🚗 selection of the most useful accessories for cars by AliExpress

Many will be surprised, and here the car if the publication about the life and repair! Yes, again, yes! You are not wrong, but our editorial staff believes that machine, as well as their housing, Must also be comfortable and convenient. Therefore, we have prepared a selection of the best ideas that you feel in your vehicle at home.

Many of our readers spend long hours behind the wheel. We'll show you how to pass the time in comfort
Many of our readers spend long hours behind the wheel. We'll show you how to pass the time in comfort

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  • 1 Heated Massager
  • 2 universal armrest
  • 3 Sunscreen
  • 4 Convenient holder for water or beverages
  • 5 magnetic pad

Heated Massager

Even the most comfortable car can provide relaxation constantly tense back and arms. In this case, the best solution would be - massager seating. There are dozens of models of portable electrical or appliances that will save your back.

We picked the best option - massager with heating. With this assistant your car immediately turn into a cozy spa
We picked the best option - massager with heating. With this assistant your car immediately turn into a cozy spa
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universal armrest

Armrest - a real salvation for those who constantly goes over great distances. These include: the drivers of route and ordinary taxis, as well as long-distance truckers. They will precisely know what the tired hands and how to fight it. Included with the accessory tubes are of different height, so you can easily find a comfortable position for the elbow.

Do not pay attention to the price, health and strength is much more important. And you can still earn money
Do not pay attention to the price, health and strength is much more important. And you can still earn money
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Do you think that a car can not be curtains? You are greatly mistaken. A special set of reflecting solar rays curtains protect you from overheating on a sunny day. In addition, these blinds provide a real home comfort to your transport.

Shutters can be made in different colors
Shutters can be made in different colors
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Convenient holder for water or beverages

It is clear that many of the cars are already equipped with such devices. But they do not fix the glass itself, but merely define the place of its dislocation. Modern fasteners under the same glasses allow you to use them even when shaking while driving.

The retainer will consolidate the glass maximum safety for both drivers and passengers
The retainer will consolidate the glass maximum safety for both drivers and passengers
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magnetic pad

This comfortable and functional piece for phone locking and other details on the dashboard. The magnetic base will not slide objects. Available fasteners on the side windows.

Mat made of superalloy silicone. Most importantly, do not forget before gluing degrease
Mat made of superalloy silicone. Most importantly, do not forget before gluing degrease
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We hope our small selection helps make the time spent behind the wheel more enjoyable. Leave your comments, talks about her experience the selection of accessories for the comfort of the car.