Robot vacuum cleaner - a household appliance with the intellect, the trend of the XXI century. Modern people downloaded a variety of problems. To do this, create a robot cleaner, independent work which is provided by a special program in the embedded mini-computer.
Externally, the device typically has a disc shape (although there are units in the form of a square, for example Neato VX-21) whose diameter ranges from 250 to 350 mm, the height does not exceed 130 mm.
Any robot vacuum cleaner consists of several components. Their functioning ensures the quality of the final result of his work. The robot is arranged as follows:
- power supply or battery;
- drive mechanisms for the movement of the brush and the rotation of the wheels;
- navigation system;
- the cleaning module.
The cleaning unit consists of:
- Basic brushes: vorsyanaya collecting fine contaminants and wool; rubber, which removes larger debris fractions, for example chips or sand.
- Side brushes. The main purpose - cleaning in the vicinity of the walls of the room.
- Filters (simple or multilayer type «Hepa»).
- Container volume of 0.4-1.0 liters.
- Electric motor (N = 0,40-0,65 kW).

Principle of operation
None, even the most "advanced" model robotic vacuum cleaner, not replace restore order in the room. Therefore, the robot cleaner, the principle of which is shown below, is a means of maintaining cleanliness.
During the movement along the programmed route, the unit via a special brushes collecting container trash and dust. Pre garbage is passed through several stages of the filtration system. Models having the function of detergent cleaner, sprayed detergent solution, followed by collecting his special cloth (brushed).
Navigation system
Alignment in space is a critical characteristic that determines not only the quality of work, but also the possibility of its implementation in principle.

Manufacturers use these navigation systems in the vacuum cleaner.
internal sensors
Dynamic navigation sensors installed in the robot cleaner. This - collision sensors, infrared sensors and drop touch, ultrasonic or sonar sensors, pollution detectors, ensures optimum cleaning process, laser Scanners sensors, etc. The effectiveness of this navigation system is defined as the number and types of installed sensors, and a processor processing speed coming from them signals.
external sensors
Dynamic Navigation using two types of external sensors providing zonal separation space: Beacon probes (coordinators motion), allowing to make a fast and high-quality cleaning and motion sensors limiter (virtual wall) bounding zone cleaning.
External sensors are plastic container, generating safe for health and invisible to the human eye infrared ray.
Sensors beacons further generate two beams than provide a robot orientation in the zone. When capturing the beam generated by the virtual wall, the robot just change direction.
This system is positioned as the most modern and ensures the formation of a memory card to the computer space by measuring the distances to the objects selected by means of laser rangefinders mounted on vacuum cleaner.
Installing the camera is made at the highest point of the device, which gives her the opportunity to "see" around and allows you to read the testimony from the walls or ceiling. The workflow is running only in straight lines.
cleaning process
The classical scheme of the cleaning process is quite simple:
- Moving along a given route side brush sweeps away dirt gets on the path in the zone of action of the main brush.
- Due to the structure of the central lint brush throws dirt (dust, mud, wool, hair, etc.), which ensures their pickup airflow.
- Next, the airflow passing through filtration system, gets out, and the dirt (dust) is deposited and pressed into the dust-collecting container.

Return to base to recharge
In ensuring the continuity of the process of cleaning the room no small role for monitoring of the battery charge. In the case of lowering the charge level to a minimum, the device begins to search for the base signal by using a special sensor. Detects a signal, the robot cleaner is sent to the database and produces docking. To fully charge the battery may need 3-12 hours, depending on the device model. Assemblies, to navigate through the laser systems or video cameras are able to remember and pay in the card base location, which greatly facilitates the path to it.
In some models of robotic vacuum cleaners included AC adapter. It gives the ability to charge the unit by 220 watts and to ensure operation in the event of absence or malfunction of the base.
Video of the robot cleaner
To draw conclusions about the structure and function of the modern robotic vacuum cleaners. With all the variety of structures, equipment options and stock options, the main criteria that affect the popularity of the models is value for money.