Top 10 countries with the highest fines for violation of traffic rules

Russian fines for violation of traffic rules are getting higher, yet they remain fairly loyal in comparison with other countries in the world. The most severe in the world practice are fines for a significant excess of speed, and also driving in a state of intoxication.

In today's top ten, we collected the countries with the highest fines for violation of SDD under the edition of Forbes.


10. Japan

  • 9. France
  • 8. Finland
  • 7. US
  • 6.China
  • 5. Italy
  • 4. Ireland
  • 3. Germany
  • 2. United Kingdom
  • 1. Canada
  • 10. Japan

    • Exceeding at60 km / h - min.$ 800
    • Traffic on the inhibitory signal of the traffic controller or traffic light - about $ 420
    • Drunk driving( over 0.5 ppm) - $ 8700
    • Parking violation - about $ 830
    • Not fastened seat belt - $ 450

    9. France

    • Speeding over 60 km/ hour - € 1500
    • Traffic on the inhibiting signal of the traffic controller or traffic light - € 90
    • Drunk driving - € 135 for alcohol content from 0.5 to 0.8 ppm. In case of exceeding 0.8 ppm - € 4500 and deprivation of rights for 3 years.
    • Infringement of parking rules - from € 10
    • Not fastened seat belt - € 135

    8. Finland

    • Excess of speed on 60 km / hour - the penalty depends on the size of the income, min.- € 115.The case of a fine of € 170 thousand
    • was fixed. The traffic to the prohibiting signal of the traffic controller or traffic light - the penalty depends on the size of the income, a minimum of € 64.
    • Drunk driving - the penalty depends on the amount of income, min.- € 90 for alcohol content from 0.5 to 1.2 ppm. If the mark is exceeded in 1.2 ppm - a minimum penalty of € 360 with possible deprivation of liberty.
    • Parking violation violation - from € 10 to € 40
    • Not fastened seat belt - € 35

    7. US

    • Exceeding speed at 60 km / h - min.$ 500
    • Passage to the inhibitory signal of the traffic controller or traffic light - $ 50
    • Drunk driving( over 0.5 ppm) - $ 390-1000 + legal costs. Possibly deprivation.
    • Infringement of parking rules - from $ 35
    • Not fastened seat belt - $ 50


    • Exceeding speed at 60 km / h - approx.$ 300
    • Traffic on the inhibiting signal of the traffic controller or traffic light - $ 30 and 6 penalty points
    • Drunk driving( over 0.5 ppm) - $ 75-310, 15 days of arrest and forfeiture of rights for 3-6 months. For drunk driving, which caused the death of a person, the death penalty was introduced.
    • Infringement of parking rules - about $ 16
    • Not fastened seat belt - $ 8

    5. Italy

    • Speeding over 60 km / hour - from € 750 to € 3119
    • Passage to the inhibitory signal of the traffic controller or traffic light - € 90
    • Driving under the influence -€ 500- € 2000 for alcohol content from 0.5 to 0.8 ppm. In case of exceeding 0.8 ppm - up to € 3200, when exceeding 1.5 ppm - up to € 6000 and deprivation for 1-2 years.
    • Infringement of parking rules - € 19- € 75
    • Not fastened seat belt - € 75- € 300

    4. Ireland

    • Speeding over 60 km / h - € 80
    • Traffic on the inhibiting signal of an operator or traffic light - € 90
    • Driving indrunk( over 0.5 ppm) - up to € 5,000 and forfeiture of rights for 1-3 years.
    • Infringement of a parking rule - € 70- € 80
    • Not fastened seat belt - from € 60

    3. Germany

    • Exceeding speed at 60 km / h - € 400- € 480
    • Passage to prohibit signal from traffic controller or traffic light - € 90- € 360
    • Drunk driving( over 0.5 ppm) - from € 500 to € 3000.
    • Infringement of parking rules - € 10- € 25
    • Not fastened seat belt - € 30

    2. United Kingdom

    • Exceeding speed at 60 km / h - 1000 pounds( up to 2500 pounds on the motorway)
    • Passage to the inhibitory signal of the traffic light or traffic light - 1800pounds
    • Drunk driving( over 0.8 ppm) - 3 thousand pounds.
    • Infringement of parking rules - from 40 pounds
    • Not fastened seat belt - up to 500 pounds

    1. Canada

    • Speeding up to 60 km / h - up to $ 10 thousand
    • Traffic on inhibitory signal of the traffic controller or traffic light - $ 144
    • Driving under the influence0,8 ppm) - from $ 600.
    • Infringement of parking rules - $ 100
    • Not fastened seat belt - up to $ 1000
    • For comparison, here are the Russian fines:
    • Excess of speed at 60 km / h - 2 000 - 2 500 rub.or deprivation for 4-6 months.
    • Passage to the inhibitory signal of the traffic controller or traffic light - 1000 rubles.
    • Drunk driving - deprivation from 18 to 24 months
    • Infringement of parking rules - 1 500 rub., Detention of the vehicle, 3 000 rub., Detention of the vehicle for Moscow and St. Petersburg
    • Not fastened seat belt - 500 rubles