🍳 Skinali Kitchen: types and order of installation

If you want to become the owner of a unique interiorFilled with colors, look for skinali kitchen. Such products can have a different design and help correct accents. We offer to find out exactly where they can be used as they can be, and how to perform the installation.

Properly chosen skinal help transform the kitchen
Properly chosen skinal help transform the kitchen

Read article

  • 1 Skinali kitchen - what are they and where are used
  • 2 Variety of decorative panels
    • 2.1 The characteristics of glass
    • 2.2 As a method of applying an image
      • 2.2.1 Photocopying
      • 2.2.2 Film
      • 2.2.3 serigraphy
      • 2.2.4 Laser engraving
  • 3 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 4 optimal size
  • 5 Skinali lights for: great-looking work area
  • 6 What better skinali Kitchen: Selection Criteria
  • 7 Installation skinali in the kitchen: the main methods and the order of execution of works
    • 7.1 Alignment of the walls before installing the kitchen skinali
    • 7.2 installation
      • 7.2.1 Using fasteners
      • 7.2.2 On the glue or liquid nails
  • 8 Terms of care skinalyu in the kitchen

Skinali kitchen - what are they and where are used

Under skinalyu understood decorative panelOn the surface of which is coated with an image. At present time it is made mainly of glass, although manufacturers offer plastic, metal, MDF and other materials.

Skinali relatively recently we used in the kitchen for only design apron. Today, they are often used as a wall or ceiling decoration, as well as the facade inset to headset.

Decor wall perfectly with apron
Decor wall perfectly with apron

Variety of decorative panels

Manufacturers offer skinali with different characteristics and appearance. We offer to meet with the existing species and find out their distinctive features, not to be disappointed in the choice made.

For any interior find a suitable skinal
For any interior find a suitable skinal

The characteristics of glass

For manufacturing skinali can be used:

  1. Ordinary glass of great thickness. The image is formed on the back side, typically by gluing film. The result is a cheap inlay for kitchen low strength characteristics.
  2. Strained glass. Special cooling, followed by uniform thermal treatment near melting point provides a high hardness outer layer skinali when viscous core. Such decorative panel can withstand large temperature variations, which often occur near hob in the kitchen. At the same time, it is poorly machined. Openings are formed in such articles before heat treatment. Figure preferably applied by printing, but other options are possible.
  3. Triplex. The most expensive and high-quality option for any kitchen. Image is placed between the glued glass panels, which are then subjected to compression at a sufficiently high temperature. It can be laminated using a vacuum. Triplex can be processed by cutting and bending.
  4. Plexiglas. Available polymer with good machinability. It has low heat resistance and low resistance to chemical attack.
Tempered glass is safer than conventional
Tempered glass is safer than conventional
Decor for the kitchen has a multilayer structure
Decor for the kitchen has a multilayer structure

As a method of applying an image

The process of drawing the image has a significant influence on the cost, appearance and performance skinali. Offer to get acquainted with methods for applying images obtained the greatest distribution.

The image can be formed in different ways
The image can be formed in different ways


The selected image is applied by the UV printing. This costly method allows you to create absolutely any image on the wide-format printer, and then dry the ink under UV lamps.

These panels are an optimal choice for food. They are not afraid of exposure to sunlight, temperature variations and changes humidity. Color is deep and rich. Manufacturing process involves applying two layers, with the image and monochrome. Perhaps the formation of the protective layer by welding the foil to the glass panels to improve performance characteristics.

Add colors, the brightness in the kitchen: skinali for registration of the working areaAdd colors, the brightness in the kitchen: skinali for registration of the working area


The easiest and most affordable option for the kitchen, suggesting that the selected image is applied to the polymer filmWhich is then glued to the rear surface of the glass base. Print pictures for the kitchen is performed on an inkjet printer.

Before you order a skinal, it should be noted that over time, the adhesive layer dries, and the film starts to peel off. Due to the low thermal stability of membrane material may appear bubbles that also degrade the product appearance. The image itself is afraid of the impact UVAnd eventually loses its brightness.

Lifetime skinali film with limited
Lifetime skinali film with limited


Drawing images in this way involves the use vpekaemyh ink. Subsequent tempering allows the picture to become a part of the bezel. Due to this, skinal with a pattern formed by screen printing has high performance and gives a visual effect small volume. The decor is bright, saturated and remains so, subject to maintenance rules.

Attention! Some time after the installation work can feel the smell of acetone.

The degree of transparency can vary pattern
The degree of transparency can vary pattern

Laser engraving

This method involves the formation of images directly on the surface of the decorative element. The focused laser beam, moving on a glass surface leaves a recess with different geometric parameters. As a result, the original image is formed without external influence fearful.

Patterning is performed using special equipment
Patterning is performed using special equipment

Advantages and disadvantages

Making the kitchen apron of skinali has indisputable advantages:

  • presentability. Due to the fact that the base is put absolutely any image, you can achieve a unique visual effect. With beautiful decorative panels in the kitchen manages create a special atmosphere and accents correctly;
  • humidity. By finishing materials used for kitchen design, increased requirements. The glass panels can withstand severe operating conditions;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuationsThis is especially important for the zone near the hob;
  • short terms of manufacturing and installation. For registration of the apron in the kitchen via skinali it requires an average of about an hour, as it is possible to do without preparing the substrate;
  • long service life;
  • environmental friendliness. Glass surfaces do not emit harmful substances under high temperature;
  • easy maintenance;
  • high strength characteristics.
Figure skinali able to radically transform any kitchen
Figure skinali able to radically transform any kitchen
Under the influence of high temperature and humidity pattern remains unchanged
Under the influence of high temperature and humidity pattern remains unchanged

In skinali there are also some disadvantages:

  • the high cost of the decor, which is, however fully justified prolonged lifetime of the panel;
  • the risk that a bright image get tired over time;
  • the complexity of the installation of some accessories used for the design of the working area in the kitchen, if screws are used for attaching them. All installation holes should be provided before the heat processing of glass;
  • the need for regular maintenance.
Places of fasteners should be provided in advance
Places of fasteners should be provided in advance

optimal size

decorative panel dimensions for the kitchen depends on the size of the working area. As a rule, skinal made for a particular room with a view of features interior. Length must not exceed 2.5 m This requirement is due to the following factors.:

  • difficulty processing products with a greater length. There is a risk of damage;
  • complexity of transportation;
  • problems with the installation work.
Irina Rosenstein


Irina Rosenstein

Designer studio "Cozy Home"

Ask a Question

«If you want to design a working kitchen area, having a length greater than 2.5 m, it is necessary to purchase a few panels. "

Skinali limited length 2.5 m
Skinali limited length 2.5 m

Skinali thickness depends on the type of glass used. For tempered glass is 6-8 mm. The height determined by the distance between the top and bottom of the kitchen cabinets.

Skinali lights for: great-looking work area

Transform the decorative panel by using a certain or more illumination colors. Most often, drawing is shaded due to the soft light to create LEDs.

Illumination skinali may have inner and outer. In the latter case for mounting LED strip placed in a transparent protective profile, horizontal end face selected. Such method allows to provide uniform light output on skinali surface. The variant in which the belt is mounted between a wall and a panel in a special niche formed in the base.

Attention! Light color skinali depends on the colors of the kitchen.

Offer see photos of interesting solutions that you can use in the design of their kitchen:

Add colors, the brightness in the kitchen: skinali for registration of the working areaAdd colors, the brightness in the kitchen: skinali for registration of the working areaAdd colors, the brightness in the kitchen: skinali for registration of the working area

What better skinali Kitchen: Selection Criteria

If you start to choose skinali, we advise to decide on:

  • the size of the ordered products. The choice depends on where the installation work;
  • base type. Type of glass used has a significant impact not skinali period of service and its cost;
  • method of registration. More often than not, the choice is made in favor of printing;
  • pattern. In this case it is necessary to take into account the overall color and stylistic kitchen design and personal preferences.
The dimensions depend on the installation location
The dimensions depend on the installation location

Tip! Do not seek to buy the cheapest skinali: their lifetime is limited.

With properly chosen pattern can extend kitchen visually
With properly chosen pattern can extend kitchen visually

Installation skinali in the kitchen: the main methods and the order of execution of works

If you are strapped for cash, do not skimp on the quality of the decorative panel. It is better to abandon the installation and install the decor with their own hands. The procedure in this case is somewhat different. We offer to find out how to perform the installation, to mount a design lasts as long as possible.

Installation can be done on their own
Installation can be done on their own

Alignment of the walls before installing the kitchen skinali

Preparation of the base depends on the mounting method. If the installation will be carried out on special holders, by careful preparation of the base can be dispensed with. If the fixing is carried out on the adhesive composition should be:

  • carefully align the base. Unacceptable significant elevation changes;
  • control the angles at the junctions of the angular elements. They should be 90 degrees;
  • dismantle lining switches and socketsAnd their glasses to advance over a length equal to the thickness decor mounted;
  • disassemble items of kitchen furniture, which can be hooked behind the panel during installation.
When fixing skinali on the adhesive composition, the base should be carefully aligned
When fixing skinali on the adhesive composition, the base should be carefully aligned


How to install depends on the attachment method. The selection can be made in favor of conventional fasteners and adhesive. Let's get acquainted with the peculiarities of work in each case.

Using fasteners

If you choose to use fasteners, Installation work is performed in the following sequence:

IllustrationDescription of the action
Add colors, the brightness in the kitchen: skinali for registration of the working areaIt is planned to place on the wall for mounting the two assembling wooden planks size 20x40 mm, pre-drilled holes in them under fasteners for skinali. Between the end attachments and the cabinet top strap reserve technological gap 8 mm thick, if the installation is planned backlight.
Add colors, the brightness in the kitchen: skinali for registration of the working areaIn the double-sided adhesive tape is pasted reflective substrate, which will ensure a uniform distribution of light. If this option is not provided, you can skip this paragraph. Fasten the mounting strips of wood.
Add colors, the brightness in the kitchen: skinali for registration of the working areaglue LED strip to the bottom of an aluminum profile designed for direct mounting skinali after connecting it to the power supply.
Add colors, the brightness in the kitchen: skinali for registration of the working areaFasten prepared metal profile to the wooden slats, carefully controlling its spatial position.
Add colors, the brightness in the kitchen: skinali for registration of the working areaMount the first panel, outputting pretreated wire through technological openings. We provide its exact positioning with respect to the tabletop. We fix in the aluminum profile.
Add colors, the brightness in the kitchen: skinali for registration of the working areaMetal profile is screwed to lock the installed panel.
Add colors, the brightness in the kitchen: skinali for registration of the working areaSet the other hand skinali second metal profile and fasten it.
Add colors, the brightness in the kitchen: skinali for registration of the working areaWe perform sealing droops along the bottom edge. We check the availability of the system.

If you still have questions about the installation works, offering to meet with the following video, which is painted in detail the process of installation work in the kitchen:

On the glue or liquid nails

Mounting glue or liquid nails is performed on a carefully prepared base. For this purpose, the composition is distributed uniformly over the decorative panel skinali immediately before installation on a wall. After that, skinali pressed against the wall, and then wait until the composition is completely dry.

Irina Rosenstein


Irina Rosenstein

Designer studio "Cozy Home"

Ask a Question

«Prior to installation, be sure to make sure that the decor perfectly fit into the space reserved for him in the kitchen. "

We offer watch the video to understand the sequence of performance of works:

Terms of care skinalyu in the kitchen

To decorative panel for a long time retained its presentable appearance, decorating the kitchen, followed should be properly looked after. We recommend you use:

  • special formulations intended to care for glass and mirrored surfaces. They contain ingredients help to remove the resulting pollution skinali without damage;
  • several napkins. Using one can remove accumulated contamination, the second - to wash off the dirt, the third - wipe the surface dry;
  • soft cloths made of flannel or knitted fabrics. Scrapers, metal or rigid sponge in this case are unacceptable.

Tip! Prior to applying the detergent wipe dust from the surface. It can cause scratches.

Proper care will keep the bright colors for a long time
Proper care will keep the bright colors for a long time

Share in the comments if you like skinali, and whether you'd like to use them in the design of their kitchen.