How to install the dryer on the washing column

Popularity housing complex equipment washing and drying technique makes it necessary to connect the dryer. Since the area of ​​the standard urban apartment usually small, preference enjoys most compact variant of the placement of devices in a column.

The big difference in the installation of machines of different brands there. to the mounting reliability requirements are the same in all cases. For fitting in pairs it is recommended to use the model of the brand. This choice has several advantages:

In cases where the accommodation is not allowed in a column in the instructions indicate the minimum distance from the top, which is necessary for the performance of devices.

Set the two devices in the right column

Set Devices column in three ways, each of them different nuances of Application:

  1. The first option involves using protivooprokidyvayuschego kit, which is superimposed on the surface Downstream, the design resistance can only provide regular fixture recommended manufacturer.
  2. The second is based on the rack mount for the dryer, it is fixed on the wall above the level of the washing machine, in this case, you need accounting support wall strength.
  3. Third, both allows to build apparatus in a niche, which is collected from the resistant load plasterboard or other material of high strength.

The preferred method of installation of the washing and drying machine at each other or to the column depends on the layout, design, design features of aggregates, other factors. In any case, you must install the machine in compliance with certain rules:

  • Remains unchanged recommendation to choose a model from the same manufacturer, similar in size parameters.
  • If this option is selected there is no possibility, it is necessary to focus on the dimensions of which must be the same.
  • Drying is always placed above the washing machine, it is less by weight, it is not as intense vibration, which provides the necessary level of security.
  • Golf equipment placement should be equal, the lower assembly should be put on the level to the column was strictly horizontal.
  • Undesirable accommodation units on wooden or other soft floors, they amplify vibration, floors must be rigid, to prevent slipping during operation.
  • It should strictly observe the recommended distance between components and the surrounding walls, especially when selecting a mounting in the recess and on the back side where to leave a minimum of 2 to 3 cm of space.

It is important to remember that fixed appliances without a reliable attachment tab and compliance with other rules you may lose stability and fall of the column. Damage to expensive equipment is not the only consequence of such negligence, it could jeopardize the health of family members, especially children.

Attaching devices to the Communications

Before starting work, ensure the availability of all communications for both devices, it is not just a single network connection. For example, for the condensers may need its output under the sewer drain. Exhaust version will require access to the ventilation shaft or own channel equipment with the output of the window. In general, when installing the units required to provide a connection to ventilation, sewage, electricity and running water.


Attached to the vent will have the choice of exhaust model. At first glance, there's nothing complicated. a duct provided in the flexible structure flexi hose is connected to the central ventilation and fixed by regular collars. However, there are some nuances to be aware of:

  • desirable to select an option with a minimum number of bends that facilitate the escape of air and condensate;
  • recommended to avoid bending at right or acute angle, the preferred embodiment is considered gentle fold that does not create obstacles for the air outlet;
  • smokers with raised temperature where condensate formation more rapidly, it is better to use a straight embodiment in which the condensate does not accumulate.

In cases where the central ventilation shaft is missing or does not allow to properly connect the unit, output can be the creation of an independent duct. The apartment it often discharged through the window in a private house more room for selection of functional variants.


If you plan the installation of the dryer of the condensation type, can be connected to the sewerage system both devices. This eliminates the need to periodically drain condensate from the regular tray dryers. There are three solutions to this problem:

  1. Output drain directly into the sewer, it is the most complicated way, it will require special equipment hole that you can not always do it yourself.
  2. Less costly, connection to siphon most likely have to buy a combined trap with two or more pipes.
  3. The easiest way to temporarily fix the drain pipe to the nearest sink, but due to the vibration devices this option is fraught with flooding the room in the event of failure of the hose.

The optimal option is selected on the basis of the room layout, the location selected for installation, and design features of the equipment.


Enabling devices to the electric network may be through native outlet. The only requirement to be met, mandatory grounding. If this is not possible, you need a separate assembly line. For it is required:

  • three-wire, copper wire with a diameter of 2.5 mm²;
  • A special socket with a high level of moisture protection;
  • circuit breaker and RCD 16A, which are mounted in the panel.

For fitting in pairs of devices suitable double socket fitted onto a single line. In general, this option is not recommended, because it is possible overload. But the devices allowed to run at the same time to avoid excessive strengthening of the vibration. This means that they will run sequentially, and the likelihood of congestion is low.

Setting column of the dryer to the washing machine is feasible on its own. But it requires some experience and a certain minimum of tools. If neither the first nor the second, it is better to think about the professional invitation. Despite the costs, his work will pay off reliability and safety of the structure.