Mobile air conditioning can be a good budget alternative to the road split system. If properly install a candy bar, you can get a number of benefits, with substantial savings in the process of purchasing and installation. These include:
On the specifics of the design of mobile air conditioning can be open or closed. The first type:
By virtue of design features it is typically used in areas where there is forced ventilation hood. Most often, this office space, so this candy bar mobile office called.
The second model can be considered conditionally mobile by the presence of air, which is output through the window. But it is more suited for cooling an apartment or private house.

installation order
Despite the declared ease of installation, the happy owner monoblock have to spend time and effort to install mobile air conditioning. This part of the installation requires:
- training tool and materials;
- selecting locations for the installation;
- Wiring training;
- manufacture and installation of the window insert;
- connecting duct.
Before installation, be sure to read the instruction unit, right to vote his strength and experience. If there is contact a professional installer.
Materials and tools
For proper drainage of the heated air will require special window insert. Some models are available with an installation kit that eliminates the need for self-production of the part. If one is not supplied, it will need to make that will require:
- cutting tools (saw or knife) for the plastic and / or wood;
- yardstick;
- sheet dense plastic, Plexiglas or polycarbonate (thickness 10 - 12 mm);
- masking tape or self adhesive tape for attaching the insert to the frame;
- seal for wind and moisture protection.

Place for monoblock and precautions
Mobile air-conditioning duct is recommended to install in front of the window or balcony of the opening, where the easiest way to organize the circulation of the process air. For other requirements include:
- space around the monoblock at least 50 cm;
- the ability to connect to a grounded outlet and free access to it;
- distance from the device to the insertion of the window corresponding to the length of the pipe duct.
Not allowed:
- cooler installation in the bathroom;
- use extension cords to connect or adapters;
- capacity flexible vent pipe;
- grounding through heating tubes or gas supply.
When you try to quit Breather through the open window, the window or balcony door without a special insert reduced efficiency of the device, power consumption increases due to the constant inflow of warm air.
Similar problems arise when trying to put the air conditioner on the balcony.
Preparing the wiring
Before connecting, regardless of the design features and power conditioner, experts recommend to attend to the preparation of the wiring. Even for mobile air conditioning is better to spend an additional line of copper wire with shestnadtsatiampernym machine and a grounded outlet. Perhaps, for a particular model, such a precaution unnecessary and can do regular postings. But a variety of models for safety and durability of the device, consult the seller and / or professional installation.

Fabrication and installation of the window insert
The complexity of this phase of the work depends on the type of window frames. The easiest way to set the box on the window instead of glass.
But not all plastic box equipped with a transom, and the lead tube length may be shorter than the distance from the instrument to fortochnogo opening. Will not cause too much difficulty in the installation of plastic windows that rise vertically upwards.
Here, for mounting the output suffices to fix the frame in the raised position. The remaining cases require manufacturing webs with attendant additional work.
It is made in accordance with the width of the frame and the size of the lead-out section of the pipe. If the installation is expected in the window, the size must fit fortochnogo glass. To perform this operation you must:
- remove the desired size using a tape measure or other measuring devices;
- perform a harvested crop material;
- cut a hole in the plate slightly smaller than the pipe diameter (3 - 4 mm) for tight fixing.

Installation of window inserts
After preparatory work needs to be set. If this pane, you simply insert it into the opening, and secure seal. When installing the window will need:
- remove the glass;
- trim it to size made of platinum;
- jumper manufacture of wood or plastic;
- place plate with holes in place;
- top fix jumper;
- strengthen all of the elements prepared using the materials;
- seal the joints;
- to return to the place of the glass;
- perform its strengthening and sealing of joints.
Monoblocks can be equipped with one or two flexible pipes. The first bleed air from the room, and after working out its output. The second take it outside of one pipe and the other on the output. For the latter two require technical opening in the window frame.
Connecting monoblock
When all the preparatory work has been completed, you can connect the cooler. For this:
- put the instrument in place;
- attach the pipe to the respective nozzles apparatus;
- We deduce the other end in the hole made;
- connect the device to the network.
Before switching on, he has to stand upright for two hours.