Residents of apartment buildings used to the fact that their housing is supplied with the voltage of 220 V, which requires only one phase, neutral and, most of all, the earth. But in the private sector is considered to be more common three-phase system, which is supplied by 380 V. In addition to the more cores in the cable, it requires and other metering devices, which differ from the usual for the inhabitants of the cities. In today's article we will focus on the nuances of the selection of three-phase electricity meters, their forms, applications, device and principle of operation.
Three-phase meters are most common in the private sector PHOTO:
Read article
1 How does the three-phase power meter, by what principle it works
2 Where to apply three-phase metering devices
3 Types of three-phase electricity meters, how they differ
4 What are the advantages and disadvantages of three-phase electricity meters
5 Criteria for selection of three-phase electricity meters: what to look for when buying
5.1 Separation of electricity meters for the type of work
5.2 Design Electric Meters: Features of some models
6 Whether it is possible to install three-phase single-phase network device
7 Manufacturers three-phase electricity meters, popular in Russia
8 The most famous model of three-phase electricity meters and reviews about them
8.1 Fairly well-known model "Mercury 230 AM-03"
8.2 "Mercury 231 AT-01I» and its disadvantages
8.3 "Taipei 303 Neva 1SO»: only the good reviews
9 How to connect a three-phase electricity meter
10 Maintenance of three-phase electricity meters in service
11 Finally
How does the three-phase power meter, by what principle it works
Such metering devices can be analog or digital. Their work is similar, with slight differences. Let's try to deal with them.
To begin with analog electricity metering device. Here the current passing through the coil creates a magnetic field that rotates the aluminum disk. From him the rotation is transmitted to the rollers, which counts the number of kilowatt-hours consumed.
The main unit of a digital electricity meter is the ADC - analog-to-digital converter that transmits impulses to the microprocessor, which calculates spent kilowatts.
Modern metering devices are very compact and accurate PHOTO:
Where to apply three-phase metering devices
Field of application of three-phase electricity meters is wide enough. In addition to the private sector, in the houses, which are connected to 380 V, such metering devices are used in industrial installations. Moreover, contrary to the opinion of many people living in cities that apartment networks always have only one phase, such devices are installed and, as a common house metering devices. After all, the town's buildings are also suitable voltage is 0.4 kW, and after, access to electrical panels, distributed in a phased manner, going to the apartment.
Types of three-phase electricity meters, how they differ
If we talk about electronic devices accounting, they can be divided into two subspecies - one and multirate. Despite the fact that the separation of the charges for "day" and "night", has appeared for a long time, many people still do not understand why this is necessary.
Multirate counters take up more space PHOTO:
Turning to the cost of electricity can be noted that the price per 1 kW spent landlord from 7 am to 23 hours is significantly higher than from 23 to 7 hours. That is why many have established multi-tariff counters try to include devices with high power consumption is during the nighttime.
For the distribution of tariffs and memory retention Electric meets all the same microprocessor. At any time the owner or reviewer can see readings and check the data for a given period.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of three-phase electricity meters
As with any equipment, three-phase meter has both certain advantages and disadvantages. Among the disadvantages of such equipment:
When connecting the three-phase electricity meter in the apartment, if available, will require permission from the energy supply company;
increased risk of accidents due to the increased number of conductors;
the need to increase the size of the switchboard.
Sometimes for the installation may not have enough space, you have to change guard PHOTO:
But these shortcomings are more than overlap-esteem, which has three-phase network. Note the following:
it is possible to connect more powerful equipment;
conductor input cable will have minimal cross section;
the load can be spread evenly over the different phases;
the home network is not fully turned off in case of interruption of one phase at the substation or line.
Criteria for selection of three-phase electricity meters: what to look for when buying
The acquisition of this equipment - a pretty important event. After joking with electricity could end very badly. Therefore it is necessary to carefully consider all the nuances to be brought to attention. The main criterion - it is the quality of the product and its cost. Do not pay attention to the electricity metering device, which is significantly lower price than other models. The housing should be made carefully. Sticking out of the seams excess plastic as its uneven color, should alert the buyer. A purchase Electric you need only to proven specialty stores.
In private homes can be assembled three-phase shield pretty neat PHOTO:
With regard to technical characteristics, the main attention should be paid to two parameters - the type of operation of the device and its design concept.
Separation of electricity meters for the type of work
Choose between analog or electronic appliance electricity metering remains fully up to the consumer. Of course, the first option is more simple and, as a consequence, has a lower cost. Subsequently, however, the cost of bills may be higher due to the lack of possibilities of accounting division of tariffs.
Electronic models today are more in demand. They allow you to save money on the difference in the cost of electricity in the daytime and at night. Overpaid when buying, the user gets the opportunity to pay less later. But if you plan to install the device on account of the supply of electricity to the room where all the works are made only during the day, the multi-rate equipment installed will be unprofitable, and even a loss.
Not everyone knows that the three-phase electricity meters can be switched into the circuit in different ways. The household power, where the load is not too large, use the account directly on the instrument. This is familiar to all switching at which food passes directly through the meter.
Direct inclusion electric meter PHOTO:
In enterprises where the load is very high, the use of accounting the indirect switching devices. Their switching different. To connect such Electric on conductor rails mounted transformer coil on which the wire is already underway on the metering unit itself. Thus, the power meter does not contact directly with the current carrying conductor.
Indirect inclusion counter PHOTO:
Whether it is possible to install three-phase single-phase network device
This option has the right to exist. With such switching electricity metering device will be quite workable. He just starts to "think" that the remaining phases is not empty current load. However, if the owner of the apartment will fulfill such a connection, it will face another problem. Power Supply Company will not accept on the balance sheet included with the single-phase three-phase device, not be sealed with it. This means that all documents electricity meter will be absent.
Connecting a three-phase meter, instead of a single phase it is possible PHOTO:
Power supply companies attribute this to the fact that the three-phase devices are not intended for the networks 220, which means that nobody spent on verification of accuracy class under these conditions. Therefore, the device does not conform to the classification and can not be allowed to operate. This means that the device to install three-phase electricity metering in single-phase networks is not necessary.
Manufacturers three-phase electricity meters, popular in Russia
In our country the most popular are three manufacturers:
Energomera (Produces the same name model).
Taipei (The most known counters "Neva").
Inkoteks (The most popular manufacturer, known counters "Mercury").
In fact, these three producers may be called a monopoly on the market. The rest of the little-known brands of the vast majority of Russians do not even know.
Such counters in Russia are rare PHOTO:
But each manufacturer in the line there are many models of metering devices that have certain characteristics. So it makes sense to talk about some of them, simultaneously reading the reviews of the owners, who already use them.
The most famous model of three-phase electricity meters and reviews about them
Among electricity metering devices most popular "Incotex" ( "Mercury") mark device. Basically, now we will talk about them, but we can not ignore and other manufacturers.
Fairly well-known model "Mercury 230 AM-03"
Regarding this model Electric enough information. Judging by the reviews, this unit of electricity accounting is one of the best. Here's what users are saying about it.
Feedback on "Mercury 230 AM-03"
More on Otzovik:
And further.
Feedback on "Mercury 230 AM-03"
More on Otzovik:
Mercury 230 AM-03
However, in order not to make one-sided conclusions, it is worth to read and not too enthusiastic reviews about the devices sold under this brand.
Counters "Mercury 230 AM-03" are quite popular PHOTO:
"Mercury 231 AT-01I» and its disadvantages
Ambiguous attitude to this or that object - it is very useful in the selection. So, not quite get round positive feedback is not necessary.
Feedback on "Mercury 231 AT-01I»
More on Otzovik:
Feedback on "Mercury 231 AT-01I»
More on Otzovik:
Mercury 231 AT-01I
Not to say that the reviews are critical, but think there is something to.
"Taipei 303 Neva 1SO»: only the good reviews
Regarding this Electric on the Internet are no reasonably negative reviews. But enough of positive opinions. Here are some of them.
Review of the "Taipei 303 Neva 1SO»
More on Otzovik:
Review of the "Taipei 303 Neva 1SO»
More on Otzovik:
Taipei 303 Neva 1SO
How to connect a three-phase electricity meter
Connecting the unit accounting for 3 phase is not too difficult. Each item has a circuit terminal cover. The contacts themselves are numbered from one to eight. Connection, most often, is as follows (power input / output to the room):
1/2 - phase A;
3/4 - Phase B;
5/6 - phase C;
7/8 - Neutral (neutral).
Sometimes, though rarely, the first pair of contacts goes neutral.
Maintenance of three-phase electricity meters in service
Service electricity metering devices is assigned to the operating companies. Such work is to verify the phasing, the dust is removed from the surface of the periodic audits. If Electric installed in a private home, the entire responsibility for it rests with the owner. He is obliged to monitor the working condition of the device, save the seals. If there is a suspicion of a poor connection at terminal block Electric (heated wire), the owner must immediately disconnect the power supply to the induction machine and report the emergency situation CC. If emergency service is not able to come immediately, it is necessary to inform the dispatcher about the independent repair. This entry is made in the journal. This is necessary to ensure that for the owner was not on account of the broken seal.
Audit work in the access panels are made by the management company PHOTO:
Contrary to popular belief about the complexity of installation and maintenance of three-phase networks, are all pretty much the same as in single-phase. At the same time, and to the choice of both three-phase and single-phase electricity meter must be approached very carefully and attentively. After all, not so bad, if mediocre approach to buying will only lead to failure of the device. The consequences of this attitude can be more serious - from the electrical ignition to complete combustion of the home. This should be remembered.
Here to such consequences may lead the wrong choice Electric PHOTO:
We hope that we have outlined today will help the reader information to avoid mistakes when selecting a three-phase electricity meter. Any questions, should they arise, you can specify in the comments below. Edition of our online magazine happy to answer them as soon as possible.
You are faced with the choice of this instrument accounting? In this case, share your experiences with other readers - it can be very useful. If you liked this article, please do not forget to rate it. And we finally, as has become a tradition, we offer you the video of today's topic.