To form the coating in the areas exposed to precipitation, commonly used decking. Decking has a number of advantages due to its high performance. Manufacturers offer different sized boards. You can choose the color and design. We offer to meet with the main varieties, to make it easier to make a choice in favor of either option.

Read article
- 1 Applications decking
- 2 Variety of decking
- 2.1 natural
- 2.2 Heat-treated
- 2.3 impregnated
- 2.4 Wood-polymer
- 3 Sizes and colors
- 4 Shaped face and the types of joints
- 5 Advantages and disadvantages
- 6 leading manufacturers
- 7 How to choose decking: consider the appointment of
- 7.1 For paving terraces, garden paths and recreation areas
- 7.2 For devices berths and platforms surrounding the pool
- 7.3 For the facades of buildings
- 8 As laid decking (decking): basic ways
- 8.1 Open
- 8.2 Closed
- 9 Use and Care
Applications decking
Field of use quite extensive. It is actively used for decoration:
- of open terraces;
- adjacent to the home territories;
- flooring in the open roof, balconies, veranda, accounting for a serious competition to the parquet;
- garden paths;
- zone adjacent to the basin;
- children's playground;
- public places.

Variety of decking
Manufacturer You can find different types of decking. You can choose from an array of composite materials. It is worth to get acquainted with the peculiarities of each species, to decide which will be best exploited in certain conditions.

Quality decking board from an array is an exclusive and expensive option. little-known species of trees used for its manufacture, grown in Asia, Africa and South America. The special texture of the material, proper care allow for the service life of up to 80 years.
For example, decking of massaranduba has high moisture resistance. This decking is capable of withstanding a significant operational burden. This red tree contains a large amount of rubber resins to prevent mold growth. Kekatong (macadamia nuts) differs strength and stability. Capable of retaining properties even when in contact with salt water.

Such decking is exposed to high temperature. Due to treatment at 200 ° C, it becomes possible to completely change the properties of the boards, to reduce weight, to give a noble honey color. Subjected to steaming decking, remaining materials are environmentally friendly, good resistance to significant temperature vibrations, resists the appearance of mold and mildew, has good thermal insulation properties without any additional processing. However, due to the low density of the surface layer, such decking is not the best one for areas with intensive load.

To protect decking from adverse environmental factors also uses impregnation, in which the decking is treated with special compounds. As a result, significantly increased wood resistance to decay, but substantially changed hue. Subjected to this treatment the tree is able to last for 15-20 years, on condition that it will not be machined. As a result, planing or grinding deleted formed protective layer and as a result, the unique properties of the boards.
Impregnation of wood exposed to inexpensive wood: pine or spruce. available technology significantly reduces the selling price of the material. For processing decking manufacturers use compositions protect the wood from rain, biological effects, which increase fire resistance. Often a combination of drugs used.

This decking is sometimes called the plastic or polymer decking. Composite material:
- is not afraid to mechanical impact;
- It does not contribute to the appearance of fungus;
- not subject to combustion.
Manufacturers offer unpolished and polished boards.

Sizes and colors
Ready decking may have different thicknesses. Depending on this parameter, it can be divided into:
- thin (18-22 mm);
- medium (25-30 mm);
- thick (42-48 mm).
The width may vary in the range 90-250 mm, with the standard length 3, 4 or 6 meters. For small areas manufacturers offer decking tile. Its size can range from 25 × 25 × 50 cm² to 50 cm².

Color boards may be any. If desired, one can always achieve the desired shade through toning. However, remember, if initially for the manufacture of decking used dark wood, to achieve a lighter shade will be difficult or impossible.

Shaped face and the types of joints
We decking form the front surface can be:
- corrugated. This decking has a more expressive design. It ensures an adequate level of security while walking;
- smooth. This flooring is much easier to clean, as in this case, the surface easier to clean from dirt. Own board look like natural wood.

The configuration edge decking determines the type formed by the junction. Flooring can be:
- suture. Laying decking performed with a gap of 5-10 mm. With this embodiment manages fast bed coating and to ensure timely removal of water from the deck. However, cracks are often formed remains rubbish stuck heels and sprouting grass;
- seamless. Connection element is carried out by tongue and groove. The gap between the stacked elements 2-3 mm. The result is a one-piece surface with high hardness and strength. In order to timely water drainage slope formed 2-3º provided flooring.
Advantages and disadvantages
For decking is characterized by many advantages. These include:
- moisture resistance. They do not absorb moisture. These boards do not require additional processing and can easily withstand the impact of atmospheric precipitation;
- resistance to fluctuations in temperature and humidity under which the conventional cracking timber;
- frost. Decking can be operated in the northern regions;
- high mechanical strength;
- biological resistance. The panels are not attractive to pests. On the surface does not appear fungus and mold;
- resistance to aggressive environments. Decking can withstand the impact of salt without loss of performance;
- non-slip surface. The presence of corrugations makes the floor slip even in the rain or wet cleaning;
- ease of maintenance. to corrosive substances resistance allows use of household detergents (non-acidic). KDP does not require periodic staining;
- long service life;
- the possibility of drainage organization providing timely drainage;
- presentable.
The disadvantage is:
- presence of non-natural components in some species decking, by means of which the required operational characteristics;
- cost.

leading manufacturers
Quality products are offered by many manufacturers. Noteworthy decking from:
- Polywood. The catalog domestic manufacturer represented hollow boards WPC in 6 colors with different densities and sizes;
- MultiDeck. Russian company offers three product varieties;
- Terradeck. The company from Russia offers composite decking from an array of Brazilian Ipe wood;
- Twinson. Swedish manufacturer offers KDP different densities and panels of the array;
- Werzalit. German brand offers high-quality board of the same size;
- ProDecking. Russian manufacturer produces decking of the same size;
- WoodVex. Company of South Korea offers quality decking;
- Legro. Hungarian company produces adequate material with high performance;
- Rehau. The company offers high-quality decking;
- Holzhof. In the Czech manufacturer presented the panel with precise geometry.

How to choose decking: consider the appointment of
To selected decking served for a long time, when you purchase, be sure to take into account the operating conditions. This will form a quality floor covering with a long service life.
For paving terraces, garden paths and recreation areas
Decking in this case, will be subjected to considerable mechanical stress. So that it can last for a long time, you should choose the material with the highest density and thickness.

For devices berths and platforms surrounding the pool
around the pool area or berth suffers less from the load. For her, the main problem is the humidity. Withstand such operating conditions can material with an average density and thickness.
Tip! Everything for berths instead of decking can be used deck.

For the facades of buildings
The outer walls of the house are not subject to mechanical stress, so you can choose the lining material with a minimum thickness and density.

As laid decking (decking): basic ways
The process of laying decking may differ. To form a strong and smooth flooring are requested to meet with a work order, depending on the choice of the particular mode.

Mounting decking is carried on a solid pre-aligned base: concrete screed, wood, adjustable feet, etc. From installation to the ground should be abandoned. The distance between the beams depends on the material from which they are made. The best is 40 cm.
Attention! Laying decking on consideration of the recommendations of the manufacturer.
Between the flooring and the wall mountable leave a gap of at least 0.8 cm. The distance between the ends of the boards and depends on the length of the latter. If she:
- less than 4 m, the gap is not allowed;
- 4-6 m left 0.3 cm;
- 6 m - 0.45 cm.
When assembling the open manner to mount decking joists made via screws. For the convenience of work in exotic wood decking should pre-drill the holes.

Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
"If mounted with cedar boards, pine or larch, from the pre-treatment of holes can be dispensed with."
Strips bolted to the joists with screws. Hats caps decorated with hardware or with special glue, which color should match the color of the flooring formed.

When installing the closed method is used special screw, which is not visible from the front. We offer watch the video below to understand the order of the installation work:
Use and Care
Decking has high performance and good resistance to mechanical impacts. However, it is not recommended to use mechanical cleaning scrapers, shovels, brushes and other tools that can damage the floor. The best option is a high-pressure washing.
Tip! If on the surface appeared small defects, get rid of them, you can use small nazhdachki.
To improve performance, decking further processed various compositions:
- varnish. The choice is made in favor of the alkyd and facade means forming a waterproof coating;
- paint. Used latex, latex, oil, polyurethane;
- oil. The best option, allows you to fill the microcracks and increase the strength of the foundations.
When the operation should be borne in mind that, after awhile, some decking can change its color. It is a feature of the fabric and is not marriage.
Share in the comments, if you have used the decking for floors? Decking what to choose?