🔨 Making a rocking chair: forms, materials, workshops

Many of us have seen a rocking chair in American films, or our grandparents, who loved to relax there in the country, drinking tea, reading a book or just relaxing. Previously, it was quite popular type of furniture, which was at the time of undeservedly forgotten. Now, however, a rocking chair going through a stage of recovery, and many manufacturers have strengthened develop models of various designs and made from different materials. They can be bought in the specialized furniture store or do personally, that much more interesting. The review editors HouseChief.ru tell you how to make a rocking chair with his hands, which materials can be used, as well as provide the drawings, videos and step by step instructions.

How nice to relax in a rocking chair by the fireplace on winter evenings!
How nice to relax in a rocking chair by the fireplace on winter evenings!

Read article

  • 1 The device of rocking chairs, and what kinds of materials can be used
  • 2 As with their hands to make a rocking chair and you need to do
  • 3 We make a chair from the old rocking chair with his hands: drawings, master class
    • 3.1 Drawing and dimensions of rocking chairs with homemade runners
    • 3.2 Fabrication and assembly of the runners structure
  • 4 How to make a rocking chair made of wood
    • 4.1 Make a rocking chair from a tree with his own hands: drawing, cutting and sawing parts
    • 4.2 Assembly and finishing of self-made rocking chairs
  • 5 Making your own hands rocking chair from a profile pipe
    • 5.1 Drawings rocking chairs made of metal with their hands, fabrication and finishing
  • 6 How to make at home rocking chair made of plywood
    • 6.1 Drawings rocking chair made of plywood with their hands: cutting, cut parts and a workshop for assembling and finishing
  • 7 rocking chair from a car seat create with their own hands
  • 8 Review of prices on various models of rocking chairs
  • 9 A few words in conclusion

The device of rocking chairs, and what kinds of materials can be used

Traditional rocking chair arranged quite easily. It consists of the seat, backrest, legs and "ski". In today's market structure is represented by several species: the runner (arcs, rockers, "ski", elliptical), pendulum, spring and suspension. However, regardless of the type of seat, they all work on the principle of the pendulum. Rolling starts due force transfer center of gravity from one point to another. Next, everything happens by inertia, which decays with time, and therefore it is necessary once again to rock the chair.

Classic rocking device with dimensions
Classic rocking device with dimensions

Classic rockers - the most common variant, the production of which does not require a lot of experience assembling furniture. Due to the fact that the rails are curved at a small radius, ensured a smooth swing, but with considerable efforts rollover can occur throughout the design.

Classical design
Classical design

Pendulum or glider design. The base of the chair motionless, and the seating position is shaken due to the hinge system. The perfect solution for nursing mothers, because this type of design helps to relax and at the same time ukachat child.

Armchair with glider roller system
Armchair with glider roller system

1 to 3. Multifunction models that look like ordinary armchair, Pivoted sitting on the back runners are transferred to the rolling mode, and if more high pressure is transformed into a lager construct.

spring. It looks like a chair design, and rolling occurs due to hidden under the seat springs.

Wicker chair with rolling spring type
Wicker chair with rolling spring type

Traditionally, rocking chairs made of wood or vines. Over time, designers and furniture manufacturers have expanded the list of materials. Now, in addition to the traditional materials used plywood, metal and plastic. The seat and back are often equipped with soft seats pillow: Fixed or removable. Selection of the material necessary to do, taking into account the operating conditions of the product.

Wooden rocking chair
Wooden rocking chair
Made with their own hands pendulum rocking chair
Made with their own hands pendulum rocking chair
Wicker own hands rocking chair
Wicker own hands rocking chair
Chair made of plywood
Chair made of plywood

As with their hands to make a rocking chair and you need to do

Make a rocker, in principle, is simple, but for a first experience better start to rework the traditional model or selected as the material thick plywood. We will look at 5 chair manufacturing options for relaxation: an old chair, plywood, wood, metal and automobile seats.

For the manufacture of a rocking chair, depending on the design chosen, you will need the relevant material, tools and hardware. Thus, the need:

  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaws;
  • handsaw for wood and metal;
  • welding machine;
  • "Bulgarian";
  • Sander;
When it is not necessary to miss: a rocking chair with his hands
Good tools - half the battle

Also, you must be:

  1. Ruler and construction tape.
  2. Set screwdrivers and drills.
  3. Sandpaper with different grits.
  4. Electrodes.
  5. Screws, bolts and screws.
  6. Joiner's glue or PVA.
  7. Paint and varnish.

Of materials for us the options needed: thick plywood, wood boards and profiled tube. Once everything is prepared, you can start making a rocking chair. We start from simple to more complex embodiment.

We make a chair from the old rocking chair with his hands: drawings, master class

Perhaps it is the easiest and fastest way to make a rocking chair. For this we need old chair or chair, as well as board or plywood at least 25 mm thick. The most difficult thing is to make the runners. They can be cut from a single piece of wood or plywood, using a template, or by going to a more difficult and to make a "ski" by bending. We use a simple way.

Old chair or a chair, you can give a second life
Old chair or a chair, you can give a second life

Drawing and dimensions of rocking chairs with homemade runners

Sketch-drawing with dimensions in inches
Sketch-drawing with dimensions in inches
Template runners for rocking chairs
Template runners for rocking chairs

Fabrication and assembly of the runners structure

We consider in detail skid assembly process for the design.

Picture Process description
When it is not necessary to miss: a rocking chair with his handsFirst you need a piece of plywood to make a pattern. Therefore, we are doing the layout for the pattern shown above.
When it is not necessary to miss: a rocking chair with his handsWith jigsaw cut the workpiece along the contour of the template.
When it is not necessary to miss: a rocking chair with his handsCarefully grind pattern.
When it is not necessary to miss: a rocking chair with his handsWhen the runner pattern is ready, we apply it to the board and draw out a pencil or marker.
When it is not necessary to miss: a rocking chair with his handsCut two pieces of wood.
When it is not necessary to miss: a rocking chair with his handsIn rough machining of the workpieces in the grinding machine.
When it is not necessary to miss: a rocking chair with his handsNext, perform finishing grinding with a hand sander. Once the runners are ready, they should be treated by impregnation and protective varnish.
When it is not necessary to miss: a rocking chair with his handsNow take an old chair or armchair (conduct restoration if necessary). Feet need a little sawed at a slight angle
When it is not necessary to miss: a rocking chair with his handsWe put the runners to the legs and fix with the help of screws. Although it is not very reliable option, it is suitable for beginners who are not yet able to make a connection tongue and groove.
When it is not necessary to miss: a rocking chair with his handsThe rocking chair is ready.
Template runners for rocking chairs
Template runners for rocking chairs

Important! Choosing wood for the production of runners rocking, it is necessary that it be well dried and had no defects such as knots, at least, there should be as little as possible.

How to make a rocking chair made of wood

Now we move on to more complicated version - manufacturing rocking chairs made of natural wood from scratch. It practically does not differ from that described above, except that to start will have to make itself a chair, and then install it on skis or runners.

Rocking chair in wood with wicker seat and back
Rocking chair in wood with wicker seat and back

Make a rocking chair from a tree with his own hands: drawing, cutting and sawing parts

Create a drawing at its discretion and under its size (drawings can be found on the Internet). We offer a model, but, as has been said, the parameters are chosen for themselves. At the bottom of the photo presented the necessary details. As a material using pine board 20-30 mm thick (it is more affordable, moreover, can take unedged timber that will allow more save more). We mark up the parts, cut them out and carefully grind.

details chair
details chair

Assembly and finishing of self-made rocking chairs

We consider in detail the process of assembling the sidewalls of the chair.

Picture Process description
When it is not necessary to miss: a rocking chair with his handsPutting sidewall chair. To do this, first in one of the sides of parts â„–3 frezeruem slot for the insertion â„–5. Putting it with glue. Next, using tongue and groove connections collect together parts â„–1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. If you have not yet mastered this type of connection, it is possible to carry out assembly using long screws or SCREW, a place to plug the holes on wood putty, which after drying thoroughly sanded.
When it is not necessary to miss: a rocking chair with his handsIt turns out that's two of the sidewalls of the chair.
When it is not necessary to miss: a rocking chair with his handsSidewalls connect the two cross bars, which will also draw the seat. In addition, they will give greater stiffness of the whole structure.
When it is not necessary to miss: a rocking chair with his handsShould get is such a frame structure. We treat her protective impregnation, paint or varnish.
When it is not necessary to miss: a rocking chair with his handsSet the seat with backrest. It can be made from strips or wooden frame, foam and fabric (you choose).

How to make a full-fledged soft part for the seat, you can learn from this video:

Next, we produce the runners, as indicated in the previous version, and install them on a chair manufactured by us.

Also, you can make a fairly simple chair, watching the video instructions:

Making your own hands rocking chair from a profile pipe

Structure of profiled metal tube is rugged and durable. However, its manufacturing afford only welders owners and those who have experience with this tool.

Photo rocking chairs made of metal, made with his own hands
Photo rocking chairs made of metal, made with his own hands

Drawings rocking chairs made of metal with their hands, fabrication and finishing

Before you make the rocking chair with your hands you need to prepare the necessary materials and tools, namely:

  • welding machine;
  • grinders;
  • hacksaw for metal and wood;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • shaped tube;
  • wooden bars;
  • screws or bolts;
  • electrodes;
  • paint and varnish.

Drawings can be taken online or make them yourself by viewing video with step by step instructions for creating a rocking chair from the shaped tube.

How to make at home rocking chair made of plywood

what good plywood sheet for the manufacture of various furniture, it's the fact that, unlike the Board, from it you can make the design of virtually any size and shape. It is easy to process and has less weight.

Rocking chair type "boomerang" plywood
Rocking chair type "boomerang" plywood

Drawings rocking chair made of plywood with their hands: cutting, cut parts and a workshop for assembling and finishing

For the manufacture of a rocking chair, which the runners are more like a boomerang, you will need:

  • jigsaws;
  • screwdriver;
  • hand grinder;
  • Furniture stapler;
  • plywood;
  • paint;
  • Furniture screws and staples.
Drawing rocking chairs "boomerang" plywood
Drawing rocking chairs "boomerang" plywood
PictureProcess description
When it is not necessary to miss: a rocking chair with his handsAt first, we are doing the drawing template and transfer it to a sheet of plywood.
When it is not necessary to miss: a rocking chair with his handsJigsaw cut two sides, which will play the role of the runners.
When it is not necessary to miss: a rocking chair with his handstwo such parts must happen.
When it is not necessary to miss: a rocking chair with his handsCarefully grind the sidewall.
When it is not necessary to miss: a rocking chair with his handsFinished runners look like this.
When it is not necessary to miss: a rocking chair with his handsNow you need to cut the cross-bars (on chair width) and square the supporting bars (width and number of blades).
When it is not necessary to miss: a rocking chair with his handsFrom the inner edge of the runners retreating two plywood thickness and draw a line. Mark up the sidewall of the number of bars with uniform clearance. With screws set bearing bars and they fasten the cross bar.
When it is not necessary to miss: a rocking chair with his handsIt should get here this design.
When it is not necessary to miss: a rocking chair with his handsWe reveal sidewall protective impregnation and paint them.
When it is not necessary to miss: a rocking chair with his handsfasten a piece of artificial leather to the back of the seat furniture With stapler.
When it is not necessary to miss: a rocking chair with his handsDo by means of foam, leatherette and soft staple part of the chair. You can also make additional rollers, which will give the construction of additional softness. All the chair is ready - and you can relax.

rocking chair from a car seat create with their own hands

You can also make an original rocking chair using old car seat. As in the case of an old chair alterations you need to make a mainly runners and hold them together with the base. More details about this alteration you can learn from this video:

Review of prices on various models of rocking chairs

Modern manufacturers offer a variety of models from a variety of materials. the prices of some products are high, but you can buy a rocking chair is inexpensive, if there is no ability or desire to do it yourself.

ModelMaterial and parameters mm.The average price of the product, rub. (As at January 2019)
Rocking chair made of rattan with cushion Coral
Rocking chair made of rattan with cushion Coral
  • natural rattan
  • Seat (V / H / W) mm. – 450/550/520
  • Backrest height, mm. – 760
  • Overall dimensions (H / W / D) mm. – 1060/740/1200
  • The classical rolling system
  • Max. Load - 120 kg.
14 580
Rocking chair Signal Gordon Classic
Rocking chair Signal Gordon Classic
  • Frame - wood
  • The backrest, seat - fabric penopropilena
  • Dimensions, (V / W / W) mm.: - 920/540/470
  • The type of rolling - classic
9 630
Rocking chair
Rocking chair "Lux" wrought metal
  • Metal and metal products, cloth, leatherette
  • Dimensions in mm. (W / H / V) - 1000/610/900
  • The total weight of construction - 20 kg.
  • The type of rolling - classic
12 885
Rocking chair SWIVEL ROCKER natural rattan
Rocking chair SWIVEL ROCKER natural rattan
  • natural rattan
  • Soft pillow
  • The spring mechanism roller
11 000
Rocking chair folding M 44.4
Rocking chair folding M 44.4
  • Metal, leatherette, plastic, wood
  • Weight - 8.5 kg.
  • Dimensions:
  • Addition - 925/140/920 mm.
  • Decomposition - 925/575/920 mm.
  • Maximum load - 120 kg.
  • The type of rolling - classic
5 610
The leader of the recliner chair model 77
The leader of the recliner chair model 77
  • Array ekokozha
  • Overall dimensions, mm. (W / H / V) - 690/1250/1000
  • Seat dimensions, mm. (H / W / D) - 450/550/550
  • Backrest height, mm. – 850
  • The type of rolling - classic
21 140
Rocking chair MI 78 MebelVia
Rocking chair MI 78 MebelVia
  • Plywood, ekokozha
  • filler foam
  • Dimensions in mm. (W / H / D /) - 690/980/1000
  • The type of rolling - Pendulum (glider)
  • Maximum load - 150 kg
23 150

Prices for products listed in the table may differ depending on the region and the seller.

A few words in conclusion

We have said many times, that now in stores you can buy just about anything, but things made with his own hands, bring not only financial savings, but also moral satisfaction from their work. We hope that the information we provided was useful to you, and you will appreciate it and will express an opinion in the form of comments.