If you frequently spend time with friends, like meat or fish, then you just need the brick barbecue. This functionality oven It allows even cooking large pieces of meat, turning them into delicious aromatic dishes. We offer to meet with the design of the buildings and the detailed sequence of their construction.
Functional oven, allow to cook tasty meat
Read article
1 Barbecue made of bricks - a description and photos of design options
2 Advantages and disadvantages of complex barbecue of bricks
3 Design and operation of the barbecue brick
4 Where better to organize a barbecue area
5 Types of ready-made kits barbecue brick cottages
6 How to choose the design of brick barbecue: information relevant in the development of the project
7 Popular designs in brick barbecue for self-construction
8 Building their own hands barbecue oven made of brick
8.1 What are the materials and tools needed for the job: an indicative list
8.2 As with their hands to prepare a drawing for brick barbecues: tips
8.3 laying the foundation
8.4 Preparation of a clay solution
8.4.1 Turn-based barbecue masonry bricks
8.4.2 Scheme masonry barbecue
8.4.3 Construction of the furnace and the chimney
8.5 External finishing furnace barbecue
9 How much is the construction of a barbecue from a brick "turnkey" - price review
Barbecue made of bricks - a description and photos of design options
Begin drafting outdoor oven, pay attention to the barbecue made of bricks. Drawings and photos is easy to find in the public domain. Such constructions are used for the preparation of dishes on the grid, grill, kebabs. They allow you to quickly cook the meat and fish due to uneven temperatures. Offer see a photo of a brick barbecue, so you can appreciate the variety of such structures.
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Advantages and disadvantages of complex barbecue of bricks
Outdoor barbecue brick possess a number of advantages:
have an aesthetically attractive appearance;
They can be used for comfortable pastime at any time of the year;
allow to cook tasty and healthy food;
roaster has a sufficiently large area;
allows the use of fuels of different species;
design features a brazier provides uniform distribution of heat, so even a large dish baked through evenly;
quite functional and versatile. They can be used for cooking and frying fish kebab.
Presentable and functionality - the main advantages
The disadvantages of a complex of brick BBQ should include large dimensions. We have to look for a platform that will not only place a building, but also will fully comply with fire safety requirements. It will also need to place under smokehouse, hob and hood.
To install the complex requires a lot of space
Design and operation of the barbecue brick
The composition of modern systems typically include more than three furnaces. Their dimensions are determined at the design stage of the project. Such a device makes multifunction oven barbecue. It provides for a Russian stove with oven, barbecue brazier of brick smokehouse. Possible and other options. In chimney there are three or more channels, which, due to the system of valves can be isolated from each other.
The composition includes a barbecue grill, installed at 20-25 cm below the level of the side walls. Tray for continuous coal that provides sufficient traction. Smoldering coal, so there is a gradual even cooking various dishes. The height of the walls provides a formation of a warm air-flue cushion, whereby prepared food sold podkopchonny characteristic flavor.
The tray under the grille is performed solid
Where better to organize a barbecue area
When choosing a barbecue location is taken into account a number of factors. It should be:
away from the flammable substances;
away from trees;
in the lee of buildings;
far from wiring.
Positioning complex preferably away from home (at a minimum distance of 5 m). At the same time at a minimum distance from the kitchen to the mistress was convenient to prepare. Complex desirable tile using tiles or brick. All wooden elements covered with flame retardant.
When choosing a location to consider fire safety requirements
Types of ready-made kits barbecue brick cottages
Deciding to buy a barbecue set brick to give, pay attention to the oven-barbecue:
"Gardening". Suitable for year-round use. It consists of eight elements and the steel pipe. mounted on foundation. At a height of 1.8 m has dimensions of 1 m × 0,8;
"Prestige". It weighs 600 kg. At a height of 2.4 m has dimensions of 1.3 × 1.05 m;
"Picnic". It weighs 670 kg. Allows installation trochanter. Powered by wood and coal;
"Fairy tale". Weight - 500 kg. For the preparation of coal should only be used dishes. At a height of 2.3 m has dimensions of 1.2 × 0.8 m.
Before you buy from a brick barbecue, keep in mind that reviews the finished design is not always positive.
More on ForumHouse: https://www.forumhouse.ru/threads/199413/
How to choose the design of brick barbecue: information relevant in the development of the project
Among the many different barbecue options the most popular are:
Barbeque oven manufactured with the sweeping over hobThrough which the outlet of smoke from the brazier;
Only preparing barbecue
Complexes barbecue, with its broad functionality;
The structure provides opportunities
Fireplace BBQ.
Fireplace, near which is always comfortable
Complexes are performed and the front corner. May have a plurality of elements, the need for the presence of which in each case is determined individually. Judging from the drawings and photographs, barbecue dimensions frontal brick of the type generally 3.7 × 1.3 m, angle -. 2,5 × 3 m Good design may include not only the brazier, but smokehouse, countertop, Area intended for cooking, various cabinets, and more.
Attention! The choice in favor of a large complex will allow to diversify the list of prepared dishes.
Front complex with broad functionality
Popular designs in brick barbecue for self-construction
If you decide to make their own brick barbecue, projects already implemented solutions will fall very handy. We offer to meet with popular options that can be recreated on own site.
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Building their own hands barbecue oven made of brick
Getting to the construction of brick barbecue oven with his own hands, it is necessary to properly prepare. It needs not only materials and tools but also an accurate knowledge of technology, drawings, according to which the works will be performed. We offer to find out how to build a self-similar construction on its site.
To build their own barbecue, everyone can, if desired,
What are the materials and tools needed for the job: an indicative list
When choosing materials for the building, it is necessary to know how to use the brick barbecue. It needs red and fireclay. The latter is designed for masonry firebox.
Attention! The required amount of bricks depend on the design features and dimensions of the stove being built.
Also required:
casting furnace. The list, the size and number determined at the stage of development of the drawing;
concrete for the device foundation or basic components for its preparation;
reinforcement for increasing the strength characteristics of the foundation;
Metal sheet;
boards formwork;
waterproofing material;
construction level;
saw for wet cutting bricks;
Bulgarian with suitable circles;
hammer with rubber brisk;
template for a semicircular arch.
The list of tools is indicative
As with their hands to prepare a drawing for brick barbecues: tips
Getting to the development of their own hands drawing of brick barbecues, consider the following points:
area and strength characteristics of the foundation of the future building. The foundation must be designed for future operating load;
design features and future furnace height;
design features roasters, skewers and grilles;
the presence of the canopy or pergola. When present, can not be affected by weather conditions;
the presence of additional elements. Furthermore barbecue, or may be provided smokehouse wash. They must be present in the figure;
wind protection system;
coal storage space;
design features smoke removal systems.
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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"Getting to the development of a brick barbecue drawing their own hands, free download ready-made solutions. They can be used as a basis. "
laying the foundation
The quality of the base depends on the life of the barbecue made of bricks in the pavilion. The work begins with the preparation of the pit. To remove this layer and is removed fertile soil to a depth of 20-25 cm.
Attention! Dimensions are laying the foundation depends on the size and design features barbecue. They should be more than 0.5 m oven sizes in all directions.
Further work may be performed in the following sequence.
Description of the action
On leveled bottom of the pit is filled and compacted layer pyatnadtsatisantimetrovy middle fraction rubble. Fill a small layer of concrete. perform reinforcement of foundation. To do this, trying to drive the rods through the same distance, and laid them up and down, connecting the intersection point.
Fill the concrete to the level of the pit, close the top metal sheet and leave for three days. The sheet should be laid on the bricks to prevent its contact with grouted.
Expose the formwork and continue to pour the foundation.
If you want to explore the sequence alone, watching this video.
Preparation of a clay solution
dark red clay chosen for the furnace brickwork. It is soaked for a day prior to the preparation of the solution and the day thoroughly. For soaked clay added to the sand in the ratio 1: 2. To increase the ductility of the adhesive is introduced for stoves and fireplaces (about 3% by volume). The composition is thoroughly mixed. You can start laying.
Clay solution requires proper preparation
Turn-based barbecue masonry bricks
Price of masonry barbecue brick It depends on many factors. In carrying out the work, you can greatly reduce the cost of construction works. If you decide to do without the help of experts, we offer watch a video that describes step by step the masonry brick barbecue.
Scheme masonry barbecue
Choosing poryadovkoy scheme depends on the design features of a particular oven, The presence or absence of particular elements. Doubting his abilities, to choose the easiest option. Cauldron and grill will complicate the procedure works, but you can always cope if desired.
Construction of the furnace and the chimney
For the furnace tube and used refractory bricks. Formation tube usually starts with 18 rows. In each of these openings is removed to narrow quarter-brick. This is done to 28 series. Chimney It should be equipped with a latch.
Attention! Instead of brick, for example the installation of a metal box.
We think the following video instructions will be interesting.
External finishing furnace barbecue
Getting to the exterior design, the finish should be harmonized with the style of the house and other buildings that are coming on the site. A single decor should be available to all elements of the complex.
special face brick used for exterior trim
How much is the construction of a barbecue from a brick "turnkey" - price review
Perform all complex of works on their own under the force not to everyone. But many are interested in the price of a brick barbecue "turnkey". Here, everything will depend on many factors including the size of the structure and its design features. If you decide to order a barbecue made of bricks, note the average cost of popular models.
The average price (as of July 2019), rub.
140 000
140 000
250 000
200 000
180 000
If you have a brick barbecues, share photos in the comments. Tell us how this structure appeared on your site, and how much you satisfied its functionality.