If you plan on lining concrete surface, it is necessary to know exactly which one to choose tile adhesive. Available a large range, hitting a variety of compositions. We offer to meet with the existing varieties and advice on choosing a suitable option.
Properly selected adhesive will provide secure fixing of tiles.
Read article
1 The main types of adhesive for tiles
2 How to choose a tile adhesive: criteria and guidelines
2.1 According to the material and size of the tiles
2.2 Operating conditions
2.3 By type of base
3 Leading manufacturers of tile adhesive
4 How to choose a tile adhesive: popular compositions
4.1 For outdoor applications
4.1.1 Unis 2000
4.1.2 Litoflex K80
4.1.3 Ceresit CM 117
4.2 For interior works
4.2.1 KNAUF Fliesen
4.2.2 Bolars Granite
4.2.3 Glims WhiteFix
4.3 Specialized formulations
4.3.1 "Pecnik" for lining furnaces
4.3.2 SOPRO 450 for facing pools
4.3.3 Bergauf Mosaik to work with translucent materials
5 What to consider when calculating the rate of tile adhesive: important factors
The main types of adhesive for tiles
Manufacturers offer a glue tilesHaving different release form. You can choose between:
a dry mixture;
a two-component mixture;
Composition Tile may differ.
Dry mixes
Available in powder form. Their basis is white or gray cement. The latter is the most widely used. The introduction of special additives allows for the necessary specifications. glue for tiles prepared immediately before application by adding a quantity of water indicated by the manufacturer.
Packing adhesive typically weighs 25 kg.
Mixtures may be Thick and Thin. Kind of depends on the composition of the adhesive and filler size. Thick can be used in tiling on a base having a difference in height and 30 mm. This simplifies the process of preparing the base layer but longer dries and shrinks.
Thin formulations place higher demands to the base. Unacceptable differences in height more than 10 mm. Formed layer dries quickly and does not shrink substantially.
Dry mixes prior to application is mixed with water.
The two-component mixture
Glue with epoxy-polyurethane base. It has good features. Before application, the main part is mixed with the hardener. The layer has good elasticity, water resistance, small share. It does not shrink. To withstand heavy loads and vibration.
Attention! Grasp the adhesive occurs in 20 minutes and drying for a few hours is required.
The components should be mixed thoroughly.
Offered by manufacturers, water-dispersed compositions with latex, acrylic and polyvinyl acetate basis of ready-to-eat. They have a fairly thick consistency and are able to keep any tiles. High adhesion characteristics is provided due to the fine consistency components. Before gluing the tile glue is thoroughly mixed.
Premixes may be:
universally used in the execution of works inside and outside the building. They can choose to tiling with the face size of 10 - 30 cm;
strengthened. Introduction special additives can improve the strength and adhesion characteristics of the formed layer. You can choose for laying big and heavy elements;
water-resistant. water-repellent products provide sufficient moisture glue. Optional introduction prevents antifungal additives in tile seams mold.
Glue is ready for application.
How to choose a tile adhesive: criteria and guidelines
To choose the appropriate tile adhesive, it is necessary to know exactly where and how the work will be carried out. Attention should be given not only the conditions for the subsequent operation of the lining, but the initial surface condition and the type tiles. We offer to meet with the main criteria affecting the choice, in more detail.
, You need to know a lot of factors to choose the glue.
According to the material and size of the tiles
Size, weight and density of the proposed tiles manufacturer may differ materially. Ceramic tile It has a lower mass and strength than that made of stone or granite. That is why, for mounting the first basic formulations are used, and secondly - reinforced blend.
For granite need a durable adhesive.
If the density of articles cladding is sufficiently large, the adhesive requirements much smaller than in the case of mounting a high porosity of the coating. They are capable of is good enough "pull" pigments. As a consequence, when using a composition of an ordinary cement on the surface may appear characteristic spots or stains. In this case, you should choose the glue on white cement.
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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«The larger the tile size, the stronger and more reliable should be a layer formed by using the adhesive composition. "
The larger the tile, the higher the demands on the glue.
Operating conditions
To choose a quality adhesive tiles, It is necessary to know exactly where it will be stowed. Manufacturers offer formulations designed exclusively for interior and versatile, suitable for work inside and outside the building. In the catalog of some manufacturers can find a series of cold-resistant for outdoor use.
The mixture for the facade to be frost-proof.
Attention! It must take into account not only the temperature and humidity mode of operation, but also the load.
The presence of vibration and dynamic loads increases the demands on the bond strength tiles with a base. When deciding which adhesive to choose, it is worth considering:
Operating class. If to be a public space facing, you should choose a material with high resistance to mechanical stress. For domestic flat enough glue;
system availability of "warm floor". If you choose a simple mixture, then over time it is likely to peel off and cracked. For such spaces need to buy adhesive having a mark "heat-resistant" or special instruction: "Underfloor heating";
interaction with water. If the probability of direct contact, rather than water-resistant adhesives should be chosen immediately waterproof.
Bathroom, use moisture-resistant material.
By type of base
If you have to laying tiles on the floor with a carefully prepared a solid foundation or on a plastered wallYou can easily purchase standard composition. For reason of the foaming or gazoblokov, drywall, Steklomagnezitovye sheet, plywood or boardwalk to choose super-elastic adhesive that can withstand severe vibration.
For old tile, metal, polymer or rubber base is selected polymeric adhesive and highly adhesive composition. You can use universal glue, but only if a tile glaze is removed, and the base primed.
Kind of base affects the characteristics of the materials selected.
Leading manufacturers of tile adhesive
Good glue offered by many manufacturers. If you decide to choose a quality makeup, pay attention to the production:
Ceresit. The popular manufacturer, offering a wide range of products. There is an elastic adhesive and glue for special purposes;
Knauf. The manufacturer's catalog contains compounds permits laying artificial stone and tiles on any basis, including those that operate at elevated humidity and at low temperature;
Mapei. The Italian manufacturer has a mixture of tiles that require preparation, and ready to glue;
Litokol. The Italian company produces adhesive based on cement, as well as other kinds;
Sopro. The German manufacturer can choose gray and white tile adhesive, epoxy glues and other variants;
Kilto. The main products are of pasty substances with a high degree of adhesion. This adhesive is not necessary to choose for a room operated at high humidity;
Unis. Domestic manufacturer, is used for the manufacture of its own raw materials glue. The mixture meets regulatory requirements. You can select the tile adhesive, to be laid inside and outside the building.
Ceresit - a definite leader.Litokol - always high quality.Unis - a serious competitor to foreign analogues.
How to choose a tile adhesive: popular compositions
Due to the large range of products, it is difficult to immediately decide which mix to choose for a particular base. In this situation, it is worth paying attention to the popular brands have earned positive feedback from customers.
With popular compositions for tile should meet in advance.
For outdoor applications
Tiles, laid out, inevitably undergoes significant temperature fluctuations. It is exposed to moisture, heat and frost. To form the coating was firmly bonded to the substrate, it is necessary to choose the tile adhesive with high degree of adhesion, frost at 100 cycles, and resistance to temperature fluctuations. We offer to meet with the most popular compositions.
Tile adhesive must be frost-proof.
Unis 2000
Adhesive composition with a good frost resistance (up -600S). It allows you to adjust the position of the tiles within 10 - 15 minutes. When laying various relevant tiles. Flow rate 3.75 - 5 kg / m2. The manufacturer provides a fifteen-year warranty.
The benefits should include:
viable solution for 3 hours;
high operational characteristics;
sufficient adhesion;
possibility of laying the tiles on a base having swings to 15 mm;
quick drying.
The weak point of the requirements for high speed tiling.
Review of tiled glue Unis Unis 2000
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_1548125.html
tile adhesive Eunice 2000
Litoflex K80
Initially, when you create a glue manufacturer guided by the granite. However, many users get it for wall tiles, to be sure of a solid base and clutch facings. Due to the high adhesion of the composition is considered to be a professional. It can be used for laying on the system "warm floor".
Of the advantages it is worth noting:
minimum an expense;
resistance to temperature fluctuations;
choice of packaging with a suitable volume of the adhesive.
The main drawback is the high cost.
Feedback on glue tiled Litokol Litoflex K80:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_2042362.html
tile adhesive Litoflex K80
Ceresit CM 117
It can be used for fixing the tiles of different types, except those that are made of marble. It has high strength characteristics. It can be operated in the temperature range from -500S to + 700C. It has more than 100 frost cycles. It allows to adjust the position of the structural element during 20 minutes after application to a substrate.
Feedback on glue for external and internal facing Ceresit CM 117:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_4231419.html
tile adhesive Ceresit CM 117
For interior works
If you want to glue tile inside the building, it should also take into account the operating conditions. Ingredients for the bathroom or kitchen must have sufficient moisture resistance. We offer to find out what compounds used in the most popular buyers.
For walls inside the house.
KNAUF Fliesen
The adhesive composition of German manufacturer may be used in floor and wall covering. For drying the formed layer it takes some time, during which it is possible to adjust the position of each element.
Benefits include:
low consumption;
the possibility of placing "a comb";
versatility. By purchasing one part, you can oblitsevat and walls, and floor.
Feedback on the tiled glue Knauf Fliesen:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_3851793.html
tile adhesive KNAUF Fliesen
Bolars Granite
Designed specifically for interior applications. For complete drying of the composition is required per day. A high level of adhesion. It has a high level of water resistance, which allows its use for facing the base of the bathroom or in the kitchen. Installation over warm floor.
Bolars Granite has wide area of use.
Bolars Granite
Glims WhiteFix
If you need to perform an exclusive finishing facilities, this composition is suitable best. With it you can safely fix the tile of any material, including natural stone. The final composition is suitable for use in for 2 - 3 hours. To adjust the specific element is allocated 4 h.
a high degree of water resistance;
average consumption.
Among the shortcomings - enough high cost.
Review of tiled glue Glims:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_5199066.html
tile adhesive Glims WhiteFix
Specialized formulations
In some cases, use an ordinary adhesive is not possible. The composition will not be able to withstand severe operating conditions, and the tiles quickly fall behind the base. We offer to meet with popular options.
"Pecnik" for lining furnaces
A mixture based on cement and sand with some mineral and synthetic additives that provide high performance. Composition allows operation at elevated temperature. It allows to form a solid layer with a high adhesion capable of withstanding heating to 12000S. Laying the tiles can be performed at a temperature of -100S to + 350C.
The adhesive used for lining stoves, heat-resistant.
SOPRO 450 for facing pools
Glue for professional use. The availability of special reinforcing fibers extends the life of the laid tiles. It has an optimum level of adhesion, flexibility and good water repellency. It can be used for cladding saunas and pools tiles of different species.
Moisture resistance at altitude.
Bergauf Mosaik to work with translucent materials
A mixture of white color can be used in the base wall translucent material. It exhibits high adhesion characteristics at an optimal level of elasticity. It can be used when working outside and at facing rooms, operated under high humidity conditions. Possible laying tiles on various surfaces without first preparing the substrate.
Facing loses its appearance.
Bergauf Mosaik
What to consider when calculating the rate of tile adhesive: important factors
To timely perform facing work, it is necessary to purchase a sufficient amount of adhesive for tiles. For calculation Need to know:
Future layer thickness. When the surface to be covered of equal area for a thick layer greater amount of glue required;
absorbency characteristics and bases. For small differences of height and low porosity of the substrate will need to be acquire less adhesive than for poorly-aligned porous surface;
adhesive composition. In materials based on synthetic traditionally high adhesion characteristics, and because you can get a thinner layer compared with cement glue;
the consistency of glue. In the dense mixture flow rate is always higher;
the type and size of the tiles. For fixing the small elements sufficiently thin layer. Large-format tiles must maintain a thick layer of a thickness of 10 - 12 mm;
qualified master finisher. Beginners spend more adhesive mass than professionals.
Consumption depends on many factors.
To calculate the right amount of space to be divided squaring in the average consumption specified by the manufacturer on the packaging. The resulting value should be increased by 10 - 15%
Share in the comments, some tile adhesive you use, and why did you decide to choose this structure.