Choosing the material for the walls and ceiling, many are betting not only on the aesthetic appearance of the finished coating, but also by a small labor-intensive activities. With the advent of the construction market of material called "the liquid wallpaper" repair the problem has been solved for many - in fact deal with the application of the material under the force of a novice, and if pasting walls traditional wallpaper Assistant required, then you can deal with alone. In today's material prepared by the editors, you will learn about the features of liquid wallpaper. Photo interiors in ordinary homes will demonstrate the versatility and high decorative coating, and testimonials from those who have already tried this trim, reinforce the positive impression of the material.
Decorative surface silk plaster
Read article
1 Liquid wallpaper photo in interior rooms - description of the material
2 Advantages of wet wallpaper, wall and ceiling - photo
2.1 Variety of liquid wallpaper
3 liquid wallpaper interior design of the hall with photo options
4 Design liquid wallpaper in the interior of the living room with photos
5 Making liquid wallpaper bedroom interior
6 Liquid wallpaper in the nursery
7 Liquid wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen with photos
8 Making liquid wallpaper toilet and bathroom with photos
9 The choice of liquid wallpaper
10 Tips from the designers of wall design and the choice of the type and color of liquid wallpaper
10.1 Photo images of liquid wallpaper on the walls
10.2 liquid ceiling wallpaper design - photos and reviews
Liquid wallpaper photo in interior rooms - description of the material
Liquid wallpaper otherwise also called silk plaster because of similar consistency, which is prepared for the application of the composition. It comprises cellulose, cotton or silk fibers, a dye, an adhesive composition and a decorative filler (glitter). One of the positive qualities of this material is its environmental friendliness, thanks to natural ingredients. In human health security can be compared with paper wallpaper.
Externally, the dry mixture is a cereal of different shapes and sizes. White liquid wallpaper can be colored during the compounding or painted after drying on the wall. On sale there are ready-made compositions with colored flakes that before applying to the wall only needs to be diluted with water. Depending on the size of the flakes, their shape, size and type of decorative filler depends on the final result. In any case, such a finish looks original on the walls of any room.
The coating is poured depending on the angle of incidence
Advantages of wet wallpaper, wall and ceiling - photo
This variety of finishing materials has the following positive features:
This eco-friendly, safe for humans and the environment decoration material.
Despite the rough surface, these wallpapers are not covered with dust, since it does not accumulate static electricity.
With such a coating, which is applied like stuccoing composition, can hide imperfections and defects of the walls.
After applying and drying the coating composition is formed on a wall, characterized by high strength and aesthetic appeal due to the lack of joints when compared with conventional wallpaper.Pictures and photos on the liquid wallpaper
To the front layer is stronger, it is treated with an acrylic lacquer coating but then loses its valuable quality - water vapor permeability. In the rooms where the risk of damage is minimal wallpaper - in bedroom, Living room, officeLeave without a protective coating. In environments with high humidity and pollution (in the kitchen, at hall, bathroom) Required to protect the front layer.
In the nursery there is a risk of damage to the coating, but are deprived of the ability of the walls to "breathe" is not worth it - in such rooms as bedrooms and childVery important a healthy environment, which provide vapor-permeable materials.Decorative fillers allow you to create a unique texture
In the case of mechanical damage of the coating it is easy to fix. If you have suffered a small area, the place is enough to moisten with water and smooth. At considerable damage using stationery knife cut fragment and replaced by a fresh stack layer. In this case, the left is useful for emergency repairs after a mix that can be stored even in the finished dried form - before the work it is enough to soak.A damaged portion is easily removed by a conventional stationery knife
Unlike paper, silk plaster not burn, does not support and does not contribute to the spread of fire. Therefore they can be considered fireproof material.
To put structure on the wall, no need to have some specific skills - enough to be able to work with a trowel.
This material provides heat and sound insulation in the room where it is used.
Under the influence of covering the sun, which contain fibers of silk, do not fade.
The kitchen is the coating will not absorb odors.
Due to the elasticity, the material can be safely used in new building.Expressive texture of the walls is a perfect backdrop for the works of art
The unique decorative effect obtained by the addition of various fillers. And with stencils on the walls, you can create patterns, ornaments and even pictures.
Material cost is higher than standard paper roll products, but it is fully justified by the unique qualities of silk plaster.
Important! Taking into account that may require a repair of the walls, the material gain from the stock.
Figure created with the help of several shades
The only disadvantage is the instability of the coating to moisture, therefore, if necessary, it is treated with a colorless varnish. It should be noted that the liquid wallpaper by brief contact with water does not swell and does not slide off the wall - that did not happen, the effects of humidity should be regular. Processing lacquer coating protects it from water and mechanical damage but significantly complicate fragmented repair, as fully impregnate lacquer coating structure, and to use it is not re out. Nail liquid wallpaper can be matt and glossy. It must be applied twice for pre-drying the previous layer. Consumer reviews confirm the uniqueness and high quality of the material for residential premises.
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Variety of liquid wallpaper
Liquid wallpaper can be divided into several groups depending on the underlying material.
Main material
Inexpensive kind of material. Such coating base hide flaws. In addition to the fear of moisture, such wallpaper fade with time under the influence of direct sunlight.
Silk fibers
Natural silk fibers in the composition of this material make it the most expensive kind, but also more resistant to various types of stress. Coating is very durable for many years retain their decorative appearance, as he was not afraid of sun exposure.
Combined wallpaper (cellulose + silk or cotton)
This is the "golden mean" - a material with excellent performance at an average cost of combining the quality of the above species.
Appearance of the coating depends on the shape and texture of the fibers used.
Variations of the coating liquid wallpaper
liquid wallpaper interior design of the hall with photo options
When making these walls pictures in hall should take into account the specifics of the room where depending on a season dominated by humidity, dirt, dust. The walls are exposed to mechanical stress. Therefore, there is recommended to cover the surface of colorless acrylic lacquer coating that will enhance the moisture repellent properties and allow to wash it with water, if necessary. Below are photos of liquid wallpaper in the hallway.
Design liquid wallpaper in the interior of the living room with photos
Undoubtedly, liquid wallpaper decorate the main room in the house - living room, where the family members are going to take guests and family parties. In texture they are quite expressive, so they can be used to create accent wall or a decorative composition, leaving finish the other walls in a neutral design. Interestingly, the liquid wallpaper versatile and equally organically look like in a modern and classical interior.
Making liquid wallpaper bedroom interior
silk plaster - it is the ideal choice for decoration bedrooms. The risk of damaging them mechanically is minimal, so you can use cover without a protective layer. Due to the water vapor permeability of the material in the bedroom will remain optimal, healthy microclimate. The possibility of the coloring material in any shade will pick a calm, neutral colors.
Liquid wallpaper in the nursery
In this finish the children's room is left without varnish to preserve the natural air circulation in the room. When mechanical damage maintainability save a unique material. You can use the most budget option with cellulosic composition. If you look at photos of liquid wallpaper in interiors ordinary houses, you can see how this material is unique and organic in the premises for any purpose. With dye white liquid wallpaper can be painted in different coloursBy dividing the amount of the composition to the desired shade, and create decorative panels on the wall using a stencil.
Liquid wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen with photos
AT room kitchen dry wallpaper for the walls can be easily damaged if the surface is not treated with preservative. Such is the specificity of the space - high humidity, temperature gradients, steam, pollution and harsh odors - all these influences must resist finishing materials in the kitchen. here silk plaster recommended for use in the dining area.
Making liquid wallpaper toilet and bathroom with photos
Whether to use this material in interior bathroom, Everyone decides for himself, but it should be borne in mind that in areas of direct and immediate contact with the walls of water such finish very quickly come into disrepair, will not save even three layers of protective varnish. These places are - the surface of the walls around the bathroom, sink, shower cabin, which is desirable to decorate pottery or other moisture-resistant material. silk plaster It can be used for registration of the "dry" fragments of walls, niches or ceiling.
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The choice of liquid wallpaper
As noted earlier, buy liquid wallpaper can be in the form of raw materials and ready-made. The colored mixture is dry enough to be diluted with water in the proportions indicated by the manufacturer.
Preparation of the composition
The raw material dry mixture is cheaper and is sold as a colorless flakes - tinted and add a decorative filler need yourself.
Ready-made dry mix
Table of average cost of liquid wallpaper (as of April 2018) to evaluate the availability of this material.
Average cost (as of May 2018), rubles
Silk Plaster «Standard»
Silk Plaster «Optima»
Silk Plaster «Victoria»
Bioplast Collection 3-8521
Silk Plaster «Provence»
Silk Plaster «East»
1 990
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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"When you choose pay attention to speed its drying - one coat to dry for a day, while others - no less than three days."
A variety of additives for liquid decorative wallpaper
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Tips from the designers of wall design and the choice of the type and color of liquid wallpaper
The ability to change the color of the composition using a color scheme or color of the decorative filler allows to get absolutely any color of the coating. Recommendations made by this plan are simple:
Wall color should match the purpose of the room. So, in a small hallway it is recommended to use light shades in the bedroom - to give up bright and aggressive tones, the child - to be dynamic, rich tones in the play area and quiet - in the zone Sleep.
If the texture on the wall is too large and severe, it is not necessary to use a dark color - this finish will look rough and massive.
Liquid wallpaper perfectly with the other finishing materials, so they can be used in fragments portion for the decoration, accent, niches or perform a lower portion of the wall of a stronger material, eg, wall panelsAnd the upper decorate wallpaper.
monochrome design
Photo images of liquid wallpaper on the walls
One of the unique qualities of this material is the ability to create absolutely any image with the help of stencils. This will require:
produce stencil - on a sheet of cardboard or heavy paper is applied drawing and cut.
On the surface of the prepared wall transferred image from the screen, putting the latter to the wall and trace it with a pencil.
With small spatula on the desired fragment pattern colored composition is applied so that it has gone beyond the contour of the image.
Thereafter, the excess with a spatula "chase" into the circuit, thus giving small Three-dimensional image. It is important that each piece was the same thickness.
Fill the following fragment only after having dried the next-positioned portion.
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liquid ceiling wallpaper design - photos and reviews
Liquid wallpaper successfully used for finishing the ceiling in all rooms. Ease of application allows a short time to perform the finishing work. Below are photos and a few reviews on this unique material.
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If you want to make clean, durable and aesthetically pleasing finish in the apartment and at the same time to spend a minimum of time and effort, the liquid wall will be an excellent choice. Your comments and feedback are waiting in the comments, and finally offer watch a video on how to properly prepare a working structure and put it on the wall: