru
The rules for areas that fall under the transmission line alarm zone
How should be used the territory allotted under the buffer zone, is registered in the Russian Federation Government Resolution №160 from 24 February 2009. It regulates the procedure for establishing such zones.
If during the power lines on their way there are areas that are privately owned, they not withdrawn from the owners, but from the moment of their use must comply with the above Resolution.
To determine the boundaries of the zone, is taken into account the number of wires in a bundle on the phase and the number of insulators. The higher these numbers, the stronger the negative impact and, consequently, wider exclusion zone.

PHOTO: fonar.tv
The distance from the power lines to buildings
From any buildings, residential or industrial facilities, such rules are set:
- power readings at no more than 1 kW - not less than 2 m;
- from 1 to 20 kW - 10 m;
- over 20 kW - 30 m;
- during the passage of high-voltage lines on the bottom of the pond - 100 m.

PHOTO: gkgazeta.ru
The distance from the transformer stations to buildings
Transformer converter station is also a powerful source of electromagnetic radiation. Around it is established similar protection zone:
- with a power up to 1 kW - not less than 2 m;
- to 20 kW - 10 m (in exceptional cases, while within the settlement - 5 m);
- to 35 kW - not less than 15 m.
Protective zone air, ground and water lines
Overhead power lines are protected zone, depending on the voltage class. High voltage lines 6-10 kW ten-limited space to 35 kW - 15 m is necessary, and higher 110kW - 20 m.
If a line placed in the ground, safe area is located at a distance of 1 m from the place of gaskets.

PHOTO: yarnovosti.com
Sanitary norms of security zones of power lines
Sanitary norms prohibit spending power lines across the territory of schools, kindergartens and sports facilities.
If the transmission line has a capacity of up to 20 kW, it can take place on private land at a distance of not less than 20 m.

PHOTO: floret-24.ru
Terms electrical devices (PUE)
PUE regulate the execution of works in protected areas using large equipment such as cranes, excavators and other equipment.
Conditions require that the highest point to the transmission line technology observed distance, depending on the line voltage: up to 35 kW - 1 m to 150 kW - 2 m, and 500 - 4.5 m and high-voltage lines for 750 kV - 6 to 10 m.
Rules of stay in the buffer zone
Given the negative impact of electromagnetic radiation on humans should try to spend the least time in the LEP area. If you are in the area were forced to, then you must follow these rules:
- it is impossible to approach the bare wire lying on the ground, closer than 8 m, because it can be fatal to a human strain;
- it is impossible to approach the sagging wires;
- it is impossible to approach the emergency power lines. Symptom may serve as a buzz or crackle, the visible electric arc.
If Exposed wire appeared closer than 8 m, you should immediately leave the danger zone goose-step, without lifting his feet from each other, without making long steps
PHOTO: stroyday.ru
Note! Hopping on one foot from the area of electric shock effectively, but if you fall on your hands or elbows, the impact will be so strong that it is likely to lead to death.

PHOTO: img2.gorod.lv
Prohibitions in the area of power transmission line
The security cable transmission lines area prohibited any construction, carrying out any kind of overhaul or demolition of buildings. Rules prohibit carry out blasting work here, as well as carry out economic reclamation or tree planting. It is impossible to irrigate crops.
Near power lines should not be installed gas stations, store garbage, snow or soil, fertilizer and animal feed.
It is strictly forbidden to make a fire and carry away any of the HV public events. Not allowed to travel and partition off approach to the supports.

PHOTO: amperof.ru
What threatens to foul
Violation of rules of protection zones can be recorded by the energy company. They constitute an act of infringement, but did not have any independent right to impose penalties. To do so may RTN inspection. Penalties for individuals are determined by the regulations, in range of 5-10 times the minimum wage, for businesses - from 100 to 200 times the minimum wage.
How to get a building permit in the buffer zone
If it so happened that the buffer zone ran through your land, for the construction of the fence section or hozpostroek need to obtain permission from the power industry. To do so, submit a written application at least 15 days before the start of construction, which is obliged to consider within 2 days. You can refuse only if the construction could damage the transmission line. Failure of the power grid companies can be appealed in court, especially if you consider it to be unfounded.
If your area is bordered to the protection transmission line area and you have the experience of building in this area, write about it in the comments! And finally - a useful video for the provision of first aid for electric shock: