Rating of the most useful drinks

At 60 - 80% of our body consists of water. And from what a person quenches his thirst, the state of his health, the degree of spirits and appearance are directly dependent.

In our today rating of the most useful drinks has entered a dozen products that are suitable for quenching thirst for almost everyone. They are accessible, tasty and have the most beneficial effect on the body.


  • 10. Tea.
  • 9. Red wine.
  • 8. Pomegranate juice.
  • 7. Cranberry juice or mors.
  • 6. Cocoa.
  • 5. Chamomile tea.
  • 4. Apple juice
  • 3. Mint tea.
  • 2. Kefir.
  • 1. Water

10. Tea.

This ancient drink not only tones well, but also has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, it has an anti-inflammatory effect. Useful properties are both green and black tea. It is important that the drink is freshly brewed, since the concentrate from the bottle is deprived of almost any benefit.

9. Red wine.

Scientists claim that this is an drink, useful for the heart and blood vessels of .Red wine is considered an excellent antioxidant, it is able to fight cancer cells. It is important not to exceed the recommended dose - no more than 150 grams per day.

8. Pomegranate juice.

Rich in vitamins A, C, E, as well as zinc, selenium, phosphorus, calcium and iron. It is useful in anemia and hypertension, recommended for strengthening the cardiovascular system. Do not get carried away by these juices to people with high acidity of gastric juice.

7. Cranberry juice or mors.

It has antipyretic properties, contains a lot of vitamin C, which makes it irreplaceable for viral infections. This useful drink helps to remove toxins, increases activity, has a diuretic effect. Like pomegranate juice, cranberries should be used with caution in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

6. Cocoa.

Promotes normalization of blood pressure and reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. The drink has an easy diuretic effect, is a natural antidepressant and stimulant. Among the useful substances contained in cocoa - pantothenic acid, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, potassium, manganese and vitamins - A, C, E, B1, B2, B3.

5. Chamomile tea.

Has a pronounced antibacterial effect, it relaxes and soothes nerves. Chamomile helps to restore the intestinal microflora, has a diaphoretic and analgesic effect. This drink is very useful for people suffering from migraines.

4. Apple juice

- is a useful drink for the kidneys, liver, bladder , with atherosclerosis of the vessels. Juice with pulp perfectly influences the work of the intestines and helps to remove toxins from the body. This drink helps to restore strength after considerable physical exertion.

3. Mint tea.

It's no coincidence that ranked among the top three most useful drinks. Mint improves digestion, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, reduces blood pressure, calms the nervous system and helps in the fight against insomnia. Use mint tea is necessary in a warm form.

2. Kefir.

This product is often given to nutritionists by the title " the most useful milk drink ".If the whole milk can cause an allergic reaction or problems with its assimilation, then kefir, containing special bacteria and fungi, is perfectly tolerated by almost everyone. The use of kefir improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens the immune system, contains calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and selenium.

1. Water

- is the best drink for man. Qualitative drinking water in sufficient quantity is necessary for removing toxins, preventing heart diseases, vessels and joints, maintaining the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Water can significantly improve overall health, skin and hair. To overestimate the value of H2O is really difficult! Therefore, it is water that becomes the leader of today's rating.