This type of Italian coffee gained popularity among all over the world because of the high fine milk foam and good taste of the drink. It was coined by Capuchin monks in the XVII century, but they have not managed to achieve the ideal of milk caps. Hold the foam in the beverage, so that it is not settled, it was possible only with the advent of the coffee machine. Prepare the cappuccino coffee machine today is a resident of each country, following its unique recipe and features.
Making a cappuccino in the coffee machine, it is imperative to follow certain rules in order to get in the end quality drink.
The main ingredient in the preparation of cappuccino - milk. When buying it is necessary to consider fat content, protein content and shelf life.
To make a real espresso and stable foam, the milk must have a fat content of at least 3.2 percent. Low-fat product for cooking does not fit.
The amount of protein
The presence of a thick, airy, oily foam with large bubbles would be the case if one uses milk protein content of which is within 2.8-3.5 percent.
Beating foam consists of two steps: foaming (milk temperature should be within 3 degrees or 5) and the heating with steam. High of 75 degrees milk has already reached to the final beverage. In that case, if the initial temperature is above the allowed rate, the cap cappuccino will receive a bad taste.
Shelf life
This period in the milk must be kept as short as possible. In this case, it will be clear that there is no milk powder, which is absolutely not suitable for the proper prescription perfect cappuccino.
Keeping all of the above rules for milk, always get the right to prepare a delicious Italian coffee and delight them to others.

Utensils for cooking
When choosing cookware must take into account the following rules:
- To prepare and serve a drink can only be preheated dish, the temperature will be 40 degrees.
- A cup which is used to supply, to be made of ceramic with thick wall or window that allows to better see all unique layers beverage.
- All the dishes, including the capacity for whipping milk before preparation should be thoroughly cleaned and dried.
- The standard value for the finished coffee container is 210 ml.
The presence in the car spumatore
Preparation described the drink can not do without spumatore. To use this device is easy if to adapt and follow some rules. There are two types of Cappuccino:
- Manual - carries out its work as a mixer or blender, you want to hold in your hand;
- Automatic is powered by a built-in motor, which itself performs all without human assistance.
Among the species considered on the device known today such models:
- Steam connected to the coffee machine. Their principle of operation resembles a small spray bottle, which helps a couple to mix with milk. Due to this process and a foam is formed.
- Mechanical is a tube, which, falling in milk, pulls him inside. Located inside the corolla, moving at high speed. He whips the milk with steam, creating a high, dense foam.

Preparing a cappuccino in the coffee machine properly
To make a tasty, hot beverage, you need to learn how to use the manual Cappuccino. To do this, there is a small guide:
- Cook one serving of espresso and pour it into a deep cup or glass.
- Turn on the coffee machine and to warm it.
- Wait for a couple, the first portion of its produce without a nozzle by a milk container. Such action is necessary to clean the steam line and get rid of a large amount of moisture that is always inherent in the beginning of the cooking process. So it will be able to get a thick milk.
- Fill a pitcher (jug metal) half-milk, that in the process of beating, the foam does not extend beyond capacity. In that case, if the pitcher is not permitted to use another suitable container.
- No more than 10 mm at an angle of 45 degrees lowered the steam tube in the milk. Located near the wall cookware, steam resulting from the interaction with the air mass, whips foam.
- After a few seconds, after the pair will be in contact with the milk, the liquid will heat up and gradually increase in volume, acquiring a nice sweet, creamy taste.
- As soon as the foam will begin to rise, the tube is lowered even further, fully warming up fluid. The main thing at this stage - not to lower the tube to the bottom. So it is possible to overheat the milk and spoil it.
- After the formation of a sufficient amount of suds, the steam valve was closed and pulled kapuchinator.
- Rotate the pitcher in his hand and a bit of banging them on the table surface, the foam is slightly reduced until until it becomes glossy.
Heated cup with pre-warmed espresso and carefully added on top of it foam. Thus it is necessary to proportion the two components were the same.
Check the quality of the foam can be, by pouring it on top of the sugar. If it does not sink, the beverage is fully cooked properly. During the coffee the temperature should be between 65-70 degrees.
A few original recipes
Learn to make a cappuccino in a coffee machine in the traditional way, you can cook it for another recipe. Consider the most popular ones:
Drink with cinnamon

In the finished espresso add cinnamon. Then carefully pour the foam into the center of the cup without splashing it, and then fill the edges. Ready drink sprinkled with grated chocolate, a small portion of cinnamon;
Drink with coconut

In a heated cup pour coffee, then add a thin stream of hot milk. Top neatly lay out the foam with a spoon and sprinkle with coconut.
Of course, you can buy ready-made cappuccino in a cafe and have fun. But it is better to learn to do it yourself at home. This allows you to change recipes, according to your taste, enjoying the novelties and traditional combinations.