Every gamer wants to have a good headset, but not everyone knows how to choose it. Now I will describe several stages selection of gaming headphones. But first, you want to choose the right, for any game is the user wishes to purchase the headphones.
These and other examples of popular computer games encourages users to use gaming headphones, but if you really want to be the best on the server, or, ideally completed the mission in Hitman without any damage, you should select the "ears" on the basis of game. What games require special "ear"?
- Action, for example, Counter-Strike. These games require care, clear sound of footsteps in order to recognize the approaching enemy. In these games, be sure the user need headphones with high-quality microphone, and do not interfere with small noise as it moves. If you play CS or the like to better understand the characteristics of high frequency product. Recommended headset with a microphone to a frequency of 20,000 Hz.
- Fighting strategy in the style of Warcraft. There are important headphones with a good frequency balance and zvukochuvstvitelnostyu. The last parameter, it is desirable to be the best indicator of 85 dB / mW. All this is necessary for those moments when the game once more, and sometimes even a lot of enemies, use their crown blows. An experienced gamer easy to recognize the noise of a few crowns own or the enemy from which to escape. Conventional gaming headphones while reloading sound like just create noise not good, it may take the player at a crucial moment.
- Simulations, mainly sport. These games do not always use the microphone, but the sound is very important balance. The computer sports very often one of the signals begins to "beat" on the ears. For example, a sound goal celebration cheers or commentator in normal "ears" can be heard much louder than the background sounds of the game. Therefore, the user involuntarily tense during the game, so this was not the choice of "ears" are also looking at the sound sensitivity, it is desirable parameter is not less than 85 dB / mW.
- If you play World of Tanks or something like that, you should pay attention to the low-frequency component. Qualitative frequency sounds below 120 Hz will allow you to get better realistic sound shot tanks, combat weapons, aircraft, launch and explosion of the torpedo.
In other games of the critical requirements, as a rule, does not exist. You can choose any goods you like with or without a microphone.

Determine the kind of gaming headphones
Once the user has decided, in that he will play, go to the choice of form and design. There are many varieties of forms of headphones:
- Traditional overhead (supraaural). Pros - good diaphragm diameter, good sound quality, a wide range of fastening.
- Full-length (monitor, circumaural). Pros - the maximum size of the membrane, high-quality sound, ear pads tightly as possible, much better than sitting on the ears. Cons - sometimes too big and heavy, often expensive.
- Wireless. Pros - does not restrict movement. Cons - spending on batteries as the charge falls fainting and sound quality.
In all the embodiments possible presence head microphone.
Firm and model
Once decided the price, choose any liked us firm model "ears". Next, we are looking for reviews of the model on the Internet. We try to find the real opinions and not feykovye reviews sellers. It is best to rely on user feedback, the use of headphones with a microphone over a month, it is a similar term to determine the main problems, drawbacks.
Ease headphones
This is probably the most important part of buying a new product, we need to decide how comfortable headphones. To do this, go to the nearest hardware store, where, near the booth, we will be able to try on interesting gaming headset with a microphone or not. Remember that the slightest feeling of discomfort, "compactness" crush after a few hours will be felt a hundred times stronger. This product is for you to be as convenient as possible!