Service home pools require periodic performance measures for its maintenance, is to maintain the health, hygiene and biological balances. To remove mechanical impurities rational to use a vacuum cleaner. By means of such a device is provided by the basin content in constant purity without the need for expensive chemical cleaning, water renovation or hiring a professional cleaners. Systematic and regular use of the vacuum cleaner, and allows you to save money and time on cleaning.
The range of vacuum cleaners for pool represented a variety of models, divided into three types:
Hand model underwater vacuum cleaners are used for cleaning of small reservoirs, In connection with which possess a sufficiently simple structure.
Typically, the devices consist of only a few elements - a hollow retractable handle, corrugated hose and a pair of nozzles. The first nozzle-net, used to remove debris from the water surface, the second - a brush is used to clean plaque from the walls and bottom.
The principle of operation is quite simple hand-held vacuum cleaner. By sliding the handle is attached The required nozzle, hose attached to it, in which pressurized water is pumped. Contamination under the influence of the jet break away from the surface and are trapped by the filter. Net used for catching floating debris. When using a hand-held vacuum cleaner it is important to make sure that the elements under voltage are not in contact with water.
A vacuum cleaner for hand-basin has the following advantages:
- low cost of the device;
- minimum operating costs;
- ease of assembly and use.

Semi (vacuum)
Brushes semiautomatic vacuum cleaners have a more complex device, focused on the cleaning of large areas of contamination.
The main differences of these devices on hand model - more functionality without the use of manual labor.
Vacuum cleaners are attached to the bottom of the pool by means of suction cups and moved slowly scraping the surface. The assembled device the polluted water passes through the filter system and sent to a special container which can be included in the design of the vacuum cleaner or to work with additional him communications. Some models plug directly into the sewer system or septic tank, that, according to user reviews, very convenient.
Vacuum cleaners for cleaning semi-home pools, depending on the type of food is divided into two types:
- Powered by a rechargeable battery;
- vacuum, connected to the mains.
The advantages of using rechargeable vacuum cleaners the following:
- the absence of hoses and wires
- no need to use filters and pumps vodovmestilischa;
- equip a reusable filter bag.
Vacuum cleaner powered by batteries pool also has some disadvantages:
- the need for long-term (8-10 hours) the battery charging;
- short duration of operation - no more than an hour;
- the absence of the supplied retractable handle.
Working from the network device is recommended for use in tanks of considerable volumes. The advantages of such vacuum cleaners the following:
- high purification rate;
- the possibility of automatic adjustment of suction power
- work on the hydraulic thrust;
- gripping vacuum brush custom design Larger surface to be cleaned;
- direct connection to the filtration system or directly to the skimmer;
- possibility valve flushing for cleaning mechanical impurities.

Automatic vacuum cleaners are the new generation of devices capable to clean swimming pools and a significant amount of space without human presence.
The main difference between these models is the complete immersion of all live parts under water. This solution is completely safe as the machine operates on a low voltage network. Vacuum cleaning radius limited only by structures and boundaries aqueous stretch supply cable.

How to build a vacuum cleaner with your hands
If desired, and there is free time to collect a vacuum cleaner can be their own hands. All the necessary materials, you can easily find the nearest store plumbing.
To build such devices require materials:
- PP-tube;
- corrugated hose;
- rubber seals;
- depending on the selected suction nozzles - plunger, brush, sanitary fittings.
Based on the diameter of the hose for supply of filtered water, gum-determined diameter of the seal and the pipe.
Do not save on the length of the hose - to effectively clean the pool is taken equal to the diameter or shorter vodovmestilischa it by more than 0.5 m.

Instructions for assembling a homemade vacuum cleaner:
- Water intake (skimmer) is disconnected from the inlet valve filter pump to which the seal is connected with the corrugated hose. The free end of the hose also using gum-seal is connected with the PP-tube on end which fits fence nozzle.
- When using plunger fitting or on the pipe diameter should be cut through several openings, preventing suction device to the bottom.
- As the nozzle is still more convenient to use a brush, because the variety of shapes and sizes allow to perform high-quality cleaning in hard to reach areas of the basin. Especially it concerns containers with built-in LED illumination, requiring careful and thorough cleaning especially of plaque.
- If the pump is mounted filter paper, then before vacuuming independently assembled device, you must remove it - it can not keep the tiny particles, collected from the bottom of the pool.
- The assembled cleaner will work directly, remove from sludge water can moisten the lawn.
The only disadvantage associated with cleaning "directly" pool, may be mentioned the need for subsequent filling with water of the bowl to its previous level.
Cleaning the bottom of the pool
Pool in the yard - the most important condition for a pleasant and comfortable stay with your family or with friends. A significant drawback is hosted in the open air artificial pond is the need for care and periodic cleaning, as it gradually accumulates dust and dirt, coating is formed on the walls and bottom of fall leaves and debris.
Apply two methods of treatment:
- physical,
- chemical.
The first way to get rid of dirt particles involves vacuuming aqueous cleaning, garbage collection manually using brushes and a net, filters. Instead of mechanical treatment, some pool owners often prefer to drain the water, and after the "dry" cleaning of newly recruited her. Such cleaning is not suitable for large pools, as significantly increases water consumption and takes too much time.

The chemical method is to use for cleaning of special preparations killing all bacteria and germs. The disadvantage of chemical method is the inability to eliminate mechanical impurities, to get rid of plaque on the walls and bottom of the pool.
None of the methods that are used separately, can not be called effective.
For effective cleaning vodovmestilischa use both methods in the following sequence:
- removed with a skimmer from the water leaves and other large polluters;
- using a brush to remove plaque located under water in the bottom of the basin;
- underwater cleaner to clean the water from suspended particles;
- perform chemical treatment safe for human health and pets with special preparations.
Cleaning the pool filled with water - a task quite difficult, but feasible, requiring an integrated approach to a solution. One of the most effective methods of purification is to use a special vacuum cleaner.