Power consumption of the washing machine: choose correctly

Choosing a washing machine, it takes into account the volume of the tank and the unit size. But do not forget about the amount of electricity consumed. If you choose the right capacity washing machine, you can get a high quality wash with minimal electricity costs.

Consumption of energy consumption depends on the rated power of the device. To see the power of the washing machine in watts, view the sticker on the rear wall. According to the level of power consumption, there are several classes of models. The first letter to the figures with the power will mean, to what class belongs to the device according to the principle of economical electricity consumption.

Given stiralki class, you can determine its approximate capacity. It is considered to be the most economical class A. The more close to him advantages, the less energy it consumes. Most of all electricity consumed class G. Devices are assigned according to the results of studies in kilowatt consumption per one kilo at a temperature of 60 ° <.>

Consumption according classes

  • Class A consumes 0.15 to 0.19 kW per hour per 1 kg of dry washing laundry.
  • Class B expends from 0.19 to 0.23 kW per 1 kg.
  • Type C uses from 0.23 to 0.27 kW.
  • Type G spends from 0.27 to 0.31 kW per 1 kg.

A separate class of devices allocated with drier for clothes.

Classes consumption of washing machines

Settings that affect the power

To understand how a washing machine consumes electricity per hour, add the power consumption of all its components.

  1. The motor rotates the drum. During a simple washing reduces consumption and increases the drying time. On average, the engine consumes 0.4-0.8 kW. Engines are manifold, direct driven and asynchronous.
  2. Heater heats the water and makes it spin automatically. It is turned off in the rinse cycle in cold water, but operates at high water during heating and during pressing. The more powerful heating element, the less time will be spent for heating water. PETN indicators: from 1.7 to 2.9 kW.
  3. The pump pumps water according to a predetermined program. It requires 25 to 40 watts depending on the model.
  4. Electronic control consumes 10 watts, mechanical takes no more than 5 volts. The control system consists of starting capacitors, electronic module, light bulbs, programming and other small radioactive elements.

Adding the performance of all the components, you can find out the number of kilowatts consumed.

What affects the energy consumption during the washing

The machine-gun provides additional programs and functions that affect the energy consumption.

  • wash cycle. For each mode, the parameters of the wash are provided. Sets water heating temperature, duration of the process, the drum rotation rate during spinning. The device with more power will heat the water and squeeze out the clothes better. A device with a small measure of consumption of the same job takes longer and lasts less.
  • Kinds of fabric. Different tissues have different weight in the dry and wet state.
  • The weight of the laundry. Energy consumption depends on the degree of tank load. The more loaded the laundry, the more electricity the unit will need.
  • operation. The more often the device is working, the more power consumption. Over time, plaque accumulates tenah heating, due to which the water is heated longer and costs are increasing.
  • Additional functions. Modern machine does not cease to be supplemented by features which further consume energy.

To choose the most energy-saving mode, pay attention to all these factors. From the power of the machine depends on the cable cross-section, which is connected to the network. For example, the exponent 2.2 kW current will be 10 amperes.

How many kWh consume different models

Electricity prices are constantly growing, so buyers are more likely to get machines with high energy efficiency. Consider a few models of washing machines of different power with the most economical consumption.

  • Model LG F12B9LD, made by an electric motor direct drive technology. + Class type A, the flow rate is 1.02 kWh.
  • premium device Bosch WAY28790EU. It refers to a type optimal economy A +++ consumes 1.31 KW per hour.
  • Washing Machine HOTPOINT ARISTON AQ114D697DEU / B. Is a function of automatic flow optimization, ranked among the Type A +++. Consumes 1,138 kVtvchas
  • The narrow unit with front loading type INDESIT XWSA610517WUA. 16 wash programs, the tank is designed for 6 kg of laundry, class A +. Consumes 1.006 kw / h.
  • Stiralka model LG F80C3LD. Front loading, grade quality pressed G, wherein shakes only 0.75 kW> chasnoe 1 kg. A ++ type of consumption.
  • Stiralka Bosch WVH228360OE. Front-loading type, has a drying function, tank holds 7 kg of clothes, a class of electricity consumption, consumption of 5.67 kWh / kg, according to the spin type B.

How to save energy

Despite the characteristics of the washing machine and it stated in the passport of the power consumption in kilowatts, can reduce costs:

  1. Turn off the machine from the network after the end of the wash. Plugging it continues to use energy.
  2. Correctly pick up the program according to the main factors: the amount of laundry, fabric type and degree of contamination. Such a reasonable approach will save up to 30% of consumed electricity.
  3. Do not share one load into several small washings. If the weight of the laundry allows, it is better to load laundry to the maximum value. According to the washing device characteristics, is not fully loaded drum consumes 10-15% more energy.
  4. If you have the opportunity to dry clothes on the street, it makes no sense to put a spin / drying mode to full speed. So you can save money and get fresh linen, dried in the sun.
  5. Every six months clean the heating element on the scale. For this reload a compartment for powder descaler and turn "cotton Washing" mode, by heating to a temperature of 60 ° C.
  6. For a small number of clothes you can use the program "Quick wash": cycle it several times shorter than normal, consumes less water, respectively, saves energy. This program is also called the regime of partially filled or "little things."

For a family of three is wiser to choose a small model to optimize energy consumption. For a large washing a large amount of laundry, choose a class A or B device

Choosing a washing machine, be guided not only the appearance, a variety of features and great power. You can buy a home assistant, which qualitatively to wash things and save money.