💡 Top 7 products with AliExpress, which can be used for other purposes

You know the phrase, "Why read the instructions, so everything is clear." Imagine for a moment that some of the familiar to the pain objects have lost their original functions. Thus, we consider the Top 7 goods with AliExpressWhich is best used for other purposes.

PHOTO: static.livebooks.com Sometimes ordinary things can be surprising.
PHOTO: static.livebooks.com
Sometimes ordinary things can be surprising.

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  • 1 Opener for canned food
  • 2 Carbine
    • 2.1 Dustpan
  • 3 Hanger with clothes pins
  • 4 Gum for hands
  • 5 Swimming cap
  • 6 Roller for clothes

Opener for canned food

Usual opener for canned food, bought for 250 rubles converted into a versatile tool for opening the dense packings. So much effort and nerves will save you at the time they are unpacking gifts to your impatient child, spouse or girlfriend.

PHOTO: media.istockphoto.com Use a can opener for opening packages.
PHOTO: media.istockphoto.com
Use a can opener for opening packages.
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Penny carbine converted to cool Key gadget. Most importantly, do not carry a key or key fob with shelfSo a strong grip they do. In this case, you definitely will not go where it left a bunch.

PHOTO: ae01.alicdn.com Many rifles of different types, including those with the latches can be bought in the marketplace AliExpress.
PHOTO: ae01.alicdn.com
A lot of different types of rifles, including latches and can be bought in the marketplace AliExpress.
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How difficult it is - to pour a bucket of water if crane It is located at a sufficient distance, and even sink too small. Of course, the professionals in this case carry a special hoses. And we offer a simple way to home - use a simple scoop simply adjusted so that the groove in the handle was.

PHOTO: feel-feed.ru Scoop important to choose exactly that length, which will create the necessary focus and tilt to drain.
PHOTO: feel-feed.ru
Scoop important to choose exactly that length, which will create the necessary focus and tilt to drain.
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Hanger with clothes pins

A simple solution how to pry the recipe during cooking. If you to adjust the normal hanger for things that will never confuse algorithm steps for the preparation of your culinary masterpiece.

PHOTO: fishkinet.com Main, do not tell her husband.
PHOTO: fishkinet.com
The main thing, do not tell her husband.
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Gum for hands

Lizun, or silly putty - a great way to to calm the nerves. And not only. Sticky consistency enables a matter of seconds to cope with such a complex matter, as the keyboard cleaning.

PHOTO: 5x86.ru Lizun perfectly cope with any pollution.
PHOTOS: 5 × 86.ru
Lizun perfectly cope with any pollution.
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Swimming cap

Familiar disposable or reusable swimming caps, which are sold in abundance on AliExpress, can be a great packing material "smenki" to school or shoes in the street. This "envelope" of your footwear gets to its destination without any problems.

PHOTO: expert-tour.ru All your shoes will be carefully laid in a suitcase.
PHOTO: expert-tour.ru
All your shoes will be carefully laid in a suitcase.
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Roller for clothes

The familiar roll for the cleaning clothes will cope with the task, and in the depths of a handbag. The smallest objects and dust can be easily assembled in such a device. The most important thing - to stock up on nozzles clip!

PHOTO: A cheap thing will not lose a penny on the bottom of your handbag.
PHOTO: A cheap thing will not lose a penny on the bottom of your handbag.
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