- Why is the LCD screen dirty?
- How do I clean the LCD TV screen?- Precautions
- Than wipe the LCD TV screen?- Basic rules:
- Than to clean the LCD TV screen at home?
- How can I clean the LCD TV?
- Removal of scratches from the TV
Until the moment when the LCD TV set appeared in the house, many did not even think about how to wipe the LCD screen of the TV at home. As when cleaning an ordinary old TV, the housewives, habitually, armed with a wet rag, wipe the dust off the screen. After such actions, most people become customers of the service center. This method of cleaning will damage the coverage of the TV and in the worst case will lead to its breakdown. In order to avoid this situation, you need to know what to wipe the LCD TV screen at home.
to the contents ↑Why is the LCD screen dirty?
LCD screens transmit beautiful, rich colors and a clear image when broadcasting. Therefore, you often want to touch your finger with a monitor, especially for kids.
In addition to such contamination, dust settles on the TV and liquids may get splashed. Therefore, you'll have to wash it in any case, but you need to know how to wipe the TV screen.
Important! If you incorrectly clean the technique again and again, then over time, the consequences of such cleaning will appear on the surface: scratches, divorces and glare. Your new TV will not show better than the old "Electron".
to the contents ↑How to clean the LCD screen of the TV?- Precautions
Before you start wiping the LCD screen of the TV, you need to know what you absolutely can not do so as not to spoil such an expensive technique:
- If there is no special coating on the screen, clean with liquid window cleaners, solvents and agentschemical substances are strictly prohibited. Otherwise, the LCD monitor will fail irrevocably.
- Turn off the TV before cleaning. To do this, it is not enough to press the button on the remote control. It is necessary to completely disconnect it by pulling the plug from the socket. Such actions will ensure you safety while washing equipment.
- Use a soft, lint-free cloth to remove dirt from the surface of the TV.
- It is strictly forbidden to apply liquid, gel-like cleaning agents and ordinary water to the surface. This will lead to the appearance of iridescent streaks and an unclear picture.
- Do not spray sprays directly on the monitor, moisture may collect under the bottom of the panel or get inside the enclosure. This can lead to a short circuit or a breakdown.
- Do not scrub, squeeze or scratch the surface during cleaning.
- Technique with an LED surface should be cleaned with extreme care, as this coating can be damaged even by pressing your fingers.
- Do not turn on the TV until the screen dries completely.
Important! Before cleaning the TV, read the instructions. Pay attention to the important points that the manufacturer marks and on what he recommends cleaning the LCD screen.
to the contents ↑Than wipe the LCD TV screen?- Basic rules:
- To remove contaminants from the delicate surface in electronics stores, you can purchase wet wipes to care for the LCD TV screen. They are impregnated with a special compound, by means of which static electricity is easily removed. Napkins do not contain alcohol and abrasive substances, so suitable for any type of monitor.
- Dust and not dried dirt is removed with a soft lint-free cloth or cloth. Use a cotton, fleece or flannel fabric for this. The ideal option for such purposes is a cloth for wiping glasses. When wiping the dust, do not soak it to prevent damage to the surface.
- A set of dry and wet wipes will effectively clean the surface of dirt. Dust and fingerprints are easier to remove from the surface of the LCD screen if periodically treated with antistatic wipes. A damp cloth cleans the surface, and dry absorbs moisture residues and eliminates stains.
- Microfibre wipes are used to remove dust. With their help, they also remove stains and oily stains. Eliminate other types of dirt can be with a special tool or water, which are applied to a napkin. Napkins made of such material absorb moisture perfectly and do not leave scratches and scuffs. Therefore, with such an inexpensive means, you will easily be able to clean the LCD screen of your TV at home as needed.
- Specially designed care products for LCD panels are available in the form of gel, foam and aerosol. They are able to remove contaminants of any complexity and have antistatic properties. Before buying such drugs, make sure that the product does not contain alcohol. You can buy special tools in the electronics store. Their huge range will allow you to make a purchase based on your budget.
Important! Gel, foam or aerosol must first be applied to a napkin, and then wipe it with a TV.
- Pollution at joints can be removed using a cotton swab.
- Do not forget about cleaning the case. It should be cleaned every 3-4 weeks. Dust from the body is removed with a soft cloth. More complex contaminants - in any of the above ways.
Than to clean the LCD TV screen at home?
You can clean the LCD surface not only with special tools. There are several methods how to clean the LCD TV screen at home with improvised means.
Important! Before using these methods, carefully read the instructions of the TV and the manufacturer's warnings so as not to spoil the technique.
A safe cleaner for cleaning the LCD surface is a 3% vinegar solution.
How to use:
- Dilute vinegar with cold water in equal proportions.
- Wet a soft rag in the resulting solution and wipe the monitor in a circular motion.
- Clean with a well-wrung cloth and rinse off the vinegar residue.
- After this, wipe the surface to be cleaned dry.
Soap solution
If other dirt is to be removed from the screen, prepare a soapy solution.
How to use:
- Take toilet or baby soap and dilute a small amount in water.
Important! Do not use laundry soap to remove dirt. Its increased alkali content can damage the delicate surface of the TV.
- Wet a soft, lint-free cloth in the resulting solution and wipe the screen. In this case, do not put special physical effort to not damage the surface.
- With a well-wrung cloth, rinse off the soap residue and wipe the screen dry.
Important! The liquid crystal screen has a very gentle coating, so you should clean it carefully, without pressing it. If you wear jewelry on your hands, it is advisable to remove them before work or to wash the TV in gloves.
Isopropyl alcohol
Fingerprints and dried dirt can be removed with 70% isopropyl alcohol( a tool for disinfesting wounds).
How to use:
- Dilute isopropyl alcohol in cold water in a 1: 1 ratio.
Important! It is very important in this case to observe the proportion. To do this, use a measurement, if it is not, then it is better to make the solution less concentrated. Otherwise, corrosion of the screen may occur.
- Wet the cloth in the solution.
Important! Make sure that the napkin is well squeezed out.
- Wipe lightly with a damp cloth.
- Clean with a damp rag on the surface again.
- Dry with a napkin to collect the remains of moisture.
How can I clean the LCD TV?
Liquid crystal panels are very sensitive to chemical agents. For their purification, the use of agents that include the following components is not recommended:
- Acetone.
- Ammonia.
- Ethyl chloride.
- Petrol, or solvent.
- Dyes.
- Abrasive cleaners.
These substances will irretrievably damage the equipment.
Also prohibited for the treatment of liquid crystal displays are the following:
- Alcohol and the products in which it is included. This component dissolves a special anti-reflective coating that is on the surface of the screen. Subsequently, the monitor is covered with small cracks.
- Means for washing windows, glasses and dishwashing liquid. Most of these funds include acetone or alcohol, which adversely affects the surface of the screen.
- Washing powder and soda. Particles that are not dissolved in water, lead to the appearance of small scratches on the monitor.
- Paper napkins and towels. Often there are poorly processed rough wood particles that scratch the surface of the TV.
- Wet wipes for hands. Such goods leave the stains on the surface, and the components that make up their composition are harmful to the anti-reflective coating.
Removal of scratches from the TV
If you find a scratch on the TV you just bought, simply return it to the store or exchange it. If a scratch appeared during operation, there are simple ways to get rid of this flaw:
- Special equipment for scratch removal from the LCD screen is sold in the hardware store. This is the surest way.
- Vaseline will help in solving this problem. Apply a small amount on a cotton swab and cover the scratched area with polishing movements.
- Varnish against scratches is a special tool that will save your TV from an unpleasant phenomenon. Before use, wipe the screen from dust. Apply the product to scratch and let it dry.
It is not necessary to implement all the usual ways of cleaning old lamp TVs on modern LCD screens. As you can see, there are simple and inexpensive methods especially for such gentle surfaces. With the help of elementary care tips, your equipment will last for many years.