Under the auspices of the Association of Builders of the Urals, in the framework of the forum was a discussion "Comfortable city as a development priority." It should be noted that the dialogue between the authorities, business representatives and social activists on expansion of convenient and high-quality the urban environment It was sold out. As an example, we have been chosen already implemented in objects: Park near the Mega Ekaterinburg and tabloid tape at the Central Stadium.
We have been more than just a shopping center. I would call Megu - educational space. And we know, we understand the responsibility for this, we want to set the trends for other public places in the city. And it is for us - working with communities. Comfortable city - a city for people - said the managing MEGA Ekaterinburg Ayse Agekyan.
The discussion was attended by local authorities, businessmen and residents of Yekaterinburg. During the forum, repeatedly highlighted the importance of citizens in the municipality. And for that, in their opinion, it is necessary to develop comfortable urban infrastructure.
We have young people from the regions, and even outflow from the country not because of wages, they go for parks, entertainment, for comfort! And now it is important to ensure the involvement of young people and people in our dialogue ", - said the head of the All-Russian project" Urban Renovation "Oleg Zorya.
Also, the panelists discussed the problems of parking, have identified possible sites for the construction of new parks and residential complexes. In addition, in preparation for the 100+ Forum Russia survey was conducted on the topic "What is the city comfortable for you." The test results will form the basis of dialogue at the upcoming forum in the fall of 2019.