- Variety of weeds in suburban areas of
- Benefits from weeds
- Why does grass appear on the path and how to remove it?
- Folk weed control methods on the tracks
- Chemicals against weeds
- What to do to forget for good about weeds?
Experienced summer residents and farmers are already well aware that not only berries, fruits and vegetables can grow on the beds, but weeds that prevent getting a good harvest and persistently appear in the garden again and again. Such plants are often called parasites, because they do not allow the seedlings to grow normally, take away moisture, sunlight and micronutrients. In order not to face such problems, it is necessary to select the right remedy for the herb, which will be absolutely safe for useful crops.
to the contents ↑Weed species in the countryside areas of
All weeds that can be found on the most common vegetable garden or country plot are divided into two groups:
- Annuals are a shepherd's bag, burdock, burdock, oats.
- Perennials - sorrel, dandelion, burdock, wild carrots, convolvulus field).
Important! Representatives of both groups are able to multiply quickly and shoots, and disputes. Some - spread by means of animals, while others can independently get to the site.
to content ↑Benefits from weeds
The presence of certain parasitic plants on the site may suggest what type of soil at this point is in terms of acid content.
Basic types of soil:
- Alkaline soil. On it you can find such weeds as tar and goose bark.
- Sour soil. It is easy to recognize by the presence of a violet trichromatic, buttercup, crocodile, large plantain, horsetail and common sour.
- Neutral soil. It is characterized by such weeds as creeping clover, chamomile chamomile, garden sower, white clover, cuff ordinary.
To determine how to get rid of grass, you first need to learn how to visually determine the weeds.
Important! Often they look very attractive in appearance, which also bribes the cottagers who are not in a hurry to clean them, and in the meantime they gradually depress and survive the crop plants.
to the contents ↑Why does the grass appear on the track and how to remove it?
In fact, weeds are the same plants, only more viable. They spread through their own ripened seeds, which scatter around the site and germinate even in the most favorable conditions. These seeds are incredibly small and practically weightless, which allows them to fly over fairly long distances, to settle not only on the soil, but also on the paths.
To prevent the appearance of grass on ornamental paths, it is necessary to cut off the vegetative layer of soil even at the planning stage of the site and transfer it to another place. The main thing is to remember that the garden path can not be built on a fertile soil layer.
Important! The best remedy for grass on the tracks is modern chemical substances.
to content ↑Folk methods of weed control on tracks
Naturally, to avoid such problems, it is better to prevent their occurrence. The best methods for controlling weeds are:
- The most reliable folk method is early weeding. In other words, it is better not to launch the problem and not bring it to a state where even the most aggressive chemicals can not help. It is also recommended to immediately make weeding as soon as a new grass appears. Very young weeds are much easier to remove than those that have already taken root.
- If the plants are already dry, they can be tried to burn, while ensuring reliable protection of the surrounding trees and beds.
- Watering with steep boiling water. This is a fairly effective and already proven folk method of combating weeds.
- If you are planning to leave the dacha for a while, you can cover the weeds with a thick layer of the most ordinary newspapers and leave everything as it is for a few days. At the end of this time, all parasites will die.
- Sleeping grass with pine sawdust.
Weed control chemicals
At the moment, there is a large selection of herbicides that can cope well with weeds. And if you use them regularly, follow the instructions, then the effect will not take long to wait.
Important! If you use too concentrated a tool, you can damage the soil and crops.
Selective herbicides contain special substances that inhibit the development of weed tissues, thereby causing them to slowly die off.
Important! It is also important to use these tools correctly, and to use the sprayer it is better to use the sprayer. It is recommended to do such work on a calm day so that chemicals do not fall on other plants.
Best chemical agents for weed control
You have not decided yet how to get rid of grass in your garden or country plot? Then, first, familiarize yourself with the best, in the opinion of consumers, selective herbicides:
- Herbicide selective "2,4-D".He is considered the most effective electoral means of powerful influence. It was created in the distant 1940, on its basis, many more equally effective compositions were developed. Its main active substance is dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. It is a crystalline compound belonging to the middle class of toxicity.
Important! Within a couple of hours after treatment with this remedy weeds cease to grow. They use it mainly on crops of corn and wheat.
- "Agritos" is a herbicidal agent for treating areas planted with peas, tomatoes and potatoes. It has a disastrous effect on the following weeds: cornflower, nettle, dandelion, shepherd's bag, arrowheads and wild radish.
- "Lontrel-300D" - a tool for processing lawns. Excellent cope with annual and perennial varieties of weeds. It can be used to destroy Tatar molokan, osseous, chamomile, dandelion, cornflower, mountaineer. And it is completely harmless for lawn grass.
- "Roundall" - the most popular remedy for grass, which has a continuous impact. On the tissues of weeds it spreads for ten days, and completely they perish in a month. Spraying with this tool is recommended in warm sunny weather. But you do not have to mow the grass after this.
Important! Apply it before planting potatoes, vegetables, oilseeds and melons, as well as to destroy the weed along fences, paths and inside the yard.
- "Tornado" is a popular herbicide among summer residents. It is sold in vials. According to the manufacturer's recommendation, it should be sprayed only in a diluted form, and it is recommended to perform breeding in a bucket, so as not to accidentally catch other plants.
What to do to forever forget about weeds?
- The best prevention against weeds is the frequent weeding of grass, and the earlier, the better.
- Any residues of grass must be shed by some chemical means.
- Loose areas should be compacted and periodically cover the garden paths with a layer of roofing paper or newspapers.
Each summer resident makes a decision about the choice of a method for controlling weeds, because some people prefer chemicals, while others prefer mechanical methods. Naturally, you need to understand that the grass itself will not leave your site - you'll have to work hard to get rid of it.