The biggest problem in apartment buildings - "cardboard" wall. Because of them, we are always aware of all the events in the family's neighbors are forced to listen to their music, and wait, and when they finally finished repairs. If the neighbors have a conscious, they know when they can or can not make a noise. And if not, will have to explain this to them. The theme of this material in - to how much you can make noise in the apartment, and what to do if a strange noise does not give you normally rest.

Read article
- 1 The law of silence and its concepts
- 2 When you can and when you can not make noise
- 3 Silence mode on weekdays
- 4 Music has tied us
- 5 Repairs can not be complete
- 6 Silence mode weekends
- 7 Decibel limits and that like the noise
- 8 Penalties for the noise in the apartment
- 9 For what kind of noise do not fine
- 10 The order to prosecute troublemakers
- 11 What if the police do not want to help in resolving the issue
- 12 Salvation drowning - the handiwork ...
The law of silence and its concepts
Noise Noise strife. Loud annoying sounds that fall under the general concept of noise, are divided into repairs (Work and power tools hammer), Music (from instruments, voice and writing) and human (crying, screaming, loud noises).
Federal Law â„– 52-FZ regulates the rights of tenants in the peace and quiet and indicates the limitations that apply not only houses, but also public spaces, playgrounds and sports grounds, suburban areas and cost of health care and educational institutions.
When you can and when you can not make noise
People usually work during the day and rest at night. Disruption of the normal rhythm of rest can lead to very serious consequences for health, which is why the silence and regulated at the level of the law. He did not just say that you can not make noise at night, but also limits the scope of the permissible sound level: 55 dB during the day, at night - up to 30.
An interesting point: Federal law does not give a clear definition of the time, when to keep quiet. This time is determined for each region separately.

Silence mode on weekdays
Regions define their clocks based on the actual situation and citizens' appeals. In fact, the retreat is only one hour, plus or minus, depending on the region. silence time comes to 22 or 23 hours and ends at 6 or 7 am. In Moscow, the time of silence from 22 to 10 am, in St. Petersburg - from 22 to 8.
Music has tied us
Playing music, skillful or unskillful, often acts as an irritant. It's not the fact that someone does not like the music, just that he is not obliged to listen to it is yours.

Such a gift to the child without accompanying works on soundproofing of his room is fraught with problems for the entire entrance. So if you are considering buying a similar tool, remember the time when your child was very tiny and woke up by the noise of hard rock at a party at the neighbor.
Repairs can not be complete
Second in the ranking of a terrible source of extraneous sounds - repairs. Perforator, drill, BulgarianHammer - all the tools you will very quickly learn to recognize the noise, when your neighbors decide to venture repairs. To say that it is annoying - it does not say anything.

According to the same law of silence, weekend repairs can not be done. In some regions it allowed Saturday.
If you have such a need, discuss with the team working condition, according to which all the noisy work they need to complete to 7 pm.
Tip! If you need to do repairs to its output, pre-warn the neighbors. Good relations and understanding with them will protect you from the arrival of the police and a large fine.
Silence mode weekends
All weekend demand observance of silence from 22 hours to 10.00. The only exception is New Year's Eve: you can safely have fun until 4 am using firecrackers, firecrackers and fireworks.
Decibel limits and that like the noise
Noise is measured in decibels. Do it with the help of a special device, and if you invite employees Rospotrebnadzor or SES, they will make measurements with it.

What does this mean in practice? For example, a baby cries of 78 dB, perforator dials to 120 dB, and normal conversation is calculated only 45 dB.
Note! Standards can "move" by 10 units if the house is located near a road or railway. You will not be able to prosecute troublemakers if they exceed the threshold by only 5 units.
Penalties for the noise in the apartment
If you can not find a common language with our neighbors, we can bring them to administrative responsibility. This can be done through the district.

A fine on individuals can reach 5000 rubles for organizations - up to 200 thousand to the suspension of work in 90 days. This is a very impressive amount. For repeated violation of the amount of the fine may be doubled. When stubborn refusal to comply with the law the perpetrator can be arrested for 15 days.
For what kind of noise do not fine
Not everyone falls under the noise penalties. For example, activation alarm when trying to plunder your car entrance is not punishable.

Are not subject to administrative responsibility and the organizers of the public holidays and cultural events.
The order to prosecute troublemakers
Before calling the police, try to solve the problem yourself. In 90% of cases the noise subsides after the first observations, and no longer need to quarrel with neighbors.

Call attire - an extreme case, if you are not able to negotiate amicably. The police will conduct a preventive conversation with violators. If this does not work, write a statement the district police inspector, contact the sanitary and epidemiological stations and CPS (if the noise associated with carrying out any work close to home).
Last stage of solution of the problem - an appeal to the court. Rarely who persist to a degree usually it ends already on appeal to the police. Communication with the officers of the law, as a rule, is sobering.
What if the police do not want to help in resolving the issue
First of all, why the police are so reluctant to respond to these calls. The fact that they are always plentiful, but the results tend to be a little, well, at least for reporting, because a preventive conversation to the report does not attach. A performance by the service depends on the promotion and monthly promotion. But even if you do not care.

If the outfit yet, for some reason has not arrived, please contact again to 02 or 102. You can always phone his superiors ask - you do not have the right to give its not.
Keep in mind that if you call the outfit while intoxicated and behave inappropriately, you can find themselves in an unpleasant situation, razrulit which then will not be easy.
Salvation drowning - the handiwork ...
If you are very sensitive to other sounds, soundproofing to help you. To protect themselves from noisy neighbors is not as difficult as it seems. There are lots of materials that will help you cope with this task effortlessly. Insulate the ceiling, walls and floors of at least bedroomAnd then you will get enough sleep, even if the neighbors behind the wall appeared cranky baby without problems.
Basic rules of soundproofing material in this video:
Escape from the persistent sounds repair day, you can use the TV works or favorite music. It is not necessary to focus on this issue, and it will be easier to survive. Maybe everything will be solved very easily if to invite a neighbor for tea with gingerbread?
What do you think about this? Write in the comments!