Horticultural work in the summer make the actual washing without central water supply. To do this, we must be able to connect the washing machine without running water.
Machines washed in installed on the production conditions. Pumping and heating water, the dissolution of the detergent, rinse, spin and drain the water at all stages are carried out in accordance with laid down the program.
Work models and programs based on the same principles. Water flows through the compartment mixed with detergent and through the conduit enters the tank with the drum. At each stage of the device picks up a new batch of clean water. The waste water drain pump removes the drain.
Flow of water entering the machine adjusts volatile solenoid valve.
The water should be supplied to the molding machine. At low pressure water does not enter or crash occurs.
In urban apartment enough pressure in the centralized water supply system. In the village the problem of low or absent pressure can be solved in several ways.
Options for water projects
That the washing machine has been able to fulfill its operational requirements in a country house without running water, it is required to organize the flow of water under sufficient pressure. Manually pour water through the compartment for the detergent. For this embodiment, the machine is suitable to the lower fixing the liquid level in the tank. At the upper fixing unit will be part of the emergency program to finish and quickly fail.
Through each rinse the laundry machine will stop. To restart the wash, you need to manually refill the water tank.

Installation pump station using the well or wells. If the area has a well or wells, the installation of the pump station, you can create a system with sufficient pressure. Complete the hole storage capacity to organize a sustainable water supply for: toilet, washing machine, sink.
Drilling of the well is only possible in warmer months. The equipment is not everyone can afford.
A small pump between the tank and the machine. It consists of placing an additional electric pump for pumping the conduit between the reservoir and the water washing machine. The optimal way of cost and effort.

Artificial maintenance of water pressure. To create additional pressure, place the water tank above the machine level. The optimum height of 10 m. It can be done if the house is on two floors and there is an attic room.
Filled the tank manually raised to such a height is difficult. Wear heavy buckets, and installation of a pump for pumping water require additional financial costs. Option does not apply to a one-story house with no attic.

Installing the Washing Machine
Choose the location for the washing machine in a private home with the possibility of connecting the electric pump.
To drain waste water require a special tank or drainage. The easiest way to prepare for the local area pit and combine them with the machine hose.
Before the first use of the machine, remove the drum retaining transit bolts. If this is not done, there may be serious damage.
Options for removing waste water. The above embodiment 4 will connect the automatic machine without running water in the garden. It remains to resolve the issue of sanitation.
Attach a hose to the machine and bring its free end into a hole in the local area.
It does not require a constant winding and unwinding the hose. But it needs to be warm, so it does not burst in freezing temperatures.
Organize drained into a prepared vessel and releases it as the filling.

A simple solution
The most efficient way to organize the connection of the washing machine in the village - simulation of the pumping station. To implement the use submersible, drainage or other pump. For connection required: a water tank;
- relay that is responsible for turning on / off the pump;
- Crane Ball;
- tee fitting, adapter, fum-tape.

Laundry for organizations in the area is better to choose a car with a small cubic capacity for 1 cycle to 40 liters. Focusing on this figure, prepare the tank. For work required 100 l of water. the connection algorithm:
- pump controlling pressure switches and connect the hose through the tee into the overall system;
- a pressure switch connected to a pump and a network of at 220V.
Closed relay creates negative pressure in the hose. Included electric pump to increase pressure. To fill the water solenoid valve opens and the system pressure is reduced - the relay is activated automatically and starts the pump to pump water.
After filling the drum with water electrovalve closes and the relay submits to the pump trip signal. A hose is connected to the pump detachable threaded connection. This will allow the pump during the washing and other garden works.
Using the pressure switch is not cheap. There are two options that allow to do without it.
to the solenoid stiralki connection directly. This embodiment can be realized by the circuit, which is connected to the valves. It is activated when opened by at least one valve. For the embodiment opened the lid of the washing machine.
If you open the car do not want to, use the second option - Connection is carried out with the help of reed switches. Opening of the valve is accompanied by the formation of a magnetic field. Thus reed switch triggers and sends a signal to the pump.
engine work is accompanied by severe vibration, so it is recommended to mount it at a distance from the plastic container. When all the components are installed in place, the installation of a washing machine without water supply is completed. It remains only to fill the tank with water. The absence of a central water supply - not a reason to cancel the installation of the washing machine. Choose the installation method depending on the financial capacity and the planned frequency of use.