If you live in a house with allergies, or if you just care about your health, your main assistant at cleaning can become a steam mop. Reviews of such a device show broad functionality and versatility. We offer to meet with the principle of work, popular brands and the opinion of real users.
Steam Mop - faithful assistant housewives
Read article
1 Design and Function
2 Features Steam Mop by type
2.1 classic
2.2 ergonomic
2.3 With elektrovenik
3 Advantages and disadvantages of steam mops
4 leading manufacturers
5 Popular models
6 How to choose a steam mop: basic criteria
6.1 By type of power and ease of use
6.2 Power and the maximum vapor pressure
6.3 By type of nozzles and linings
6.4 For additional functionality
7 Rules of operation and maintenance
8 precautions that must be observed
9 Steam Mop: consumer reviews
9.1 Positive and neutral
9.2 negative
Design and Function
externally steam mop similar to the regular. hot steam is used to remove dirt, allowing to get rid of chronic spots. Instead of rags - special nozzles. To start the device must work in a special tank refill water. The amount of added liquid depends on the model.
The jet of steam can remove difficult stains
Steam Mop has a compact size and light weight. consume little power. Typically, within 5 kW. Triangular nozzle makes a circular motion, providing a high quality surface cleaning. Options nozzles of different types allows you to choose a suitable option for a particular base. The handle is usually regulated.
suitable nozzle is selected for each surface
Attention! For operation of the device can be used and the ordinary distilled water.
To understand the principle of the steam mop, offer a view the following video:
Features Steam Mop by type
The design of the device may differ from. We offer to get acquainted with the basic types. This will make the right choice at the time of purchase.
Device type is very important
Such devices are allowed to remove any dirt from the floor covering. They allow you to wash grease, dirt, disinfect the surface. For house cleaning such devices fit well.
Classic models will allow to remove the floor
Compact devices have a small look. They maneuverable. Equipped with a triangular head. They have most of the features typical of other devices. The best option for Apartments with a small area.
Ergonomic model takes up little space
With elektrovenik
After classical mops on the floor may be fine crumbs. This lack of lack models of electric broom. Thanks to his presence the smallest dirt is removed.
On the floor, not a crumb left
Advantages and disadvantages of steam mops
Feedback from real consumers, these devices have pluses and minuses. The main advantages include:
multifunctionality. Ability power control allows steam to clean different surfaces. They will help remove stains from the floor surface and carpet;
economy. To clean the entire apartment needed a minimum of water. In addition, you can completely eliminate the use of detergents and save a serious amount of the family budget;
mobility. Low weight allows you to quickly move the steam mop from one place to another and makes it convenient to use;
possibility get rid of unpleasant odors. The surface is further disinfected;
washing without divorces;
compactness. Unlike cleaner, The device takes up little space.
Steam mops are ergonomic and functional
Expensive models from well-known manufacturers have virtually no negative reviews. Certain shortcomings noted owners of cheap devices. They are characterized by:
low strength of the hull for the manufacture of plastic is used which is cheap;
adjustment of steam in a small range;
a small tank capacity for water. As a consequence, the fluid has to fill up more often;
significant variations in the degree of steam heating. This may create some difficulties in handling delicate surfaces;
no filter.
Small container forces often add water
leading manufacturers
Quality products can be found in the catalogs of many manufacturers. We advise you to pay attention to:
Kitfort. The manufacturer has managed to achieve the optimal balance of price and quality. A wide range allows you to choose the best option for your home;
Karcher.The products of the German manufacturer It will cost more expensive counterparts, but it has a higher functional performance and quality;
Black & Decker. This functional devices used for wet cleaning and disinfecting various surfaces;
Philips. Quality products, has virtually no negative reviews;
Bissell. The range offers a variety of devices. You can choose the best option for any room or apartment;
Marta. In the catalog you can find the manufacturer's steam mop with different characteristics for every purse.
The budgetary system will find for each house
Popular models
With the availability of a large range of models, some are stable consumer demand. These include:
Endever Odyssey Q-601. Model with a small capacity. It allows you to clean the room quickly. Able to work continuously for 15-20 minutes. Tank of small volume. It comes with several attachments. Simple and easy to use;
Steam mop ENDEVER Odyssey Q-601
Kitfort KT-1001. Ergonomic model demanded by buyers. It has a small power of 1.2 kW. Designed for small spaces. Supplied with different nozzles and brushes;
Steam mop Kitfort KT-1001
Kitfort KT-1002. It has a capacity of 1.5 kW, compared with the previous model, more capacious tank. It allows for once to remove several large rooms. Supplied with a five-meter cord and a standard brush;
Steam mop Kitfort KT-1002
Philips FC7020 / 01. It has a capacity of 1.5 kW. To convert the device into operation takes only 0.5 minutes. Capacious reservoir charcoal filter allows any water for cleaning. Power cord length of 6 m practically limits the movement inside the room. Brushes supplied, are large, making it difficult to clean hard to reach areas;
Steam mop Philips FC7020 / 01 Steam Plus
Mega 7 X7 Steam Cleaner Sweeper. Electros model. Optimal for cleaning the corridors and offices. The base is supplied with a plurality of nozzles, allowing to clean different surfaces;
Bissell 1132N Vac & Steam. Combined model operating in the steam mop and normal mode cleaner. It has a capacity of 1.6 kW. Quickly enter the operating mode.
Bissell 1132N Vac & Steam
Bissell 1132N Vac & Steam - a powerful unit with many features
How to choose a steam mop: basic criteria
To acquired the model was able to cope with this task, a number of factors to consider when choosing. We offer to meet the criteria, given that you can choose the best option.
many factors to consider when choosing a model
By type of power and ease of use
energy supply source deserves special attention. Most of the steam mop is only from the network. However, there are some products, running on battery power. Such devices are quite mobile and may be used in automobiles.
Ergonomic model should be given special attention. Before buying a mop should hold in their hands, to create an imitation of cleaning surfaces. Handle length should be related to the growth of the owner. If the device is used by several people, optimum availability of the telescopic handle.
Tip! Pay attention to the weight. If after 2 - 3 minutes the device will seem heavy, from the purchase should be abandoned.
Ergonomics should pay particular attention
Power and the maximum vapor pressure
When choosing a steam mop, particular attention should be paid to capacity. From this parameter depends on its performance and the time required to enter the operating mode. For steam mops with a capacity of 1.2 kW is required 1.5 minutes. When enough 1.5 kW 30 seconds.
Powerful devices are located on the desired mode quickly
The maximum vapor pressure affects performance. It can reach 1-4 bar. Than it is greater and higher the temperature, the more serious stains can remove the device.
By type of nozzles and linings
The greatest maneuverability has triangular rotating nozzle. It allows you to remove dirt from hard to reach places. It is most often used for cleaning floors. If you plan to cleaning other surfaces need to be concerned about the presence of:
nozzles-brushes. With it possible to remove dust and dirt from upholstered furniture;
scraper, which helps to clean the window;
cone-shaped nozzle. It will help to wash out remote places: to remove dirt from the batteries or clean the hood of the fat deposits;
steamer. Since it can be put in order blinds or clothing;
manual steamer. These nylon and metal nozzles to cope with cleaning toilets, bathroom or sink.
In order to collect water and cleaning mud should have available microfiber pad. It will allow to collect dirty liquid. After use, the pad will be enough just to wash.
The more tips, the better
For additional functionality
Ease of use is dependent on the presence of additional functions. According to reviews, the steam mop with samoubirayuschimsya with an electrical are more convenient to use. Preferably the presence of the lock in the absence of water in the tank.
By additional functional possibility applies steam in several modes: primary and secondary. The second included the presence of strong contamination. The number of modes depending on the model. For families with small children is actual function of the built-in vacuum cleaner, which will collect all the dirt directly into the process of cleaning the floor.
Built-in vacuum cleaner allows to collect all the dirt in front of wet cleaning
Rules of operation and maintenance
Before you start cleaning using a steam mop, floor standing swept or vacuumed. If the device has a built-in vacuum cleaner, you can immediately begin to wash. First building to use a brush, which is then replaced by a nozzle made of microfiber.
The container is filled with the required amount of water. Should choose a liquid passed through the filter. After switching on, wait the recommended time by the manufacturer, until the liquid is warmed to the desired temperature.
If the water is over, and the harvest still in full swing, before casting a new batch of water should wait for the cooling device. Some modern units allow refilling water without full cooling steam mop.
After cleaning the appliance off from socketsAnd excess fluid must be drained. All the elements must be thoroughly rinsed and dried at room temperature. Thereafter, the device is going back.
To operate the steam mop is registered in the user manual
precautions that must be observed
In operation, the steam mop produced enough hot steam. To avoid injury, should:
carefully choose the direction of flow. It is unacceptable to direct the nozzle at people plantsAnimals;
Only clean chilled mop;
use only pure water. The use of household chemicals, decoctions, oils inadmissible;
fill nonremovable capacity only when the device is switched off;
Do not abuse the power cord. Do not pull the cord or yank it;
to protect the unit from water;
to avoid overheating of the cord. It should be placed away from heaters.
The steam must be directed only to the surfaces to be cleaned
Steam Mop: consumer reviews
To make the right choice, it is necessary to know the opinion of different consumers. We offer to meet with the review, which will allow for an objective opinion on some models of steam mops.
Positive and neutral
We offer to meet with the positive feedback of the steam mop from different manufacturers. Each model is able to score 4 points and above.
Feedback on steam mop H2O Mop X5:
More on Irecommend: https://irecommend.ru/content/parovaya-shvabra-h2o-mop-x5-super-pomoshchnitsa-v-dome-gde-deti-i-koshki
Feedback on steam mop Kitfort CT-1002-1:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_4457688.html
Feedback on steam mop Bradex H2O Mop X5 TurboMax:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_329713.html
The following opinion is worth quoting from the neutral feedback:
Feedback on steam mop ARC:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_5355239.html
Review of Steam Mop Team H2O Steam Mop:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_874468.html
Feedback on steam mop Zelmer:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_2909388.html
With a large number of positive and neutral feedback, there are also negative opinions. Each user identifies some shortcomings, which did not suit him exactly. We offer to meet with them:
Review of Steam Mop Team H2O Steam Mop:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_506033.html
Feedback on steam mop H2O Mop X6:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_814647.html
Feedback on steam mop RICCI SF-294:
More on Irecommend: https://irecommend.ru/content/ne-berite-etu-model
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