Drip System defrosting refrigerator: what it is, the principle of operation

Before any refrigerator for its proper operation uninterrupted defrosted periodically required, removing the ice formed on the walls. Today, household refrigerators have learned to perform this procedure yourself, which saves time, private owners. There are several technologies defrosting. One of the most popular among them is the drip system Defrosting the refrigerator. What distinguishes it from the principle of the type No Frost system and which one is better?

Principle of operation

On the rear wall of the refrigerator is the evaporator, where the refrigerant is circulated. With it, and achieved the desired temperature of the refrigerating compartment. During freezing there is formed a thin layer of ice, frost more like. This is due to the fact that the colder surface moisture condenses.

Hole for water drainage
Hole for water drainage

When the compressor is switched off, the resulting ice melts and enters the vaporization chamber through a special prefabricated hole. Then the process is repeated.

The dropping defrosting system operates automatically, alternating cycles of freezing and thawing. In this way possible to get rid of the formation of a thick layer of ice. So it maintains the optimum humidity, which guarantees a long period of preservation of food.

Defrosting is performed up to 4 times a day at regular time intervals. The cabinet is kept moderately dry climate. Odor also does not occur if periodic cleaning and disinfection of the refrigerating compartment.


  • simple and inexpensive repairs;
  • the reasonable price of refrigerators;
  • reliability and durability.


  • uneven cooling of the refrigerator inner chamber (near the rear wall temperature below 3 - 5 degrees);
  • drainer must be periodically cleaned from the accumulated dirt;
  • during thawing of frozen products will not work, because the refrigeration system is switched off and its system of compulsory inclusion is not provided.

Defrosting the refrigerator drip

All refrigerators are of a self-drip system. No further care of them, except for cleaning and disinfecting precast hole, is not required. So how often you need to defrost the refrigerator drip system?

Due to the lack of ice accumulated on the back of the unit defrost as such can never be carried out. But due to uneven cooling in the freezer the ice layer is gradually increased yet. Remove it can be mechanically, which is not recommended because of the potential damage the casing of the camera. Or resort to manual defrosting with power cuts.

These procedures must be repeated by an average of 1 - 2 times a year, with the active use more frequently - up to 4 times a year. Recommendations for defrosting manufacturers indicate in the instructions.

Clean precast holes need to spend an average of 1 every 6 - 12 months. Complete the majority of refrigerators is a special cleaning rod for cleaning.

Compare drip system with No Frost

No Frost works on a similar principle. In this system also alternate between periods of freezing and thawing. In addition, built-in fan distributes cold air throughout the refrigerator compartment. The evaporator is usually on the back wall, at least - on the one side. The layer of frost formed much smaller than in drip systems. It is distributed over all the walls. The resultant condensate is not going into the drain, and is converted to steam and exits the cooling chamber together with the circulating air stream. Then it enters the evaporator and the cycle repeats.

Models with No Frost works as well as drip refrigerators, but deprived of its shortcomings - the condensate practically does not appear due to uniform cooling. This technology also has its drawbacks.


  • there is no need of constant care;
  • no need to spend time defrosting;
  • the rear wall of the refrigerator is stored dry.


  • Cooling chamber size smaller by the presence of the fan;
  • High power consumption - an average of 50 - 75% more than the drip of refrigerators;
  • fans create noise at work;
  • low reliability due to the large number of components that affect the satisfactory operation;
  • higher price.

refrigerators No Frost system also identified for compulsory care. About 1 once a year they need to be disconnected from the power supply and manually delete traces of dirt, dust, grease.

The advantages of drip system to defrost the refrigerator No Frost make these models more common. It relieves the owners of the frequent need for manual defrosting. And adherence to the simple rules of operation of such technology will help increase its service life.