If during the day you are walking or standing a long time, pay attention to the massage pad feet. A special device and correctly matched the size of a beneficial effect on the health of children and adults. We offer to meet with the features and advantages of the main types of such products.
Foot massage will increase the immunity
Read article
1 The principle of operation pad foot massage
2 Materials for the manufacture of mats, massagers for legs
3 The device massage orthopedic pad feet, depending on the type of
3.1 Conventional massage mats
3.2 Acupuncture massage mats
3.3 Puzzle mats
3.4 Mats-hemisphere
4 Massage pad feet: the benefits and harms
5 Unlike the children's orthopedic pad feet from adult models
6 Tips for choosing a suitable model for children and adults
6.1 Which massage pad feet better to buy for the children: our recommendations
6.2 Features a selection of massage pad for adults legs
7 Massage pad feet: the important points of use
8 Nuances of manufacturing their own hands baby massage pad feet
The principle of operation pad foot massage
The principle of operation of this device is based on the theory that the human foot points have a certain influence on his internal organs. By acting on the active area of ββthe feet, massage pad feet helps improve health, boost immunity and achieve other positive results.
The zones on the feet are responsible for certain organs
Materials for the manufacture of mats, massagers for legs
The service life, price and characteristics of the mat-massager for legs is largely dependent on the material used in its manufacturing. The selection can be made in favor of:
natural rubber;
polyethylene foam;
The material used must meet certain requirements
The device massage orthopedic pad feet, depending on the type of
When choosing a massage orthopedic pad feet, be sure to consider its appearance. Manufacturers offer a wide range. We offer to meet with existing species.
For classes you should choose the right model
Conventional massage mats
Orthopedic massage mat for children feet is the foundation on which in a certain order are various irregularities. Products may vary in shape and size.
A fun form of rug like children
Acupuncture massage mats
These products consist of a base with a soft filling, to which are glued or sewn on special applicators with spikes. Adaptation quite compact and has a low weight. Due to the large number of studs manage to ensure simultaneous exposure to dozens of biologically active points.
Special applicators have a beneficial effect on the body
Tip! Acupuncture model will appreciate not only the children but also the students, office workers, athletes.
Favorable effect on the health of children and adults
Needle pad feet can get rid of pain and general fatigue of the body, improves circulation, helps to relieve stress. It can be used after a hard day's work and sports.
product configuration can be very diverse
Puzzle mats
Such articles are relevant for children of different ages. Thick and dense base to withstand the weight of an adult. You can buy a rubber or polymer massage pad feet, consisting of a different number of modules. Each element can simulate different cover: pebbles, thorns, rounded bumps, cones and more.
The advantages of these products should include:
possibility of increasing the number of structural elements;
variability. You can change the sequence of puzzles compound;
ease of maintenance;
compactness. The elements can be folded on top of each other and put in cupboard or pantry.
The product has a characteristic shape. Such mats with short spiked leg tactile. Have a special valve that allows you to adjust the pressure. Used for massaging the feet reflex zones. Allow to normalize muscle tone.
Massage pad feet: the benefits and harms
With continued use pads massage for the feet of children can be seen improving health: insomnia disappears, reduced leg swelling, pain in the feet disappear. It improves the function of internal organs. An effective peeling, provided with massage elements, improves the condition of the stop. Prevented the appearance of calluses and corns. In children and adults, increases immunity.
Good prevention and treatment of flatfoot
To massage pad feet brought only benefit, not harm, should take into account a number of conditions under which it is recommended to note classes. These include the availability at the feet of fungal diseases, cuts and wounds. It is also worth to make sure there are no contraindications podiatrist, which include, in particular, the instability of the ankle joint.
Form surface should agree with the doctor-orthopedist
Unlike the children's orthopedic pad feet from adult models
If you decide to buy a particular model for a child, make sure that it is the children's orthopedic pad feet. Products for adults have smaller and hard terrain. As a result, during the operation in violation of the manufacturer's recommendations kid can get hurt. At the same time, adults can safely use children's rugs.
Children differ from adults model
Tips for choosing a suitable model for children and adults
If you decide to buy a massage pad feet, be sure to take into account, for whom purchased the product for a child or an adult. Use our tips to get qualitative and functional model.
Adults and children's models differ not only in size
Which massage pad feet better to buy for the children: our recommendations
To the chosen model was able to cope with the task before you buy massage pad feet for children should:
consult a podiatrist, and on the basis of his consultations to choose a suitable model;
choose a product based on the age of the child. For babies 1.5 - 2 years fit a model with soft elements;
check for certificates confirming the quality of products;
choose a product that is easy to wash and dry quickly.
If you decide to buy a massager for your child, pay attention to:
Size 28 cm. Made of rubber based on natural rubber. 2 pieces.
Size 45 Γ 90 cm. Imitation of sea pebbles.
Puzzle. The size of one cell 25 Γ 25 cm. Available selection modules with different surface hardness.
Modules of different rigidity.
Reviews of children's massage mat "Pantry Health" to the 810:
More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/reviews/detskiy_massazhniy_kovrik_kladovaya_zdorovya_k_810/
Children's massage mat "Pantry Health" to the 810
Features a selection of massage pad for adults legs
When choosing a massage pad feet for an adult should be chosen not only a suitable surface configuration, but also the size of the product. If you plan to perform various exercises, the product area should be sufficient to adult could comfortably sleep on it.
should find the right model for adult
Massage pad feet: the important points of use
By purchasing the right model, it is necessary to carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations. How should I generally use massager as follows:
Choose a flat and firm surface. Carpet on the floor should not be;
laid massager;
We get up barefoot on the simulator and exercises.
The duration of training is chosen individually. Usually start with 5 minutes a day, gradually increasing the duration.
The list of exercises can be quite varied
Attention! When the blunt pain to finish the procedure should be immediately.
Approximate list of exercises for the prevention and treatment of flatfoot include the following exercises:
heating stop. To do this, placing his hands on his belt, the next step on the massager;
consistent vyshagivanie on the inside and outside of the foot;
rolling from the toe to the heel;
walking on toes and heels.
If performing these exercises do not cause any difficulties, you can add running, sit-ups, walking in single file, as well as jumping.
Nuances of manufacturing their own hands baby massage pad feet
If you buy a ready-made product is not possible, it is necessary to make a children's massage pad feet their own hands. To do this, prepare:
material for the base. The substrate must be thick enough to hold its shape the product during operation. It is best to prepare the plastic insert and felt for its processing by a;
material for massage elements. It may be buttons, stones, cords of different thickness, beans, pebbles, and more;
needle and thread or glue. It needs a suitable adhesive composition for the manufacture of the massage mat for feet with stones.
Work is performed in the following order: preparing a base, and then fasten it to massage elements.
His hands can produce high-quality and useful track
Tip! If you do not want to fix the elements, sew to the base of the pocket and fold it in small parts. To use the pad, will be sufficient to arrange them on the basis of.
Share in the comments, a children's massage pad feet you decide to buy and why to prefer this model.