LCD, LED-TVs and plasma screens are sensitive to the environment, and in particular to mechanical impact. They require gentle care. When deciding what to wipe the TV screen, you need to take into account the type, as incorrectly selected agents will damage the surface.
Because of this, the picture quality will deteriorate, and the repair in most cases need to replace the screen. In addition, if the diagnosis finds that the damage produced as a result of improper care - case does not fall under the warranty.
Clean the TV screen from dust and stains can not electrified soft tissues. suit:
- microfiber;
- bike;
- fleece;
- flannel.
The fabric should not leave lint on the surface. Too stiff cloth will damage the display, due to which the micro-scratches are formed. To clean hard to reach areas, use a cotton bud.
It is forbidden to wipe the screen with wet wipes for hands, rough textured cloth, paper towels, paper or plain paper, kitchen towels, a sponge.

It is easy to remove dirt from the TV screen can be special means. It may be sprays, gels, wipes. It is also possible to prepare solutions for cleaning in the home.
On sale you can find sprays or foam aerosols to clean different types of TVs. In addition, suitable compressed air in the cartridge to care for display. With it delicately removed dust, cleaned hard to reach places on the fixture.
For gentle cleansing wipes surfaces may be used on the basis of silicone. Even in the sale is a means to an anti-static effect, after which the processing on the screen less dust settles. It is very convenient to use special kits, which include tool-cleaner and a soft cloth made of microfiber.

vinegar solution
Wipe the TV screen can be 3% vinegar solution, it is mixed with cold clean water in a ratio of one to one. Cleaning speed:
- Moisten the soft tissue in the solution. Gently squeeze it.
- Smooth movements, wipe the surface, removing contamination.
- Take another clean cloth, wet, wring it out well.
- Walk it across the screen to remove it from the vinegar residue.
- Wipe the surface dry.
Get rid of fingerprints or grease stains will help the soap solution on the TV screen. It is better to use liquid detergent, but the fit and delicate children or bath soap. Sequencing:
- Several drops of liquid or a small slice of the solid soap is dissolved in lukewarm purified water.
- In the resulting solution, dampen a soft lint-free cloth and wipe the place of contamination.
- Clean with a slightly damp cloth microfiber remove soap residue from the surface, and then wipe it dry.
Note that for the soap solution can not use the soap because it increased alkali content.

isopropyl alcohol
This antibacterial agent is able to remove dried dirt and fingerprints. You can buy it at a pharmacy. For cleaning, do these steps:
- Mix alcohol and water in equal proportions. This is very important, as excess alcohol can damage the screen. If you are not sure how to accurately measure antiseptic - better add a little more water.
- Apply the product on the soiled areas with a soft cloth.
- Wipe the surface of another clean cloth slightly dampened with water.
- At the end of the walk across the screen with a dry cloth.

prohibited compositions
impossible to use means containing acetone for washing televisions. Also banned alcohol-based liquid, except for isopropyl alcohol. In addition, do not use:
- liquid for washing windows, mirrors and other glass surfaces;
- any abrasives, they also include solutions or baking soda-based formulations of detergent powders;
- industrial solvents;
- means, which is composed of gasoline.
If the tap water is hard, the TV before cleaning it is necessary to pass through the filter.
Precautionary measures
When cleaning the TV screen, follow these rules:
- Before all work switch off the unit from the wall outlet.
- Wipe the surface with one hand and hold the second TV.
- Produce smooth circular motion.
- It does not apply pressure to the surface - it can damage it.
- Each time the end of the cleaning wipe the display with a dry cloth. This will prevent divorce.
- The appliance to the network only after complete drying.
- Disposable wipes are periodically erased. Before each cleaning, check to see if her abrasive particles of the powder, which could seriously damage the monitor.
- Before you start washing the TV, remove all rings, bracelets, watches.
Caring for TV device must be regularly - wipe the dust at least once every 7-10 days, and wet cleaning is carried out every 10-14 days.
Caring for different screens
The screen will depend on the type of cleaning rules. It is a mistake to assume that the same professional tool suitable for any TV.
This type of wipe with a soft lint-free cloth. Suit and microfibre cloth. Contamination can be cleaned also using rags for wiping glasses.
The stores sell special sprays or wipes for LCD monitors. Any cleaner you first need to apply to the cloth, and after that handle the display.
To remove dust on the LED-models use a soft microfiber cloth. To clean up contamination, it is better to use a special kit with cleaning spray and delicate fabrics. It is also permissible to spray applied only on a napkin, rather than directly on the screen.
For plasma displays special disposable wipes suitable for most. With their help it is easy to remove not only dust, but also fingerprints and other stains, which are characteristic of such TVs. You can also use a small piece of microfiber fabric.
Furthermore store means suitable for the purification of plasma acetic solution or soapy water.
Removing scratches
On sale is a kit to remove scratches and cracks with the surface of the TV. You can also use a special protective varnish. But if the hand is not either one or the other, try the method with an eraser:
- Wipe the scratch microfiber cloth. Pre-moisten it with a special cleaning agent for the monitor.
- Allow to dry.
- Take stationery eraser and careful polishing motion walk along the scratch. Eraser should be a new, soft, preferably white.
- Damp cloth gently remove traces of eraser.
- Wipe the surface dry.

In addition, the crack can be treated with Vaseline. Its in a small amount is necessary to put on a cotton pad and gently wipe the damage.
To both the TV screen long as possible to maintain a clean, do not put beside it houseplants. At their watering drops of water fall on the screen, why are small spots. Do not allow TV to pritragivaniya fingers as to remove traces of the hardest of them. Make sure that the room was not insects.
Also, do not forget to clean dirt from the enclosure, with the joints near the screen. Due to static electricity, dust particles are drawn out to the monitor.