🛏 bedroom Scandinavian style: design and layout

Starting from the 50s of last century popularity Scandinavian style It is not reduced. On the contrary, there are many variations and design solutions based on a traditional design of buildings, typical of Finland, Sweden or Norway. How to arrange bedroom in the Nordic style, which features a lay-flat material furniture, textiles and decor? These and many other questions we will answer in this article.

Bedroom in Scandinavian style with a loft elements
Bedroom in Scandinavian style with a loft elements

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  • 1 Features Scandinavian style
    • 1.1 Color
    • 1.2 materials
    • 1.3 decoration
  • 2 Bedroom in the Nordic style - the basic elements of space
    • 2.1 Walls
    • 2.2 Floor
    • 2.3 Ceiling
    • 2.4 Daylight
  • 3 The layout and furniture
  • 4 Textiles in the Scandinavian style
  • 5 Decorative elements and accessories
  • 6 lamplight
  • 7 Variants of ready-made solutions
  • 8 findings

Features Scandinavian style

Scandinavian style quite diverse. You can select the direction minimalism, Classics, country and even modern. However, the unifying factor is common color GamaUsed materials and techniques of decoration.

Scandinavian style, combined with classics - a characteristic color palette and features in the design of the walls
Scandinavian style, combined with classics - a characteristic color palette and features in the design of the walls


The dominant color in the interior of a bedroom Scandinavian style is white. However premises, a strictly whiteOften appear to be too cold. Therefore, in practice, various combinations:

Light brown, ocher - a traditional version with brown furniture, wooden lacquered floors or sections of walls plastered brick.

Beige colors make the interior bedrooms warmer
Beige colors make the interior bedrooms warmer

BeigePastel shades of lilac, pink, blue. If the blue and purple undertones considered traditional for the Scandinavian style, then using pink one must be careful to bedroom interior it has not turned out too "glamorous". Remember that the number of decorative elements is necessary to observe moderation and do decorations should bear the functional load.

Black - characteristic of the minimalist design of the bedroom, where he serves as accents. Usually, there are small black interior details: bedside table, coffee table, decorative pillow, the foundation lamps etc.

Black decorative elements in a small amount of light colors accentuate the entire room
Black decorative elements in a small amount of light colors accentuate the entire room

Gray - is used almost the entire palette. It is used in small-area places where through a combination of halftone textures and topography creates the impression of depth. Recommended for use in conjunction with a massive furniture, consistent in the overall color scheme. As accents suitable light blue decorations on textiles.

For the interior, executed in shades of gray, characterized by elegance and a certain "bohemian"
For the interior, executed in shades of gray, characterized by elegance and a certain "bohemian"


The main credo of Scandinavian style - maximum use of natural materials. This is reflected in the designs of the premises, and in its finishing and filling. Tree different breeds can be painted or lacquered to preserve its natural texture and color. As a rule, for this pick matt lacquer without pigments. White interior color has a sufficient reflectivity and high-gloss surfaces can create a sense of artificiality.

Wooden floor and painted brick is quite in harmony in the bedroom
Wooden floor and painted brick is quite in harmony in the bedroom

You can use forged "rough" iron, natural stone, glass, but in small quantities. widely used basketryAs furnishing items and for decoration.

Important! Scandinavians are very respectful of the "old" wood. Often reuse of wood finish or is floor covering that is to become the emphasis throughout stylistic composition premises.

Original worktops "wild" wood look stylish and original
Original worktops "wild" wood look stylish and original


For Scandinavian style characterized by functional decor: fixtures, Photo frame, Floor vases, like glass, and woven. In recent years, it began to be used a variety of artistic elements: desktop figurines and small statues of outdoor wrought iron, wood and ceramics. Good looks white marble table tops bedside or coffee table.

Using plants as decorative elements - a win-win
Using plants as decorative elements - a win-win

Bedroom in the Nordic style - the basic elements of space

The generality of the Scandinavian style is supported by not only the color and shape of the interior of objects and of the design of the room. Laconic clean lines without unnecessary rigor inherent High techBut without the pretentiousness bending characteristic of Art Nouveau. The natural ease and expediency - that's how to describe the products made in the Scandinavian style.

Even a small bedroom in the Nordic style can be comfortable and functional
Even a small bedroom in the Nordic style can be comfortable and functional


Usually, plastered rough stucco and painted white with some variations. It allowed the use of wooden panels as up to half of the walls, and over the entire height. Wallpaper They are used very rarely and only from natural materials: bamboo, cork, wood veneer. Or made of vegetable fibers: jute, cane, sisal.

"Untreated" brick wall, may become a decorative element
"Untreated" brick wall, may become a decorative element

As decoration pictures used for the walls, posters with or without a mat, antlers, etc. Decorative accent is extremely rare, especially on the wall, located at headboard.


Floor covering made of natural wood. Mainly in the form of general boards, At least - in the form of parquet with large dies. In some embodiments, the processing can be painted in gray or white color, but in most cases just varnished with preservation of its natural texture and color.

Natural wood floor itself can be a decoration of the interior
Natural wood floor itself can be a decoration of the interior


Almost always white, regardless of its topography and material performance. Exclusion can make beamsIf the bedroom is on the attic floor, retains its natural color. characterized by the absence stucco and other decorative elements. The maximum that can be used - it is wide moldings. The only conditionally decorative object can be considered structural elements: roof system parts, metal fasteners, etc.

Elements of ceiling construction is not necessary to hide behind false panels
Elements of ceiling construction is not necessary to hide behind false panels


For Scandinavian style characterized by maximum utilization of the sun. Window made as much as possible, but with the harsh climate that with modern energy-saving technologies is not so critical. apply panoramic, Glass wallsAnd in the case of location on the bedroom attic - ceiling windows and skylights large area.

An abundance of natural light - the card of the Scandinavian style
An abundance of natural light - the card of the Scandinavian style

Characterized by the absence in the window openings of any curtains or curtainsPreventing the penetration of light into the room. Unfortunately, in dense urban privacy problem is quite acute. So in this case, a departure from the canons of the Scandinavian style is forgivable. Allowed to use of light curtains tulle, Muslin or chiffon, Roman blinds and different jalousie, The design of which allows you to remove them in the daytime as compact as possible.

The layout and furniture

Disposition Bedrooms in Scandinavian style as much as possible open. Room sizes range from 8-10 m² to 16-20m². At the same time characterized by the use of one for both small and large bedrooms and the same design techniques that are simply scaled. For example, the head of the bed should lean against one of the walls.

Part of the large bedroom can be identified under the Workplace
Part of the large bedroom can be identified under the Workplace

For small areas not install a full-size bed on one side to the wall. If the room is large enough, the bed is positioned centrally with respect to one of the walls. On each side mounted bedside tables, which may play a role chairs, Stools, ottomans or a wicker basket with a lid.

Ottoman, braided ropes - not just a decorative element, inside the lid, you can place the necessary things
Ottoman, braided ropes - not just a decorative element, inside the lid, you can place the necessary things

Storage systems can take many forms. If in a private house near the bedroom is always present wardrobe, The apartments allocate Hotel room for storing things in most cases - a luxury. Therefore, the most commonly used wardrobesOccupying completely all the wall-to-ceiling height. sliding doors Scandinavian style rarely do mirror. As a rule, they are made from expensive Fibreboard with surface finish of high quality laminate with the texture of a old tree or pasted veneer.

Opposite the bed, you can install multiple drawers, decorating them with various decorative elements: statues, pictures, candlesticks, etc. Also in the bedrooms there are suspension structures type shelves, Small wall cabinets, etc.

a considerable amount of storage space can be placed in the design of the bed itself. classical drawers or more modern elevator systems may be used to access, lifting the entire upper part of the bed.

The headboard can also be used for storing things
The headboard can also be used for storing things

On the border of the mixing and Scandinavian style loft often arise interiors bedrooms with open storage system consisting of shelves, not closed facades. And the design can be either wall-mounted or placed in the middle of the room. In the second case, they function zoning element, separating the bed from the office or living room.

Textiles in the Scandinavian style

First of all, pay attention to bedding: Pillow cases, sheets, duvet covers. There are no alternatives can not be - only natural materials: flax or cotton, sometimes silk. The colors are almost always white, sometimes with a light beige simple pattern plant or geometric designs.

Crocheted blankets on the bed - "classic" solution for the Scandinavian style
Crocheted blankets on the bed - "classic" solution for the Scandinavian style

You can create color accents by using several striking elements, either separately (one or two pillowcases for decorative pillows), or in combination - a bright touch to the picture that is repeated throughout the complete bed linen.

Important! It is not highly encouraged to use frills, ruffles and other decorative elements.

Curtain characterized by the use of a more delicate fabrics can be beige in color without pattern. No swags and drapes. Lines must be strict and clear with minimal wrinkling.

Curtains without draperies and excessive decoration
Curtains without draperies and excessive decoration

The carpet is made of natural materials such as wool, it is often replaced on the skins. In this case, if the artificial skin, the product must be of the highest quality. carpet color bright solid color, white or black and white with a large geometric pattern.

Decorative elements and accessories

Decor in accordance with the Scandinavian style should be concise and functional. Characterized by the use of walls for paintings, photographs, posters and prints, made in a single color din. Allowed one or two bright smear, but no more.

Lack of summer green Scandinavia has found expression in a large number houseplants. They are located on the floor, window sills or bedside tables. Preference is given to curly varieties or "forest" of plants, such as ferns.

Decor elements in the Scandinavian style
Decor elements in the Scandinavian style

It allowed a certain amount of blankets, Decorative pillows, skins, etc. But if some of them will serve as a stylistic accent in the room, the others have to be associated with them. For example, if one of the airbags is highlighted, or the presence of the ornament, then a few more to be performed in the same shape or size.

Important! Decorative elements in the Scandinavian style should bear the functional load.

One of the major elements of the decor in Scandinavian style, a given topic throughout the bedroom, is fireplace or metal oven. However, it is often used as an auxiliary heating element.


Despite the large windows and plenty of natural light, artificial lighting on the interior of the Scandinavian bedroom is given high priority because of the lack of light in winter. BRA,: whole range of devices used to provide light table lampsMounted on the bedside tables, lamps, directed and diffused light ceiling lamp, etc.

Lighting in a bedroom may be implemented using a variety of sources: BRA, floor lamps, chandeliers
Lighting in a bedroom may be implemented using a variety of sources: BRA, floor lamps, chandeliers

Variants of ready-made solutions

Several bedrooms successful solutions in the Scandinavian style:


Various color solutions bedroom Scandinavian style

Bedroom in the Nordic style: ideas that change your attitude to classical sleeping roomBedroom in the Nordic style: ideas that change your attitude to classical sleeping roomBedroom in the Nordic style: ideas that change your attitude to classical sleeping room

The use of wallpaper in the design

Bedroom in the Nordic style: ideas that change your attitude to classical sleeping room
Bedroom in the Nordic style: ideas that change your attitude to classical sleeping room
Bedroom in the Nordic style: ideas that change your attitude to classical sleeping room
Bedroom in the Nordic style: ideas that change your attitude to classical sleeping room

Textiles as a decor

Bedroom in the Nordic style: ideas that change your attitude to classical sleeping roomBedroom in the Nordic style: ideas that change your attitude to classical sleeping roomBedroom in the Nordic style: ideas that change your attitude to classical sleeping room

Wardrobes and other storage space in the bedroom, made in the Scandinavian style

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Bedroom in the Nordic style: ideas that change your attitude to classical sleeping room
Bedroom in the Nordic style: ideas that change your attitude to classical sleeping room
Bedroom in the Nordic style: ideas that change your attitude to classical sleeping room
Bedroom in the Nordic style: ideas that change your attitude to classical sleeping room
Bedroom in the Nordic style: ideas that change your attitude to classical sleeping room


Bedroom, made in the Scandinavian style, offers the convenience and functionality. For it does not need a lot of space and expensive repairs of the premises. Perhaps it may seem cold at first glance. However, a properly selected decor and accents make it a comfortable and really beautiful.