Refrigerator - technically complex device that requires a specific operating conditions. Work without interruption is very dependent on the placement of equipment and, of course, on the quality of assembly. Therefore, you should immediately determine how to properly install the refrigerator.
Typically, refrigerators installed in the kitchen, but its modest area in small apartments and large size equipment may require more free space.

In addition to the kitchen, it can be a living room, a spacious closet and a balcony.
Terms of site selection:
- It is necessary to provide the proximity and the electrical outlet if you need to prepare an extension cord of sufficient length with the stabilizer.
- Eliminate the influence of external heat sources - radiators, kitchen stove or heater.
- Do not place near the window.
- Replace faulty outlet. If possible, change the domestic model for the European under the plug.
- Pick flat area, which will not create problems for the horizontal and vertical alignment.
- Prepare a special sticker on the floor, excluding arbitrary displacement with a slippery surface.
- Check flooring strength and hardness. It's hard not to sag under the weight of the loaded device. If necessary - reinforce plywood base sheet is at least 2 mm thick.
In the kitchen, a lot of heat sources that produce harmful to machinery at an elevated temperature. To reduce its impact must take into account the recommended distance to the refrigerator:
- from the plate at least 30 cm;
- Battery of at least 50 cm.
When the question of how to install the refrigerator resolved, and the place of its future location carefully prepared you can install. It is important to avoid careless actions that will result in damage to the unit.
Transporting device need in the vertical position, and if this is not possible, the rear wall down horizontally.

The most vulnerable part of the exterior - power cable, which the during installation must be fixed to the condenser by means of a plastic clamp. So will avoid dangerous damage sheath or winding core.
It is important to provide for air circulation. For this it is necessary to leave a sufficient distance between the wall and the back part - from 7 to 10 cm. Following this rule will prevent overheating of the compressor, power loss, premature wear of the mechanisms.
After the primary installation device need to be aligned by level. Provided a flat surface it is possible to make a simple twist of legs in the thread. Likewise, you can adjust the height of the refrigerator.
leveling control is building level. And if not, then the accuracy of the adjustment can be checked and saucer with water.
For dense, and arbitrary closure of the door can be accommodated under bias on the back side 1-2 °. But in this case it is necessary to first look the rules of admissibility of such deviation in the manual, as well as take into account the recommendations masters.
When connecting to the network the power cord must be placed without excessive bending and stretching. They accelerate metal fatigue and failure of the entire device. A connection of the device to the network directly may cause problems due to power surges.
To ensure durability, prevent damage, keep the possibility of warranty, use a voltage regulator. For this fit, even the most simple - a single-phase electromechanical.
For more on this, see the article how to choose the voltage regulator to the refrigerator.
If an extension cord is used for connection, pay attention to its compliance with the outlet plug of the refrigerator. Do not overload extension cord other equipment. Also, it should consolidate in one place, eliminating the arbitrary displacement.
without heating the room
The owners of small apartments with a small kitchen often choose to install the refrigerator balcony. But for all the requirements of this operation it is better not to do. There are several reasons:
- a high level of humidity increases the likelihood of circuit, making it impossible to use an extension cord and a stabilizer;
- low temperature in winter cause oil thickening, reducing the pressure and other malfunctions;
- violation of heat exchange may cause malfunction of the motor-compressor.
If no other options - make sure that your refrigerator is protected from excessive humidity, and the room temperature did not drop below +5 ° C.
After connecting the refrigeration equipment necessary to follow his work for the first few days. In the case of freeze slightly when the products or, conversely, cooled insufficiently - correct temperature. Just follow all these rules, installation and connection will provide a long service life of the refrigerator.