National cleaning products

  • Popular cleaners
  • Useful advices:

In our world, full of various household chemicals, we are increasingly thinking about the safety of these or other means. Can I replace funds with a well-known brand with folk cleansers? Will they be just as effective? If you think about it, there were no chemical compositions before to wash dishes or remove stains, but people did not eat from dirty dishes and did not wear stained clothes. Such funds have always been, just modern advertising so aggressively offers us innovations that we forgot about proven, reliable, and most importantly - safe means.

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Folk cleaners

There is a lot of money, which is always at hand and can be used for washing and cleaning a variety of everyday items - from clothing to cooking stoves, and even the precious crystal. What exactly to choose washing folk remedies, choose from the list below for each specific purpose of harvesting.


This product is available to every hostess. Its cost is small, so you can let it be used not only for culinary purposes. So, how can we help in the house of soda:

  • Soda can be used for cleaning enamel and tiled surfaces. Both alone and as a mixture with mustard powder( in proportions of 1: 3), it perfectly cleanses the dishes. Mustard degreases it, and soda acts as an abrasive. Such folk cleansers are absolutely safe for health and easy to store.
  • Pipe cleaning. To clean the pipes, you need to fill a hole in the sink with a glass of soda and half a cup of salt. Then pour a glass of vinegar. After waiting half an hour, pour boiling water into the hole.
  • Soda ash is also suitable for disinfection and toilet cleaning. For this, it is necessary to fill it with a handful of soda and pour vinegar. Leave the soda foaming for 10-15 minutes, then use a brush to clean the toilet bowl and drain the water.
  • To clean the oven, mix soda with water to make a thick slurry. Treat the resulting composition of the surface of the oven and leave it overnight. In the morning, wash the mixture with water and liquid soap.

Mustard powder

Dry mustard perfectly degreases the surface and has long been considered a good cleanser folk remedy. Mustard powder is used to wash dishes. Even without any impurities, he copes with this task perfectly. Other directions of its application:

  • To clean and degrease the tiles, apply a mustard sponge to the surface with a dry sponge. Leave it for a couple of minutes, then rinse with water and wipe with a dry rag.
  • Mustard powder also excellently removes greasy stains from delicate silk and woolen clothes. To do this, make a solution of powder with water in a ratio of 1:10.Allow it to infuse for about 2-3 hours. Wash clothing in this solution and rinse out in cold clean water with ammonia.

Lemon or vinegar

Lemon juice or vinegar is able to replace the chlorine-containing agent. Only the smell of this cleansing folk remedy will be much more pleasant than ordinary bleach. These substances can be used for such purposes:

  • You can get rid of lime in the bathroom with a lemon wedge. Wipe it gently with a lemon, leave for a couple of minutes. After - wipe with a damp sponge.
  • Vinegar is an excellent washing folk remedy for windows. Mix water and vinegar in a 1: 1 ratio. After sprinkling with a solution a mirror or glass, wipe it with a dry cloth. Also, such a solution can be used to dust the surfaces. It has dust-repellent properties, and dust will not settle on surfaces longer. The solution can also be made with lemon juice: 1 tablespoon of juice per 1 liter of water.
  • After making a weak solution of water with lemon juice or vinegar, you can wipe the floor. Lemon juice will perfectly refresh the air in the room. Also, this mixture has a slight antibacterial effect.
  • In half a glass of lemon juice, add 1 teaspoon of olive or linseed oil. The means for polishing wooden surfaces is ready. With a soft cloth, apply the mixture to the surface and gently rub it. Remove with a dry rag excess of cleaning folk remedy. This will give the wood furniture a shine and it will look new.
  • To easily get rid of the scale in the kettle, fill it with acetic solution in proportion with water 1: 5 and boil this liquid.
  • Clear the surface of mold will help such a tool: 2 cups of water, 10 drops of tea tree oil, 3 tablespoons of vinegar. Pour this solution into a spray and process the problem area. After a couple of minutes, wipe with a dry cloth.


This is not an advertisement and a drink known to all of us. This is information on how it can be misused:

  • This drink is very effective against limescale. Just apply it on surfaces that need to be cleaned from the plaque, and leave for a while. Then wipe with a damp cloth.
  • Boiling water in a pot or a skillet of Coca-Cola - you will easily get rid of the traces of burnt food.
  • This drink will also help to clean the toilet. Pour a small bottle of liquid into it and leave it for a while. Then just walk on the surface with a brush and rinse the water.

Salt Salt

Salt is an excellent stain remover. And if such an application causes a smile in some people, then these people have never tried it:

  • After pouring salt on a fresh stain from wine, you will make it not so bright and saturated that it will later allow it to wash faster.
  • To get rid of old or fresh dirt on clothes, soak it before washing in saline for a couple of hours.
  • From rust will help to get rid of a mixture of salt and turpentine. Stir them to the state of gruel and remove with it rusty dirt.
  • To make your carpet cleaner and fresh, use fine salt. Sprinkle the carpet generously with salt, then lightly drizzle with water and leave for a couple of hours. After this, simply vacuum the coating.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

These liquids are found in every medicine cabinet, but few know that they can be used in place of bleach.

For 10 liters of hot water you need 1 tablespoon of ammonia and 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. Soak for 20-30 minutes in such a solution of laundry, then just rinse with clean water.

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Useful advices:

  • A sponge that is so poorly rinsed and is a place for the growth and multiplication of many bacteria can be replaced with a piece of a fishing net. The mesh is easily dried and washed.
  • So that the smell of cleanliness does not leave the toilet, take a tube of any toothpaste with the aroma you like. Pierce it in several places with an awl and place it in the drain tank.
  • Air fresheners and flavors, as a rule, are the most dangerous for the human body. They easily penetrate the respiratory system and can also easily cause allergies. To replace them you can find many natural remedies. Turn on your imagination. Favorite essential oils can easily replace fresheners. Cinnamon sticks, dried orange crusts, rose petals - all this can become an excellent decor and perform the function of air fragrance.

Whatever detergents or cleaning agents you use in your life, do not forget to read the composition on the labels. And if the tool causes doubts in you, it is better not to spend money and not to risk your health. Look into your kitchen cabinet, perhaps completely safe analogs of these tools are already standing in it.