Rated air purifiers for allergy sufferers and asthmatics

A quality air purifier in the room needed for those suffering from asthma or allergies. It will reduce the number of attacks, clearing the air of allergens. To choose the best air purifier for allergy sufferers and asthmatics, check out the rating of popular models.

It works on the principle of electrostatic dust removal, hair, fibers and other allergens. The average price of 5 thousand. rubles.


  • It does not require a filter change;
  • Low electricity consumption;
  • cyclic operation.


  • noisy fan cleaner;
  • Service area 25 m².

Bork A602


Clean air from microorganisms and allergens, it cools and creates a ventilation effect. Powered by saturation technology negative ions Plasmacluster. According to the manufacturer, 99% destroys harmful microorganisms, odors and particles of animal hair. The average price of 13 thousand. rubles.


  • Holder for guiding airflow;
  • small size.


  • cleaning area of ​​15 m²;
  • no air pollution control LED and ultraviolet lamp.

Aic AS-3022

Aic AS-3022

Air cleaner with three filters:

  1. The pre-filter removes visible particles of dust.
  2. Coal has an antibacterial effect and eliminates most of the disease-causing microbes.
  3. HERA-filter retains bacteria and impurities harmful substances.

Control of the touch screen is provided. Eliminates dust particles, fabrics, wool, dust mites, street contamination and evaporation of household chemicals. The average price of 8500 rubles.


  • 3, the air purification system;
  • quiet operation;
  • filter replacement sensor.

Minus - power is not enough to clean the room of 25 square meters.

Best price and quality

Atmos Vent-1550

Atmos Vent-1550

Multi-stage air cleaner with an antiallergic cleaning. It works in rooms up to 45 m². The average price of 12 thousand. rubles.


  • 6 levels of purification through germicidal lamp, a carbon filter and an ionizer;
  • 3 power mode and the air exchange rate;
  • Electronic air pollution alerts;
  • indicator light alerts while changing filters, switchable rehearse ionization and photocatalysis;
  • programmable timer;
  • Compact and stylish design.

Minus - Some filters require periodic replacement.

tefal PU4025

tefal PU4025

Cleaning and provide air cleaning filter 4 built. They removed 99% of pollutants. Charcoal removes organic compounds, and Nano Captur destroys formaldehyde.

Indicators display filters, pollution and space pollution. The price of 18 thousand. rubles.


  • ionizer and the pre-filter;
  • It covers an area of ​​35 m²;
  • 2 year warranty.

Negatives - no ozonation function.

Philips AC 4014

Philips AC 4014

An air purifier with a power of 30 W ergonomic housing. Three stages indicating air quality, and fans with a three-speed work quickly eliminate asthma attacks in asthmatics.

Simple timer 1, 4 and 8 hours of light and air status indicator. The price of 15 thousand. rubles.


  • It covers an area of ​​55 m²;
  • 36 mode, turbo mode and automatic shutdown.


  • expensive replacement filters;
  • no photocatalytic filter and ionization system.

Premium class

IQAir Allergen 100

IQAir Allergen 100

Considered the best cleaner for allergy sufferers and asthmatics, because the quality is second to none. It covers an area of ​​90 m², used in homes and hospitals. Clean air is supplied from the filter 320 °. Price 80 thousand. rubles.


  • a primary filter for cleaning the air mass filter and Hyper HEPA;
  • freedom of movement thanks to the rollers;
  • body material does not emit hazardous materials, impact resistant and resistant to ultraviolet radiation;
  • timer with the speed setting function and timer on-off for each day of the week;
  • filter change indicator;
  • Lock buttons on children.

Minus - the high price.

Panasonic F-VXL 40

Panasonic F-VXL40

It eliminates all known types of pollutants. purification of the two filter system delays allergens bacteria and humidifies air, saturating negative ions. The price of 31 thousand. rubles.


  • turbo mode to maximize rapid filtration;
  • sensor with the sensor of automatic 3D circulating air stream;
  • Lock buttons on children;
  • quality assembly for continuous operation;
  • 5 years warranty for the primary filter and 10 years for moisturizing.


  • small volume container for water;
  • not suitable for rooms of more than 30 m².

Daikin MC70LVM

Daikin MC70LVM

The most famous model of climatic devices. streamer purification technology activates the oxidative process that destroys bacteria and viruses. The price of 41 thousand. rubles.


  • 6 purification steps;
  • Ionizer and automatic cleaning of the sensor;
  • simple control system;
  • It operates almost silently.

Minus - the smell of ozone during operation.

Air breathing easier and allergetikam asthmatics, in preparation for this air. Pick device based on area of ​​residence, the power unit, the number of animals and the type of allergy.

Multi-stage air purification effectively. However, before you buy should familiarize themselves with the type of filters, their cost, service life and availability in the market.