💡 Top 7 options for placing a microwave in the kitchen

If for the placement of the refrigerator, sink and stove, the rule of "working triangle" has long been invented. But regarding the correct, ergonomic placement of the microwave - there are so many options that you have to choose the most convenient of them in practice. Consider the top 7 ideas that will help you to correctly and correctly place the microwave in your kitchen.

Read in the article

  • 1 Basic placement rules
  • 2 Above the worktop in a special niche
  • 3 Bracket type suspension systems
  • 4 Option for hidden placement in a kitchen set
  • 5 On the windowsill
  • 6 Instead of an oven
  • 7 On the fridge
  • 8 In an island headset

Basic placement rules

The microwave oven belongs to specific household appliances, the placement of which is based on certain rules. Let's consider the main ones:

  • microwave oven can not be placed next to a stove, heating radiator. However, if the microwave itself is the same oven, this is quite possible;
  • the height of the household appliance is from 60 to 150 cm;
  • the ideal location of the microwave is in front of a person's chest;
  • it is impossible to put a microwave directly with a wet zone;
  • note that it is very important to consider the option of opening the door;
  • the oven needs space - do not block the vents in the top and dock panels.

Above the worktop in a special niche

A microwave is most often a rather bulky household appliance. Place it directly on the countertop, a luxury not available in every kitchen. That is why it is best to use special suspensions.

Practical microwave holder in the corner of the headsetPHOTO: dekormyhome.ru
Practical microwave holder in the corner of the headset

Bracket type suspension systems

A more versatile solution is to use special holding guides, brackets. Unlike a functional shelf, they only hold a household appliance.

Such hangers can be supplemented with special hangers with hooks.PHOTO: kuhnyamy.ru
Such hangers can be supplemented with special hangers with hooks.

Option for hidden placement in a kitchen set

For optimal placement of the microwave, you can use ready-made solutions in kitchen sets. In this case, it is important to make sure in advance that a ventilation system is planned in the built-in box. Such built-in structures are located directly above the countertop, or in kitchen cabinets.

The disadvantage of the built-in option is the lack of a number of places where you can immediately put a hot platePHOTO: made-box.ru
The disadvantage of the built-in option is the lack of a number of places where you can immediately put a hot plate

On the windowsill

If you have a wide enough window sill, to save space, you can consider this option as temporary. The fact is that in this case, you need to take care of the possibility of connecting to an outlet in advance. The best solution would be a complete modernization of the window sill for the dining area.

In this case, the radiators will have to be taken out of the storage area.PHOTO: sopti.ru
In this case, the radiators will have to be taken out of the storage area.

Instead of an oven

Modern stove models have the additional function of working as a microwave oven. Then the hostess does not have to look for an additional place under the microwave oven. It is clear that such a device will cost significantly more than usual.

This option looks stylish in a modern kitchen.PHOTO: technosova.ru
This option looks stylish in a modern kitchen.

On the fridge

Quite a popular place to place a refrigerator. Most often, in this type of accommodation, you will not need to look for an additional outlet. In this case, indeed, you will save space, the main thing is to provide the necessary ventilation.

This option is best suited for kitchens with a small refrigerator.
This option is best suited for kitchens with a small refrigerator.

In an island headset

Large kitchens allow you to place appliances not only in the usual shelves, but also in an island set. Such furniture options have been widely used abroad for a long time. The only drawback may be only the need for wiring an electrical cable to the headset.

If you place such a set even at the stage of repair work, not only an oven, but also a dishwasher can be added to the " island"PHOTO: stroypomochnik.ru
If you place such a set even at the stage of repair work, not only an oven, but also a dishwasher can be added to the "island"

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