Manufacturers of modern TV sets every year will improve the quality and functionality of their equipment, but even in new models over time, there are different problems. It can be color distortion or absence of sound - such problems can be solved in the device settings. But sometimes it happens that the image is missing on the TV, and the sound is.
This does not always mean that the TV was broken. Only knowing the basic reasons for this failure can decide whether to invoke the wizard, or get a hold of unauthorized repairs.
If the TV is turned on a black screen, and do not show any satellite or digital channels, it is usually caused by damage to the hardware components.
Problems with the matrix
This is one of the most common reasons why your TV screen goes blank. The first signs by which to judge the defects of the matrix:
- the image is only on half of the screen;
- picture begins to twitch;
- appeared on the screen multi-colored stripes.
Typically, these problems are due to external factors - the fall of the device, blow on it, the water ingress. Most often, after such incidents equipment fails completely.
But if signs of problems with a matrix having on their own, the workshop might be able to repair the TV set even without replacement of parts. A high probability buy counterfeit parts in self-repair, because of which the entire replacement would be meaningless.
Damage to the loop
Zephyr - a wire connecting the screen matrix board, which is responsible for the reproduction of images. Signs of damage to loop:
- TV stops periodically displaying images;
- there was a ripple and flicker of the screen;
- narrow or wide band around the display.
In the technical center can offer a repair or replacement of the loop. But with his own hands is better not to try to fix the problem, as this item is very fragile.
Faulty condenser
It may be that after surges LCD TV will cease broadcasting image. Then the problem is likely in the capacitors. It is manifested as follows:
- the screen went dark;
- a couple of minutes after turning on the TV signal was lost;
- sharply reduced brightness.
This problem can be diagnosed after the removal of the rear cover panel - burnt capacitors can swell or even explode. Usually with them and burn fuses.
Blown inverter
The inverter starts and supports the backlight, brightness controls them. One reason for the lack of pictures - burnout inverter. Main features:
- dark blurred image;
- first sound occurs, and the image is too late;
- the screen ripples;
- the display is switched on and then goes out.
To determine that the reason is the burnt inverter, it is possible by examining the details.
cable integrity
When you turn the TV sound is, and the image is not - then the signal goes, but the unit does not accept it. In this case, you need to check the cable:
- wire from the antenna;
- cable from the cable TV provider;
- HDMI-cable.
Also, double-check the Internet connection and the integrity of all plugs with the connectors.

Power Supply
It happens that the TV does not work, there is sound, but the screen is not lit or picture appears late. The problem may be defective power supply. To verify this, you need to remove the back cover and see if the fuse is blown, and there are no kinks in the wires. After that:
- Check for bulging capacitors.
- Measure the voltage multimeter and contrast it with the data on the data sheet to a television.
- Easy to tap on the screen. If this changes the quality of the picture, you need to verify the integrity of all contacts.
If visible damage is found, but the picture is still there, it is best not to undertake independent attempts to resolve the issue and call a specialist.
Another of the most common reasons why the presence of sound went out TV screen. Determine blown lamps can be on the following grounds:
- Ripples appeared on the display;
- image flickers;
- if the room is to turn off the light and bring it to a black screen activate the flashlight, the display will be seen picture.
The main difficulty lies in the elimination of the purchase of the original lamps as find them on sale is quite difficult.
Not always to the lack of image problems can cause serious damage. Here are some expert advice on what to do when the picture is missing:
- Check the basic settings in the receiver box. Perhaps simply wrong set image parameters such as brightness set to minimum. It is recommended to leave the default settings.
- Turn off the machine from the network, and after a few minutes turn back. So the system is restarted.
- In the absence of the image as much as possible, increase the volume. Often this method works, and the image appears.
- Check the connections of all cables and connectors on the rear panel. Remove the plugs, and the male back.
- Eliminate the ingress of moisture into the housing and secure the television set on and fall voltage transients.
Almost all kinds of issues related to the settings, you can correct yourself. But to return the display image on the screen can be used only if the display itself is not defective. To check turn the machine - if there was a screen saver, the screen is in a working condition.

Service center
Correct defects of hardware should be at the service centers because change many of the details will not work without special skills. Masters disassemble TV test all systems and find the source of the problem. Note that you can change the broken parts only components of the same model.
If the TV is turned on there was only the sound, and the expected image is not, first try to adjust system settings. But in the case when conventional measures do not help - it is better to take the set to the studio since his careless actions can make things worse.