Bypass in the heating system: what it is, an overview of models, installation

That with the onset of cold weather problems with heating your home does not become a serious cause of discomfort and you will not feel cold in the winter and do not suffer from lack of air and dry air the room should be timely to upgrade heating system. In this article we describe how easy and inexpensive to implement improved home heating duct through some simple but quite effective element - the bypass. Below we take a closer look at the bypass heating system - what is it, how to act, and whether to create a bypass section is required.

Bypass in the heating system: what it is
Use of the bypass pipe on the radiator

Read article

  • 1 The need to create a bypass unit
    • 1.1 Bypass in the heating system - it is a single-pipe circuit?
  • 2 Bypasses the circulation pump
    • 2.1 Bypass valve - what it is and how it works
  • 3 Applications bypasses
  • 4 mounting scheme
  • 5 Overview of the main models
  • 6 Tips and tricks
  • 7 General conclusion

The need to create a bypass unit

Bypass (Eng. - bypass) - part pipelineHaving an adjustable shut-off valve and designed to circumvent any length of heating duct, which is mounted on the equipment. This element is generally used in single-pipe applications where the heated boiler Liquid is transferred from one batteries to another, then return to the reservoir. heat transfer agent freely flows through the bypass, and if necessary, remove all connected devices, built-in valve assembly closed and heated to the desired temperature, the water passes freely down the pipes.

Bypass in the heating system - it is a single-pipe circuit?

Although single-tube circuit and already technologically obsolete, they are still found in buildings constructed during the USSR and the CIS. For this reason, when creating a bypass sections in such schemes should adhere to certain conditions tie.

A bypass pipe heating circuit
A bypass pipe heating circuit

To create the bypass portion will need:

  • length of pipe required length;
  • tees and couplings;
  • welding machine.

Bypass pipe should be located away from the main riser heating duct. In the interval between radiator battery and a bypass ball valve requires embedding necessary to adjust the flow of coolant.

It is also possible to create a bypass portion in the double pipe circuit
It is also possible to create a bypass portion in the double pipe circuit

Note! Mounting assembly in the bypass circuit of the double pipe heating system is not appropriate, since the fluid flow occurs in the line in different directions, and flows between them separated.

Bypass has several applications, but we are talking about heating, so consider the possibility of using it in this light. So, figuring what it is - Bypass heating system, Take into account that it is mainly assembled:

  • heating circuits with boiler and fanfare for later planned repairs, inspection or replacement of devices without stopping the heating duct;
  • for debugging temperature, which is accomplished by fixed shut-off and control valves;
  • as a device that allows to reduce the consumption of fuel costs heating while maintaining a stable temperature. In addition to 35% of the circulated liquid flow rate is reduced, which also reduces the financial costs.
A bypass section to the circulation pump
A bypass section to the circulation pump

Produced bypasses for heating, both with automatic and manual control. Models with automatic function autonomously and are utilized when you turn on the heating circuit pump. When the heating medium blower starts, the valve is opened pressurized fluid, and when disconnected automatically close it. Bypasses can be divided into the bypass units are installed on radiators and pump. First mounted directly at the battery (for removal of the heating element without disconnecting the line), and the second is used to disconnect the equipment or a change in the operating mode pump and placed directly with him.

Important! Box bypass is recommended to do in the interval from May to September, because in this period of time the coolant supply discontinued in multi-storey buildings. It is also forbidden to embed directly into the shut-off valve bypass node because it is contrary to state standards.

Bypasses the circulation pump

There is a term called bypass mode, it is considered below. Significantly improve the entire heating circuit is possible by setting pumpEven if there are no problems with the natural flow of a liquid. In the process of tapping the pump into the pipe heating systems necessarily need the presence of the bypass. This device, though the heating system makes a more productive, but his work is directly dependent on availability of electricity (in private households power supply problem can be solved by using diesel generator). The video shows an assembly of the pump through the bypass pipe.

Creating bypass circulation pump is recommended for the following reasons:

  • for normal adjustment of the heating circuit;
  • if necessary, the pump cut-off from the common rail;
  • to perform audits and repairs without stopping the heating duct;
  • at faults in the electrical heating system can continue to function normally due to the natural current of coolant (drift).
The work of the bypass valve when the pump is turned off and on
The work of the bypass valve when the pump is turned off and on

When filling water heating duct, the pump prevents normal current liquid circuit and the occupancy due to air pockets that are formed. To avoid such problems requires installation of bypass which will allow water to fill the tube to bypass pump.

Bypass valve - what it is and how it works

Upon the occurrence of the contingency line pressure drops and the valve actuating automatically allows fluid to circulate through the circuit under its own power (by gravity). Thus a fully automated control of the heating system. However, by cons, automatic bypass, include high sensitivity to debris and coolant contamination. Therefore, before installing the automatic bypass valve must be well clean the whole system to remove rust, scale, scale, and various kinds of plaque in heating appliances and heating pipes circuit.

Design and operation of the bypass valve on the example model BR 400
Design and operation of the bypass valve on the example model BR 400

Which requires a bypass valve, we understand and can now consider options for the use of bypass pipelines in heating networks. In the video below you can see the work of the bypass unit with built-in check valve.

Applications bypasses

Deciding to install a bypass section of the heating main observe some requirements:

  • the diameter of the pipe used for the bypass, must be less than in the backbone;
  • creating a bypass section to battery, It is extremely close to a heater and maximally removed from the riser heating circuit;
  • installing the bypass unit in the heating duct of the private home ownership, installation is carried out in close proximity heating boilerBut at such a distance that the pump is not exposed to overheating.
Use of the ball valves to control flow direction
Use of the ball valves to control flow direction

mounting scheme

mounting methodPhoto
Single pipe heating circuits: the installation on the heating deviceBypass in the heating system: what it is and what function is fulfilled?
at the pumpBypass in the heating system: what it is and what function is fulfilled?
In the loop underfloor heatingBypass in the heating system: what it is and what function is fulfilled?
In the heating circuit with solid fuel boilerBypass in the heating system: what it is and what function is fulfilled?

Although we have found that it is a "heating system baypasv", but in the regeneration of the house or apartment warm water floor they perform quite inuyufunktsiyu. As part of the bypass line mixing unit used to three-way valve. This node is required to prepare a heated fluid to the transfer of the loop underfloor heatingBecause the temperature of the coolant in the common rail reaches 80 ˚C, whereas in the system should not exceed the mark of 45 ˚C.

In standard mode, the valve provides pass the heated water from the public network to the heating circuit in a small volume. The rest of the coolant flowing through the bypass portion, is mixed with a liquid from a reservoir and fed back to the the boiler. The heating circuit and the collector temperature difference is significant, therefore, the bypass assembly is almost always involved, because without it, can not be normal operation of the system of underfloor heating.

Pumping and mixing unit with bypass IVAR
Pumping and mixing unit with bypass IVAR

Overview of the main models

As we've already figured out what it is - a bypass in the heating system, we can proceed to the consideration of these types of structures. Bypass piping may differ in the place of installation and construction. First designed for tie-on heaters and pumps, and allow to redirect the flow of heated fluid for the duration of repair or replacement radiators, Pumps, etc. The latter used to be installed in conjunction with the pumps.

Recommendation! Not to collect the entire system of individual parts should I buy in the store fully stocked unit ready for installation.

Type of Model / manufacturerEquipment The average cost, rubles.
On-siteBypass in the heating system: what it is and what function is fulfilled?

BS-E-1 / AP Zhukovsky

  • bypass; circulation pump;
  • brass ball valve - 2 units;
  • dirt filter - 1 pc.
1 300
Bypass in the heating system: what it is and what function is fulfilled?

BS-E-3 / DT Zhukovsky

  • bypass; circulation pump;
  • brass ball valve - 2 units;
  • dirt filter - 1 pc.
1 350
Bypass in the heating system: what it is and what function is fulfilled?

VT.0666 / Valtec

  • brass body - 1 pcs .;
  • throughput valve - 1 pc .;
  • Copper Bypass - 1 pc .;
  • valve spring - 1 pc.
2 594
Bypass in the heating system: what it is and what function is fulfilled?

VT.0667T / Valtec

  • brass body - 1 pcs .;
  • Thermometer - 1 pc.; throughput valve - 1 pc .;
  • Copper Bypass - 1 pc .;
  • valve spring - 1 pc.
4 050
Bypass in the heating system: what it is and what function is fulfilled?

VT. 668 / Valtec

  • brass body - 1 pcs .;
  • thermometer; throughput valve - 1 pc .;
  • Copper Bypass - 1 pc .;
  • drainage tube.
3 500
by designBypass in the heating system: what it is and what function is fulfilled?

Bs-K-3 / DT Zhukovski

  • bypass; circulation pump;
  • brass ball valve - 2 units;
  • dirt filter - 1 pc.
1 750
Bypass in the heating system: what it is and what function is fulfilled?

VT. 655 / Valtec

  • brass body - 1 pcs .;
  • throughput valve - 1 pc .;
  • valve spring - 1 pc.
1 014
Bypass in the heating system: what it is and what function is fulfilled?

VT. 667 / Valtec

  • brass body - 1 pcs .;
  • thermometer;
  • throughput valve - 1 pc .;
  • Copper Bypass - 1 pc .;
  • drainage tube.
4 050

Attention! When you purchase any items related to water supply and heating system, you need a lot of attention paid to the quality of threaded joints. Do not buy low-quality components, trying to save money, because they do not last for a long time and can cause a sudden failure of the entire heating circuit.

Tips and tricks

Before proceeding to the installation of a bypass in the heating system of an apartment building in the first place of its decision It must give written notice to the representatives of local utilities to harmonize the issue of temporary disconnection feed coolant to boiler room. After that, follow these guidelines:

  • To water normally flows into the heating device is necessary that the diameter of the bypass pipe portion was one size smaller than the overall circuit.
  • By purchasing ready-pass unit is necessary to require a certificate of quality which will ensure long-lasting and normal operation of the device.
  • When purchasing items portion of the bypass check the screw connections - they must be easily loosened and tightened, not scroll.
  • Deciding to install a bypass, just use ball valves, as they have not only a low flow resistance, but also easy to open and close.
  • Whether working bypass or not, it is necessary from time to time to open and close all the taps to prevent the ball kick is and will significantly increase the service life of all site elements.
  • Before starting the heating operation after a long idle portion need necessarily purged with circulating pump.
  • Throughout the heating season should be carried out preventive cleaning of the filters installed in the bypass system.
  • To avoid mistakes, and to the heating system operates efficiently, it is desirable to entrust the work of all the skilled artisan.
Examples bypass installation
Examples bypass installation

General conclusion

Cutting-pass pipe in the house heating circuit, irrespective of the project, will only give positive results. Hopefully the article you understand why we need to bypass heating systemAnd that it significantly improves performance and increases the efficiency of the entire heating system. Experts advise to create workarounds sections still at the stage of the heating circuit devices, as well as reconstruction of the existing heating systems with natural circulation. In addition, the bypass can be mounted with a minimum of human powers of knowledge and experience in plumbing.

In the video below you can see how to properly install the bypass: